Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2175 The 1 step of the plan

Chapter 2175 The first step of the plan

"Using the Heavenly Demon Treasure in my Sword of Killing, I will trigger the conflict to the Heavenly Demon and Alien Race."

"Then, arouse the contradiction between the demon alien race and the ghost alien race."

"And as long as there is a conflict between the two major ethnic groups, when the conflict is stimulated to a certain extent, Zhangren aliens will definitely not stand by and watch, they will think about taking advantage of the fisherman."

"And when the time comes, I just need to repeat the old tricks and use the magical treasures to cause conflicts to the Zhangren aliens!"

"The war between the three major groups will surely cause turmoil in the entire Chaos World."

"As long as its three-party forces are defeated, it will be the day when the Chaos World will change."

"And those small ethnic groups that are oppressed will also be able to get some breathing time."

"Of course, the ghosts and aliens who persecute Li'er will also collapse. Even if they don't collapse in the war, I will take action and let them collapse!"

"Stinky boy, he's very smart! I'll just say, you can actually guess my whole plan."

Hearing Wu Yun's explanation, the God of Fortune gave Wu Yun a thumbs up.

And Xiao Jin and Xiao Shenlong also suddenly realized.

Exclaimed again and again.

Indeed, this plan seems to be intricate, but in fact, it is much safer than the previous plan to directly break into the headquarters of Ghost Shadow Alien Race.

At least for a few of them.

Moreover, this kind of messing up the overall situation, whether it is Wu Yun, Fortune God Bell, or Xiao Jin and Xiao Shenlong, all like to do it.

Faced with this plan, the four hit it off.

Only the apprentice of the ghost shadow alien almost died of fright listening to it.

In any case, he never thought that these four guys actually wanted to stir up the original order of the entire Chaos World by themselves.

In fact, under normal circumstances, it would be almost impossible for Wu Yun and the others to disturb the overall situation.

However, Wu Yun has magical treasures on him.

Use Heavenly Demons and Treasures to frame the blame. At that time, the Heavenly Demons and Aliens, who are already the mortal enemies of the Ghosts and Shadows, will not be able to wash them if they want to.

Of course, if you want to blame it, it's easy.

No more trips to Ghost Alien HQ.

Although they hadn't thought of it before. But now that I think about it, it's not too late.

God of Fortune and Wu Yun hit it off once again.

Go to six branches again by Wu Yun.

In each branch, the breath of heavenly demons and exotic treasures is left, and at the same time, there are words that blame the heavenly demons and alien races.

Then, just wait for the situation to evolve.

Speaking of which, Wu Yun and the others did not expect this before.

If I could have thought of it earlier, I wouldn't have to make such a hassle of running again now.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Wu Yun first sneaked into the sixth branch.

At this moment, the entire branch was in complete turmoil because of the death of the leader.

Under this circumstance, Wu Yun's infiltration would not be discovered.

He picked a spot that was conspicuous, but not so conspicuous.

With the sword of killing, carrying the breath of heavenly demons and treasures, he carved a line of small characters.

"The devil is here, the ghost is gone, die!"

It seems that the words of the second class, but in fact, it is also the most able to stimulate the hatred of ghosts and aliens.

After all, in the entire Ghost Shadow Alien Race, the last thing you want to see is the word "Demon".

If it were normal, someone might mistake it for a prank.

But the leaders of the six major divisions died at the same time, plus such a message.

It is impossible to doubt whether the demons are aliens.

Next, Wu Yun went to the first five branches and took a trip.

In the same way, leave the same message.

And the top five do divisions, the same, chaos.

The sooner the branches started, the more chaotic the scene would be.

For the rest, there is no need for Wu Yun and the others to intervene.

Wu Yun rushed back to the sixth branch, where Fortune God Bell and others were.

Waiting quietly for the progress of the situation.

If nothing else, the Ghost Shadow Alien Headquarters should send someone here soon.

After all, more than two quarters of an hour had passed since the first branch had an accident.

When the people from the headquarters came, they saw Wu Yun's message.

bound to burst.

The spear is directed at the demons and aliens, and the show will be officially staged.

Sure enough, in less than a quarter of an hour, someone rushed to the sixth branch.

They came in a hurry.

It came from the direction of the fifth branch.

It should not have come directly to the sixth branch from the headquarters, but had seen Wu Yun's message, and checked it from the front distribution.

Here are two strong men at the peak of the Nine Nine Heavens Tribulation.

It should be the deputy commander of the ghost alien race.

These two brought a big wave of men.

After their group entered the sixth branch, it didn't take long for them to hear an extremely angry roar.

From the sound of anger, I could vaguely hear words such as cursing the demons and alien races.

After a while, these people came out of the branch and rushed towards the headquarters.

Wu Yun and the others, who were hiding in the dark, laughed secretly.

They knew that the plan had succeeded.

At least the first step is a perfect success.

If there is no accident, it won't be long before the demon alien race will find the ghost alien race.

Wu Yun and the others, they just need to wait until the conflict arouses.

Go to war!

Then take advantage of the situation to stir in Zhangren Alien Race.

Once Zhangren aliens also participate in the war.

Then the whole plan is perfect.

Of course, if you want to know whether the ghost aliens and the demon aliens really caused a fierce conflict.

Here, there is definitely no way to know the result.

And this is also the reason why Wu Yun still kept that ghostly alien guy and didn't kill him.

According to that person, the closest thing between the ghost shadow alien race and the demon alien race is a place called Jueying Grand Canyon.

After passing the canyon, it is the demon alien race.

On this side of the canyon, is the ghost alien race.

Go to the Jueying Grand Canyon and wait, you will definitely be able to wait for the result.

If the two sides go to war, Jueying Grand Canyon must be the best and fastest place to fight.

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