Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3471 Ambush

Naturally, it is not like a human march, which only requires a small group.

On top of the tens of thousands of miles long battle line, the demon clan came from across the sky.

Just like the stormy waves formed above the vast ocean, they turned into a black line and surged in.

It seems that the land in front of me is going to be smashed into pieces!

For a moment, Ye Xinghe felt that apart from the endless demon clan, there were countless huge floating cloud boats in the sky.

There is nothing else but the flying pennants in the sky.

With such momentum, even he couldn't help but hold his breath.

I just felt my scalp numb.

Next to him, Hu Quanzhong whispered: "Sir, what should we do?"

Ye Xinghe's subtle voice spread to everyone's ears.

"Don't act rashly. Follow my orders later."

"After their army has passed a certain distance, we will choose one of the weaker ones to attack."

Everyone nodded silently.

The monster army passed by one after another.

They did not notice this team hidden in the meteorite belt.

In fact, this area has already been swept back and forth many times by the bloodthirsty monster bats.

No abnormalities were found.

This is also an important reason why Ye Xinghe led everyone to hide here.

The demon army is currently in a state of darkness.

The aura of the demon clan rose into the sky, and many powerful human beings who were shocked also turned pale.

That aura was so strong that some strong human beings were almost unable to suppress their own strength.

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly, waved his palms, and shot out more than a dozen barriers to strengthen the magic circle.

Only then did the risk of breath exposure stop.

Then, he took out some concentration pills and asked everyone to swallow them.

After everyone took the elixir, their auras stabilized.

This is not because they are timid.

It's really because the combined momentum of these monster armies is too tyrannical.

The army of three million monsters advanced for four to five hours.

Almost half of the troops have passed by.

There is still boundlessness in front of us, as if it blocks out the sky and the sun.

Suddenly, Ye Xinghe's eyes lit up.

Look at a team of monsters appearing not far ahead.

The number of this demon army is approximately two thousand.

Among the military divisions, they can be regarded as very few in number.

Almost all of them are composed of a single group, which is a giant silver wolf with a head about tens of meters long.

Waves of white cold air emitted from the surface of these silver wolves' bodies.

Wherever they passed, ice formed in the void.

These silver wolves did not ride on the floating cloud boat.

Instead, he kept jumping in the void.

Where they are about to fall, there will be ice formed.

It jumped above the ice and then jumped to the next point.

The speed of progress is quite fast.

But Ye Xinghe could tell at a glance that their strength was absolutely average.

He is not even qualified to ride on the floating cloud boat, so he can only make his way on his own.

Moreover, the ethnic group is also relatively weak.

The leader is a silver wolf with a row of golden hair on its head, about eighty meters in length.

The strength has just reached the four-star Tianzun.

Ye Xinghe's eyes lit up and he thought to himself: "This is it!"

For him, choosing a weak enough military commander is the most important thing.

As long as the opponent is weak enough, it meets his requirements.

Only then can he launch a series of plans, the weaker the better.

Ye Xinghe winked at the powerful human beings who were hiding in the crater.

Everyone understood immediately, their breath surged instantly, and they adjusted their condition to the best.

Ye Xinghe counted silently in his heart.

A few moments later, the Silver Wolf Army passed by a huge meteorite.

Ye Xinghe's eyes flashed with light, and he roared in his heart: "Now!"

He smashed the hidden magic circle into pieces in an instant, and his figure rose up at extremely fast speeds.

In an instant, they arrived in front of the leading giant silver wolf.

The long black knife in his hand slashed down hard.

A roar: "Die!"

The leading giant silver wolf was instantly stunned.

They were rushing among the army, never expecting to encounter a human ambush.

Moreover, he was the one who ambushed him.

It was simply unexpected.

Caught off guard, he didn't even have time to defend himself.

Ye Xinghe's sword struck down hard.

The giant lead silver wolf only had time to roar.

The instinctive claws swung over and hit Ye Xinghe hard.

And Ye Xinghe's Heavenly Demon World-Destroying Divine Art instantly made a judgment.

Ye Xinghe is now at the peak of the Four-Star Heavenly Lord, and he controls the world's origin power of one and a half levels of the Xuanming Realm.

Completely overpowering this giant silver wolf.

Judgment passed!

The knife fell down, and that wonderful feeling came over again.

The next moment, the leading giant silver wolf let out a shrill scream.

This sword cut its heart into pieces.

The giant silver wolf was directly slashed and flew out, blood spurting out from its body.

He twitched a few times in the air, and immediately lost his breath.

Until now, its eyes were still filled with doubts and disbelief.

"Where did these human ambush soldiers come from?"

"Why did they ambush me?"

"Our Silver Wolf tribe is also one of the weakest among the demon clan. Is it worth being ambushed?"

It will never figure this out until it dies.

At this time, Ye Xinghe stretched out his hand and grabbed a ball of silver-white light in the air.

It is the origin of the demon world.

He has now roughly figured it out.

In the origin of the world of monsters, the more powerful the monsters are, the easier it is for them to appear. ..

The higher the status in the ethnic group, the easier it is to appear.

Like this giant silver wolf, although its pack strength is average.

However, it serves as the leader of the Silver Wolf tribe.

Therefore, the origin of the demon world can also appear.

And almost at the same time as Ye Xinghe started.

Hu Quanzhong and others also used their strongest strength to kill these silver giant wolves.

Although there are not many people in Ye Xinghe's belt, there are only a few hundred.

But they are the elites selected from four teams of ten thousand people.

There are many three-star and four-star heavenly beings inside.

For this Silver Wolf Military Division, it was a complete crushing.

In an instant, almost everyone killed their chosen opponent directly.

The next moment, the long black knives in Ye Xinghe's hand fell one after another.

Another dozen silver giant wolves were killed.

Three moments.

The time set by Ye Xinghe for everyone is only three moments.

As soon as the three moments arrived, he immediately evacuated.

In three seconds, Ye Xinghe and others killed more than 1,500 silver giant wolves.

This giant wolf military commander was almost killed.

As soon as the three moments arrived, Ye Xinghe did not hesitate and roared: "Go to the floating cloud boat!"

Everyone rode the floating cloud boat at extremely fast speeds, and immediately entered the meteorite belt and disappeared.

Until this moment, the demon army had not even come back to their senses.

Ye Xinghe and others came and left even faster.

Just three short moments.

Moreover, the demon army is still advancing, rolling forward.

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