Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3469 As you wish

Kong Aoyang frowned and said: "Ye Xinghe, please be cautious. Unless it is an extremely dangerous situation, you will not use this treasure."

Several people looked at it.

When they saw clearly the words that appeared on the bamboo slips, they were all shocked.

"What, the monster invasion!"

"The South Heavenly King and the West Heavenly King jointly invaded. There are a total of three million demon clan troops. Now they are coming with great momentum. They are only half a month away from our Zhendong Commandery Defense Area!"...

Even if everyone reached such a high position, they were immediately panicked.

An army of three million monsters invaded. They had never dreamed of such a battle, not to mention they had seen it before!

The peace between the Heavenly Demon World and the Xuanhuang World has been maintained for hundreds of thousands of years.

The largest battle they participated in only involved a few thousand monsters.

It felt tragic enough at the time.

However, compared with the current army of three million monsters, that is nothing worth mentioning!

Thinking about three million powerful demon clansmen makes you despair!

No one expected that there would be an invasion of the world of demons.

It exploded suddenly without any warning!

Nie Chengxiao frowned slightly and said, "Could it be that Ye Xinghe made a mistake? Why didn't we get any information before?"

Kong Aoyang's expression turned cold and he didn't speak yet.

Cao Zhaoxiong then said: "Nie Chengxiao, I know you had some rifts with Ye Xinghe before, but this is not the time to dwell on personal grudges."

"We have become familiar with Ye Xinghe's temperament in the past six months. If we didn't get the exact information, he would never have summoned him."

"Moreover, he also made it very clear that he met a bloodthirsty demon bat and used the Iron Claw Soul Searching Technique to search the other person's memory. Are you doubting the Iron Claw Soul Searching Technique?"

Nie Chengxiao's face turned hot, and he quickly bent down to apologize, not daring to say anything more.

Kong Aoyang calmed down and said: "We don't need to panic too much. Didn't Ye Xinghe also give us a way to deal with the enemy?"

"Everyone, what do you think of this method?"

After reading it, Nie Chengxiao's face turned pale and his voice trembled.

"This method is too risky. Our Zhendong Commander-in-Chief only has a team of 300,000 people and only has about 300,000 troops. Even if we don't face the entire demon army, we probably have no chance of winning!"

"My idea is that it's better to stick around and wait for help. With the defensive formation here, the demon clan won't be able to do anything to us for a while."

One or two deputy commanders also agreed and nodded.

Only Cao Zhaoxiong frowned and said nothing.

Kong Aoyang glanced at Nie Chengxiao and shouted in a low voice: "Everyone, if you are waiting for help, why did Ye Xinghe risk his life to send back this information?"

"Ye Xinghe's hard work has all been in vain!"

Nie Chengxiao retorted: "I did this to save everyone's lives. Ye Xinghe's move was too risky. He wanted the 300,000 troops under the command of Zhendong Commander to be buried with him!"

Kong Aoyang ignored him, looked at Cao Zhaoxiong, and said loudly: "Commander, according to Ye Xinghe's plan, if it succeeds, we can kill the monster army, numbering more than hundreds of thousands!"

"Not only can it greatly reduce the pressure on the rear, but also everyone here can make great contributions. When the time comes, it is unknown whether we will be stationed at the legion headquarters!"

"And even if his plan fails, we can still stand firm in place, and the effect will be the same as standing firm here now."

"The Commander-in-Chief hopes to make a decision soon, don't let Ye Xinghe's hard work be let down!"

Cao Zhaoxiong's eyes flashed, as if he was thinking about something.

Finally, the caution in his eyes was replaced by light burning like fire.

After a long time, he suddenly gave a wry smile and whispered: "I really felt that I was getting old just now. At that moment, I wanted to stay here, wait for help, and be more conservative."

Nie Chengxiao said in shock: "Commander, what do you want?"

Cao Zhaoxiong suddenly straightened his body, hit his chest with his right fist, and roared in a low voice: "When I think of my youth, I think of my original intention of joining the Demon Suppression Legion, I think of every fight with the demon clan, I think of In the past hundreds and thousands of years, I have killed those who died at the hands of the demon clan. Now, I want to avenge them!"

He faced everyone and said sternly: "Everyone, please stop trying to persuade anyone. I have made up my mind and will follow Ye Xinghe's method!"

"Immediately pass the order. The 300,000 troops under my command, Commander-in-Chief Zhendong, will set off tomorrow at the latest and rush to the nine-day battlefield to lay a trap!" Nie Chengxiao and others were helpless, but they did not dare to refute.

Everyone respectfully accepted the order and left.

Kong Aoyang walked to the window, looked at the bright sunset in the distance, and said softly: "General, this trip may never come back."

Cao Zhaoxiong laughed: "Then you'll never come back!"

Then, Cao Zhaoxiong personally replied to Ye Xinghe.

There are also two bamboo shoots on Ye Xinghe's side.

A bamboo slip was used to send messages, and a bamboo joint was used to receive replies.

At this time, they were far away in the Nine Heavens battlefield.

Ye Xinghe anxiously waited with the remaining bamboo slip.

Finally, the writing on it emerged.

Only four words.

As you wish!

Ye Xinghe immediately clenched his fists excitedly and roared.

"It's done!"

This matter was an extremely grand plan that he came up with.

If it succeeds, it will be enough to annihilate part of the demon army!

While weakening the strength of the demon clan, it can also provide them with a huge deterrent.

Moreover, it can also provide time for the demon-suppressing army to assemble.

It can be said to be of great significance!

This matter is extremely difficult. It can be said that to do it, you must be cautious every step of the way. It is difficult to reach the sky.

But what Ye Xinghe cared about was never whether he could do it.

He is confident in himself.

What he is worried about is precisely that Cao Zhaoxiong and others do not support this plan.

If this is the case, there is absolutely no chance of success.

He had no choice but to retreat sadly.

Unexpectedly, Cao Zhaoxiong actually agreed!

In Ye Xinghe's estimation, they only have a 30% chance of agreeing.

Unexpectedly, not only did I agree, but I also agreed so quickly and decisively!

It was beyond Ye Xinghe's expectation.

At this point, his mood instantly relaxed, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He looked into the depths of the Nine Heavens battlefield.

"Wait and see how I give you a head-on blow!"

Ye Xinghe immediately led this group of elites to retreat quickly.

Two days later, they caught up with the 30,000-man team that had retreated before.

He summoned the three captains of ten thousand men together to discuss the matter.

After that, three captains of ten thousand men led the army to continue its retreat.

Two days later, they arrived at an outpost.

There are nearly 10,000 troops in this outpost position.

After adding these three 10,000-strong teams, the number of strong men reached about 40,000.

However, Ye Xinghe led them but did not stay in this outpost for long.

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