Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3485 Curse!

After hearing this, King Nantian thought for a moment, nodded solemnly, and expressed his agreement.

He sneered: "But before that, I have to do one thing first."

"You dare to plot against me like this. Do you really think that my power as the Nantian King can be easily offended?"

At this moment, rays of light gathered in front of his eyes, finally condensing into the appearance of a person.

Surprisingly, it was Ye Xinghe!

The eyes of King Nan Tian were already filled with ice.

He just whispered softly: "Ye Xinghe, Ye Xinghe, right? I swear an oath here to kill you!"

He didn't say this out of spite.

In fact, the moment he said this.

His heartbeat entered a strange rhythm.

All the power in his body was condensed together.

Finally, it turned into a black light that condensed between his eyebrows.

A crystal the size of a fingernail, like a black seed, formed.

The next moment, this black seed-like crystal flew straight into the void and disappeared.

At this same moment, Ye Xinghe was far away outside the Iron Wall Pass, in the Nine Heavens Battlefield.

Suddenly I felt cold all over my body, and I shivered violently.

At this moment, he felt weaker than ever.

In a daze, he was transported back to the time when he had not yet completed his cultivation.

The feeling of incomparable weakness when one's cultivation is abolished.

It felt like I was suffering from a serious illness and could die at any time.

At this moment, he felt as if his heart was being clenched tightly, and even his breathing was stagnant.

Ye Xinghe was horrified.

"what happened?"

"I have never felt like this since I became successful in cultivation!"

"Now that I am a Five-Star Heavenly Venerable, it is even more impossible for me to feel this weak and deadly. What on earth is going on?"

He, who had always been calm and calm, couldn't help but panic at this moment.

You must know that his martial arts training is his greatest support, so how can it disappear?

How could he be allowed to disappear!

Moreover, this feeling is not instantaneous.

It was actually entangled with Ye Xinghe's body and spirit and could not be eliminated.

So much so that when Ye Xinghe stood on the floating cloud boat, his vision suddenly went dark.

His body became weak and he fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, when something was slightly wrong with him.

Kong Aoyang had already noticed his situation.

He immediately lifted him up, with a worried look on his face, and shouted in a low voice: "Ye Xinghe, how are you?"

This sentence immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Cao Zhaoxiong was giving orders, but now he came over with his brows furrowed.

After he took a closer look at Ye Xinghe's situation, his face instantly became gloomy.

Something seemed to come to mind.

Kong Aoyang asked softly: "Lord Commander, what happened to Ye Xinghe?"

"Did you see anything?"

Cao Zhaoxiong gritted his teeth and said harshly: "This is a curse."

"Moreover, the level has reached such a high level that it almost reaches the level of the Great Dao Realm's Curse Technique!"

Kong Aoyang's expression suddenly changed after hearing this.

The curse technique that is close to the realm of the great avenue is almost integrated with the original rules of this world.

The curse he issued is almost equivalent to the curse issued by this world to people. There is no way to stop it, they can only wait for death!

Everyone looked at Ye Xinghe anxiously, wondering what happened to him.

Ye Xinghe listened to Cao Zhaoxiong's words at this time, and it was impossible not to panic.

After all, it is a curse technique close to the realm of the great road.

But he quickly regained his composure.

In any case, he still has many options to solve this matter.

However, what surprised him was that the feeling disappeared instantly.

He carefully looked inside and outside several times, but found nothing.

Ye Xinghe said in surprise: "I don't feel anything abnormal now."

He is extremely confident in his own strength.

I couldn't find anything, so the curse probably didn't happen.

Or, it was blocked by some power within his own body.

Cao Zhaoxiong glanced at him doubtfully, put his palm on his shoulder, and force poured into it.

I also checked carefully, but found nothing.

He frowned and said, "What is going on?"

"Could it be that because you have a special physique or practice strange techniques, his curse didn't take effect on you?"

Kong Aoyang breathed a sigh of relief and laughed: "That should be the case. If it weren't for his special condition, Brother Ye wouldn't be practicing so fast!"

Everyone thought this was the result, and even Cao Zhaoxiong was slightly relieved.

Only Ye Xinghe felt vaguely uneasy.

But he could only suppress this emotion by force.

Hundreds of thousands of troops left quickly and soon disappeared into the Nine Heavens battlefield.

Half a month later, they returned to Demon Town City.

The Demon Suppression City is the largest, most important, and strongest city above the Zhendong Defense Line.

The entire demon-suppressing army's defense line stretches tens of millions of miles.

Of course, it is not a line of defense built and connected by an entire city wall.

Instead, city fortresses were established at key locations.

A large army was stationed here for defense.

According to the different areas under the jurisdiction of the four commanders, the entire defense line is divided into five parts.

They are responsible for the four major commanders and the headquarters of the Demon Suppressing Legion.

The defense line under the command of the Zhendong Commander is called the Zhendong Defense Line.

On this line of defense, there are three most important fulcrum fortresses.

The most important one is this demon town.

Because the Nine Heavens battlefield is extremely dangerous, the roads that the army can pass are also limited.

It’s not possible to go anywhere.

The Demon Suppressing City guards the exit of the largest and smoothest passage in the Nine Heavens Battlefield.

This passage is also the passage that the monster army takes.

And Demon Suppression City had just been embedded in the Nine Heavens Battlefield, blocking this passage to death.

The demon army wants to break through the Nine Heavens Battlefield and enter the Xuanhuang World.

We must conquer the Demon City.

If not, it will be like a lump in the throat and extremely uncomfortable.

Moreover, one must always be careful about being attacked by the strong men in Demon Suppression City, and the risk of being cut off at any time.

Therefore, the demon army must attack the demon city in the first battle to avoid future troubles.

If the demon-suppressing city is destroyed, the three million demon army will no longer be able to control it and rush directly into the Xuanhuang world.

For the Xuanhuang world, it will be a disaster.

On top of the tall city wall of Demon Town, Cao Zhaoxiong and others stood looking into the distance.

This is their preset battlefield.

Cao Zhaoxiong sighed softly: "There is no room for change. The next step is a head-to-head battle, right here in Demon Town."

Cao Zhaoxiong looked at Ye Xinghe with gentle eyes and patted him on the shoulder.

"Ye Xinghe, if you win this battle, you will directly become the commander-in-chief."

"Even with your merits and higher cultivation level, you can directly enter the legion headquarters and become one of the four generals of Shangzhu Kingdom. You will also have the qualifications!"

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