Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3491 The sudden appearance of the Heavenly Demon and the Rhinoceros!

Jiang Kongliang chuckled and said lazily: "These beasts are here to die again!"

Jiang Kongliang was a centurion, responsible for leading his own centurion to guard the fortress.

The Dragon Snake Qilu Formation is certainly powerful and its defense is invincible.

But the shortcoming is also quite obvious, that is, there are too many fortresses inside.

And therefore, the requirements for military strength are naturally not low.

It's just right for millions of troops to defend this dragon-snake land formation.

But now, Cao Zhaoxiong only has more than 400,000 troops at hand.

It seems a little stretched to defend the Dragon Snake Land Formation.

Among the outer fortresses, only one centurion can be placed in each fortress.

Barely able to cope with the defense of this fortress.

If you really want to fight with the demon clan, it is impossible.

They can only try their best to control the powerful magic weapon on this fortress.

As long as you can use this magic weapon and understand it, the guard will be successful.

The deputy next to him carefully reminded: "Sir, don't be careless!"

Jiang Kongliang waved his hands disapprovingly and said with a smile: "What are you afraid of? There is a great formation of dragons and snakes rising from the land. There are 4,900 fortresses that are impregnable. These monsters will die when they come!"

"Since the beginning of the war, they have fought four or five times. Except for the first time they touched the edge of our city wall, and several times after that, they didn't even touch the edge of our fortress, and they didn't even break the defensive formation. He left with heavy casualties.”

"If you ask me, today is the same as usual, just dead and injured, and then get out of here in despair!"

All the strong men from the human race under his command laughed and were extremely excited.

The eyes looking at the demon army were also full of contempt.

In the past, they stood on this fortress.

Watching the demon clan being killed continuously.

And they also controlled the powerful magic weapons on the fortress and killed many powerful monsters.

As for itself, there were no casualties.

The strong men of the demon race can't even touch their edges.

Everyone's mood has become extremely arrogant.

At this time, with the rumbling sound of war drums unique to the demon clan.

The demon army entered the range of the Dragon Snake Qilu Formation and began to tear apart the defensive formation around the first fortress.

The defensive formations continued to shatter, and they were getting closer and closer to the first fortress.

Of course, with the attack of the Dragon and Snake Land Formation, their casualties also continued to appear.

Everything looks the same as before.

Jiang Kongliang stood up and shouted loudly: "Brothers, let's get to work!"

He began to lead everyone, control the powerful magic weapons on the fortress, and continuously kill the monsters.

They all looked relaxed.

In their opinion, this battle is almost over.

The demon clan can probably tear apart three or four defensive formations, and then the casualties will reach a level that they cannot bear.

Then, they will retreat in embarrassment.

If it's like the first time.

If they carry the Celestial Demon and Divine Rhinoceros, they can still pose a slight threat to the city wall.

It is possible to get under the fortress.

Now, they didn't even bring the Celestial Demon and the Rhinoceros this time, so it was just a gift.

Even the last few defensive formations could not be broken through, and the edge of the fortress could not be reached.

At this time, on the top of the Demon Town City, everyone was standing there, watching everything.

Many people looked relaxed and felt as usual.

Nie Chengxiao said with a smile: "These demon clans are so stupid that they can't even think straight!"

"If you die every day like this, in a few months, we won't need our legion headquarters to take action. We can grind these monsters to death!"

Everyone chuckled after hearing this.

Cao Zhaoxiong looked at Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe was silent and his expression was solemn.

He immediately asked: "Ye Xinghe, what do you think?"

Ye Xinghe shook his head slowly and said in a deep voice: "I heard ancient legends that the world of Sky Demon was originally full of princes and had countless powers."

"It was only later that they were unified by a powerful man with great talent and strategy, and integrated the power of the Sky Demon World."

"Then, the demon world accidentally came into contact with our fantasy world, and then this war that lasted for millions of years happened."

Cao Zhaoxiong nodded: "Yes, our demon-suppressing army has been dealing with them for so long, and we have some understanding of them. I also know what you said."

Everyone felt a little baffled and murmured to themselves.

"Why is Ye Xinghe talking about this? Everyone knows this information."

Nie Chengxiao mocked coldly: "We know these things earlier than you, so we don't need you to tell us!"

Ye Xinghe didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, and just said calmly: "The demon clan has been fighting a civil war for millions of years. It has been tens of millions of years. It has rich combat experience. Later, it fought with our demon suppressing army for millions of years. Even if No matter how stupid you are, you should know what flexibility is and what strategy is. "

"Would they be so stupid and kill tens of thousands of people every day? Do you think it's possible?"

"Everyone, you have underestimated this enemy!"

"If they were really that stupid, how could they have almost overturned our Xuanhuang World and caused us to suffer disaster?"

What he said made everyone's hair stand on end and they were dripping with cold sweat.

Cao Zhaoxiong's expression immediately became serious.

Nie Chengxiao felt ashamed and muttered in a low voice: "Scaremongering is really embarrassing for you!"

Everyone is also doubtful.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Under the first fortress, the strong men of the demon clan fought hard to reach a place where there were three layers of defensive formations away from the fortress.

Already more than half of the troops were damaged, the casualties were heavy, they were covered in blood, and their strength was greatly consumed.

It was almost impossible to move forward.

Jiang Kongliang and others laughed wantonly.

As far as they were concerned, the battle was over.

But at this moment, a burst of light suddenly surged in the void.

Then, a huge figure appeared in front of everyone.

It turned out to be a celestial demon rhinoceros!

Surrounding this celestial demon rhinoceros were around 30,000 elite demon clan melee warriors.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Kongliang and others were stunned instantly.

The next moment, his pupils shrank sharply, a horrified expression appeared on his face, and he shouted sternly: "There are demons and gods in the sky, they are attacking demons and gods in the sky this time!"

They don't know what means they used in this attack.

It turned out that a special concealment formation was used to hide the Heavenly Demon Shenxi and tens of thousands of melee monsters in the formation.

This concealment circle is really powerful.

Even the Dragon and Snake Land Array has not discovered their whereabouts!

At this time, the Heavenly Demon Shenxi and tens of thousands of melee monsters appeared.

The news immediately changed the situation of this battle.

With the roar, the body of the Heavenly Demon and the Rhinoceros crashed towards the fortress.

Breaking through three layers of defensive formations.

We have already arrived under the wall of the first fortress.

At this time, on the top of the city, Jiang Kongliang looked at the huge beast in front of him in horror and swallowed hard.

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