Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3470 Attack

Instead, they advanced into the Nine Heavens battlefield for about three hours.

Finally, they came to a ruin.

This was an abandoned outpost, where a 10,000-man army had been stationed before.

However, it was destroyed in a monster invasion.

Moreover, this outpost was relatively close to the previous outpost.

So it was just left here and was not rebuilt.

After 40,000 strong men entered this abandoned outpost.

They immediately began to lay out the formation according to Ye Xinghe's order.

Two days later, the formation was laid out.

However, Ye Xinghe deliberately suppressed the aura of the formation with a special treasure.

So that from the outside, this place still looked like an abandoned outpost.

There was no difference from before.

Then, under Ye Xinghe's order, 40,000 strong men began to disperse everywhere.

They hid in various places.

It was very easy to hide 40,000 strong men in such a large outpost.

Then, Ye Xinghe led the elite of the four 10,000-man teams and left quietly.

Deep in the Nine Heavens battlefield.

This is a broken meteorite zone, thousands of miles in radius.

There are scattered giant meteorites everywhere.

The large ones have a diameter of one or two kilometers, and the small ones are just like a house.

They are densely packed and floating here.

Endless meteorites almost formed a huge meteorite belt.

But it is an excellent hiding place.

Being in it, even if you pass by outside this meteorite belt, it is absolutely impossible to find it.

Moreover, the meteorite belt is extremely complex.

The army can't display it at all.

At the edge of the meteorite belt, there is a huge meteorite on the back.

There are countless densely packed meteorite craters here, enough to accommodate thousands of people.

More than a thousand strong men are scattered in it, and they will not be discovered at all.

In a meteorite crater, Ye Xinghe appeared and looked outside this meteorite belt.

This is the hiding place he chose.

He had been ambushing here for several days with hundreds of elite soldiers from his four 10,000-man teams.

The reason why he chose this place was not only because the terrain was complex and good for hiding.

More importantly, this was the only way for the demon army.

After leading hundreds of elite soldiers to go deep into the Nine Heavens battlefield again.

Ye Xinghe captured two more bloodthirsty demon bats.

Moreover, he used the Iron Claw Soul Searching Technique to get some more specific information from these two bloodthirsty demon bats.

For example, the route of the demon army's movement, the specific time, etc.

These were extremely precious to Ye Xinghe.

They had been waiting here for five days and five nights.

Hu Quanzhong asked softly, "Sir, why don't we send some scouts out? Wouldn't that be like being blind and deaf?"

Ye Xinghe smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry. The passage of three million demon army is earth-shaking. We can definitely know it without sending scouts."

"Moreover, if we rashly send scouts out and are captured by the demons, all our plans will be completely ruined."

While talking, Ye Xinghe suddenly seemed to have a sense and roared in a low voice, "Here they come. Everyone, cover your breath and don't reveal a single thing!"

Everyone's faces also showed a mixture of excitement, excitement, fear, etc.

But in any case, since the demon army has arrived, they finally don't have to wait here.

This kind of torture is the most exhausting.

Ye Xinghe then waved his hand, and a ray of light flashed.

The magic circle that had been engraved long ago took shape instantly.

The aura of the magic circle spread out, covering the back of this huge meteorite.

The aura of all human strongmen was covered by this magic circle.

No more leaks.

For this battle, Ye Xinghe thought of all the changes.

Concealing the breath, such a small matter will naturally not be missed.

Then, Ye Xinghe also quietly hid his body, looking at the front without blinking.

The roars and roars of countless demons came from afar.

They obviously had no intention of concealing, and the breath of the demons soared into the sky.

These millions of demons are all big demons that can be counted.

If it were a few decades ago, Ye Xinghe would probably not be able to beat any of them.

The breath of the sky demon soared into the sky, and the breath of countless sky demons merged together.

Formed an extremely huge air column.

Looking at this air column from afar, the radius is tens of thousands of miles, rushing straight into the sky, piercing the clouds.

Even the chaos that seemed to have existed since ancient times on the battlefield of the Nine Heavens was shattered by this air column.

Such momentum is shocking.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe saw countless giant flags appear in front of him.

These flags are simple and crude.

Many of them were just a huge metal pole wrapped with a large piece of cloth.

Some of the cloth was even torn and had many holes.

Some were stained with blood and dark red.

But there was an indescribable killing intent that came towards them.

The ones holding the flags were dozens of monsters about a hundred meters tall and shaped like giant apes.

Various monsters came one after another, and at a glance, there were hundreds or thousands of them.

The three million monster army was not gathered in a large group and marched forward like this.

That would not solve the various problems of supply during the march of the large army.

In fact, the demon clan has been fighting for so long in the world of demons.

He has been fighting against the powerful humans of the Xuanhuang World for so long.

He has already learned many methods of the human race.

The army of three million monsters was also divided into teams.

However, it is not like the human race, which is like a team of ten thousand people.

They are divided into military divisions of varying sizes according to their ethnic groups.

Some military divisions are very large, consisting of a large ethnic group, and may have tens of thousands of monsters.

Some military divisions are relatively small, perhaps only two to three thousand.

The army of millions of monsters also rides on huge magic weapons similar to floating cloud boats.

Traveling at high speed on the nine-day battlefield.

They also learned this floating cloud boat from the Xuanhuang World.

Although demons are born with the ability to fly.

Most demon clans can also cross the void, but they also need to consume a lot of energy.

There is a floating cloud boat to travel around, why not do it.

These floating cloud boats of the Monster Clan are quite crudely built.

The array above is not very complete either.

Some are even simply made of powerful materials.

There isn't even a magic circle on it.

Traveling through the nine-day battlefield, there was a crunching sound.

It seemed like it could collapse at any moment.

But their floating cloud boats are built extremely large.

It can easily accommodate tens of thousands of monsters, with huge monsters crowded together.

At this time, Ye Xinghe was hiding on the ruins and saw the demon clan coming from the sky.

More than three million monsters are divided into thousands of large and small armies.

Almost across a distance of tens of thousands of miles.

You know, these demon clans are not only numerous in number.

Moreover, one body is also very large.

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