Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3492 Concealment Formation!

But he was experienced and had experienced countless battles.

He made the most correct choice at this moment.

He led all the powerful human race warriors under his command and controlled the powerful magic weapons on the top of the city.

They all aimed at the Heavenly Demon God Rhino in front of them and bombarded it.

At this time, the shocking changes here also stunned the top warriors in the Demon City.

Nie Chengxiao felt his face burning, as if he was slapped in the face.

It made a snapping sound, extremely embarrassing.

He just disdained the demon race, but now he was slapped in the face.

Ye Xinghe reacted the fastest and shouted: "What are you still standing there for? Order the Dragon Snake Landing Array to activate all magic weapons and attack this Heavenly Demon God Rhino!"

With Ye Xinghe's order, countless powerful magic weapons began to attack.

The light of the magic weapons surged wildly, all falling on the Heavenly Demon God Rhino.

Cao Zhaoxiong didn't know whether he was comforting himself or what.

He said softly: "It's just a Sky Demon God Rhino. The situation is not too bad. It's not like we haven't killed Sky Demon God Rhino before."

Beside him, Kong Aoyang also said in a deep voice: "Yes, just kill it before it breaks through the first fortress."

"Even if the first fortress is broken, it's no big deal. We can rebuild it after killing this Sky Demon God Rhino."

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"They have already lost a Sky Demon God Rhino before. Are they stupid enough to repeat the same mistake now?"

Sure enough, just when countless powerful magic weapon attacks were about to fall on the Sky Demon God Rhino.

A burst of light surged around it again.

Countless figures appeared.

At this moment, there were five Sky Demon God Rhinos next to it.

Including it, there were a total of six Sky Demon God Rhinos!

Not only that.

At this moment, the number of powerful melee monsters that appeared next to it has reached as many as 500,000!

On this battlefield, there are already six Heavenly Demon God Rhinos, and about 500,000 powerful melee demons!

This scene instantly made all the human race strongmen tremble with fear.

Cao Zhaoxiong shouted in shock: "How is this possible?"

"The Dragon Snake Rising Land Array can see through all hidden arrays and make the infiltrating demons nowhere to hide. How is this possible?"

"How did they transport these hundreds of thousands of troops and six Heavenly Demon God Rhinos under the nose of the Dragon Snake Rising Land Array?"

This is what Cao Zhaoxiong can't figure out the most.

You know, one of the most powerful advantages of the Dragon Snake Rising Land Array is to see through illusions.

All hidden arrays will be easily broken in front of it.

This is also the most important reason why he thinks he can defend the Demon City.

Under the effect of this array, all the infiltrations that the demons are best at will be useless.

But now, right under their noses, within the coverage of the Dragon Snake Rising Land Array.

There are so many powerful demons hiding here!

Almost at the same time, on the floating cloud boat in the distance.

The Southern Heavenly King roared, his whole body trembled violently, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face was pale.

He stepped back several steps and almost couldn't stand steadily.

The guards beside him quickly supported him, with a worried look on his face.

However, although he looked seriously injured, he was extremely excited.

He shouted loudly: "It's done, damn it, the Demon Suppression City will be broken today!"

Next to him, the Western Heavenly King nodded, his eyes were cold and reserved, and he said calmly: "I'm sorry to make you suffer."

The Southern Heavenly King wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"It doesn't matter, although I have suffered a huge loss and my cultivation has regressed by 700 years, this hidden magic circle under my control has achieved miraculous results!"

"As long as we can break through the Demon Suppression City in one fell swoop today and destroy the Demon Suppression Army, no matter how great the price is, it is worth it!"

At the same moment when he finished this sentence,

Behind him, on the floating cloud boat, dozens of powerful demons suddenly fell to the ground.

They died instantly.

And these demons who died instantly were extremely powerful, without a single weak one.

Each of them was a real elite in the demon army.

Seeing them die, the eyes of the Western Heavenly King only flickered slightly, without any ripples.

As for the Southern Heavenly King, he didn't care at all.

It turned out that the hidden magic array that could avoid the exploration of the Dragon Snake Landing Array was jointly created by the Southern Heavenly King and more than a hundred top demons.

The Southern Heavenly King was the key.

The Southern Heavenly King himself was extremely powerful, brilliant, and extremely intelligent.

He was also proficient in various arrays.

In the past few days, they pretended to attack and paralyzed the human army in the Demon Town.

On the other hand, they quickly thought of a way to crack it.

The Southern Heavenly King thought of this method.

He paid the price of his 700 years of cultivation and the lives of more than a hundred demon clan warriors.

Finally, he created this hidden formation.

He quietly sent six demon rhinos and 500,000 demon clan melee warriors to the Dragon Snake Rising Land Formation.

In fact, it is not difficult to gather six demon rhinos and 500,000 melee warriors.

It is not difficult to break into the Dragon Snake Rising Land Formation.

The most difficult thing is how to quietly send them into the Dragon Snake Rising Land Formation without attracting the attention of the human army.

Just send it in, even if it's only a few hundred meters deep.

Because if they really make a big deal about it.

If you pull out six celestial demons and rhinoceros and hundreds of thousands of troops from the beginning to attack.

Then, the human race will inevitably be more vigilant.

Use the power of the entire dragon-snake formation to attack.

Prevent them from entering the dragon and snake landing formation.

Therefore, their attacks in the past few days paralyzed the human race.

Today they repeated their old tricks, making the humans think that they were still a small-scale attack.

It did not completely stimulate the power of the Dragon Snake Qilu Formation.

Thus, the current situation emerged.

Six celestial demons and rhinos appeared at the same time, five of them forming a circle.

And the celestial demon rhinoceros surrounded by them was extraordinarily huge.

It's two or three times bigger than them.

The attacks from countless magic weapons all fell on the five-headed celestial demon and rhinoceros outside.

Originally, this volley of magical weapons could seriously injure at least one Celestial Demon Rhinoceros.

After a while, it can kill a celestial demon and rhinoceros.

But the problem is, there are five celestial demons and rhinos outside at this time.

Moreover, the standing areas are each different and defended separately.

For a moment, the offensive of those magic weapons could not be concentrated.

They didn't even know which celestial demon rhinoceros to attack, and they immediately became confused.

The direct consequence was that the offensive that could have overwhelmed one Heavenly Demonic Rhinoceros fell on five Heavenly Demonic Rhinoceros.

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