Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3484: The Dilemma of the Demon Suppressing Legion!

"Lord Commander, although our plan and what happened here will be known to King Nan Tian, ​​even if he knows, he will not be able to attack me. At most, the subsequent plans will not be carried out."

Cao Zhaoxiong's brows were still full of worry.

He frowned and said, "It's good that you're not abnormal now."

"But do you know that the strength of Nantian King is still difficult to estimate."

At this same moment, far away in the depths of the Jiutian battlefield, there was an army of monsters.

King Nantian was practicing meditation on the floating cloud boat, carefully feeling the power rules of this world.

After entering this world, his strength was greatly reduced.

The rules here exclude him all the time, and even attack him crazily.

When Nan Tianwang was at his earliest stage, his strength was only about 30% of what he was at his peak.

It has now recovered to 80%.

He estimated that he would wait until he fought with the human army.

His strength should be able to return to its peak.

When the time comes, there will be nothing to be afraid of.

But at this moment, his heart suddenly jumped hard, and he felt an unspeakable ominous premonition.

It is an instinct derived from the life of a powerful demon race.

Something very bad seemed to have happened.

He frowned and whispered to himself.

"What happened?"

He glanced at the demon army and saw that the three million demon army were all safe and sound.

Then there's only one thing.

"Did something happen to the owl wolf?"


He murmured softly: "I already think highly of those humans and sent an army of 300,000 to chase them. How can something happen with ten times the force?"

Suddenly, he frowned and grabbed his hand in the air.

Suddenly, a red light appeared in the void.

Like a spiritual snake.

It was the red light that the owl wolf emitted before dying.

This red light condenses all its spiritual power.

Almost 70% of his cultivation level was poured into it.

The power inside is extremely huge, so not even Cao Zhaoxiong can stop it.

Nan Tianwang's expression changed and he stretched out his hand to grab it.

When the red light fell into his hands, it became extremely docile.

The next moment it suddenly disappeared.

In King Nan Tian's mind, scenes appeared instantly.

The owl wolf led the army to pursue them until they entered the Iron Wall Pass.

Then he was ambushed, his entire army was wiped out, and he was finally beheaded.

This scene is all before our eyes.

In the last scene, the owl wolf was covered in blood and shouted fiercely.

"King Nantian, you must avenge me!"

His face was ferocious and extremely angry.

"It turned out that something happened to them!"

Nantian Wang slowly clenched his fists and stood up suddenly, with a fierce look on his face.

And Chu could hardly control his monstrous murderous intent, and the pressure poured out from the sky.

In an instant, the entire floating cloud boat was shaken.

The surrounding void was shaking.

Even the everlasting clouds and mist in the nine-day battlefield seemed to be afraid of it and spread around.

The pressure is overwhelming.

The entire demon army covers a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

In an instant, the entire demon army became restless.

Even some of the top demon clan masters were curled up on the ground, shivering.

I dare not face the majesty of Nantian King.

Only a breath rose into the sky.

In an instant, he arrived in front of Nantian King.

This is a silver-haired man with a thin build and several red lines on his face.

Looks handsome and enchanting.

He frowned slightly, looked at Nan Tianwang and said, "What happened?"

He knew without thinking that it must be a big deal.

Because, at this moment, Nantian Wang rarely lost his composure.

With his scheming intentions, if he wanted him to act like this, it can be seen that his mood must be extremely shaken.

The silver-haired man who arrived was the King of the West.

He knows Nan Tianwang very well.

King Nan Tian slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, closed his eyes and said: "The owl wolf is dead, and all his 300,000 troops have been wiped out!"


King Xitian couldn't help but shrink his pupils after hearing this, and slowly clenched his fists.

Disbelief was written all over his face.

Xiaolang is the most effective general in this army and is extremely powerful.

Moreover, the 300,000 troops under its command are also extremely elite forces.

With its death, the number of the three million monster army seemed to have been reduced by 10%.

In fact, the overall strength was reduced by about 20%.

More importantly, the general was killed before the battle began.

If this news spreads, it will be a huge blow to the morale of the entire demon army.

However, King Xitian is a great hero of his generation.

He quickly broke away from his anger and shock and thought about what to do.

He went through the whole thing in detail in his mind.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration occurred, and he frowned and said, "Tell me, why do the human army not fight us head-on, but instead frequently harass us?"

"They clearly know that our demon army has arrived and can capture our whereabouts."

"The result was first an ambush, then a small army pursuit, killing one of our military commanders, and then using our eagerness for revenge to lure the owl wolf's army to go deep alone, set up an ambush again, and destroy the 300,000-strong army."

"Since they have this strength and ability, why don't they intercept our demon army openly?"

King Nan Tian was overwhelmed by hatred.

At this time, he forced himself to calm down, frowned and asked: "Why?"

King Xitian said calmly: "It means they are not strong enough, it means they have no confidence, so they frequently attack and harass."

His eyes lit up and he said: "This means that the human army is not large enough in this area and cannot stop our demon army at all. That is why they continue to weaken us in this way!"

"If we get timid and delay our advance, then we will just fall into their trap. They can just use this time to wait for the arrival of reinforcements!"

King Nan Tian asked instinctively: "Then what should we do now?"

King Xitian said coldly: "The army sets out at full speed, attacks forward regardless of the cost, and tears apart their defense line in one fell swoop!"

"If they don't want their defense line to be broken, they can only fight head-on with us."

"When the time comes, with our superior strength, we can swallow them all in one fell swoop!"

I have to say, this King of the West is really powerful.

He immediately captured the biggest dilemma of the Demon Suppression Legion.

Under the command of the Demon Suppressing Commander, including the tens of thousands of troops brought back by Ye Xinghe.

There are only more than 400,000 troops.

Now, what they need most is time.

The area defended by the Demon Suppressing Legion is too large, often tens of millions of miles away.

And it cannot be transported within the Nine Heavens Battlefield using the teleportation array.

So, although the news has gotten out.

The headquarters of the Demon Suppression Corps is also urgently mobilizing troops.

However, it will take a long time for the supporting troops to arrive.

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