Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 2176 Absolute Shadow Grand Canyon

Chapter 2176 Jueying Grand Canyon

As for where is the Shadow Grand Canyon?

Wu Yun and the others don't know, that ghost alien guy must know.

Keeping him unkilled, he was prepared to let him lead the way.

It's not too far to go to the Jueying Grand Canyon.

That is the place where the ghost and shadow aliens meet, and the site of the demon aliens.

This time to rush, it will take half an hour to go on at least.

However, since things have come to this point, Wu Yun and the others are not in a hurry.

This whole plan will not be completed in a short time.

Of course, Wu Yun and the others were not in a hurry to leave.

Because next, in addition to finding a way to help Bai Lier restore her cultivation, and try her best to help Lian Ji find a way to restore her memory.

The rest is only the matter of ascending to God's Domain.

The journey was easy. After about half an hour, looking from a distance, there was no longer a continuous mountain range, but an incomparably vast plain.

It's just that there are occasionally a few hillsides that are not too big, and even can only be regarded as low mounds on the plain.

In the middle of the plain, there is a large canyon like a moat, spanning across it.

Divide a huge plain directly into two halves.

The canyon is not too wide, but it is definitely not narrow, about ten meters.

However, its depth is absolutely unfathomable.

Looking down from the air, the depths of the canyon seem to lead to the depths of the earth.

It was pitch black and bottomless.

On this side of the canyon, the boundary monument erected by the ghostly alien race can be vaguely seen.

On the other side, there is a boundary monument belonging to the demon alien race.

"Hide first, if there is a war here, it will definitely be a good show, and you can see it all."

Wu Yun glanced around and said lightly with a smile on his face.


The God of Fortune Clock is also quite excited.

Obviously, he is also looking forward to the battle between the ghost alien race and the demon alien race.

Together, the four flew towards a hill in the distance.

As for that ghost alien guy.

What he should have done has already been done.

The task that belongs to him has been completed.

If that's the case, then he has no meaning to survive.

As for Wu Yun, they are cruel.

Absolutely not.

If it wasn't for Wu Yun and the others, they would have been among Yuan Qing's clan at that time.

Will these ghost aliens be soft-hearted when they kill them?

The answer, of course, is no.

They won't be soft-hearted.

And when Wu Yun killed them, similarly, he wouldn't be soft-hearted.

Only, when he learned that Wu Yun was going to kill him.

The man fell on his knees and kept praying.

His voice was hoarse, trembling, and tears were falling.

"Master, didn't you say you wouldn't kill me?"

"Didn't you say you want to spare me, didn't you say that as long as I..."

"Heh, eldest brother said he didn't kill you, but he didn't kill you. The one who killed you was me!"

Not wanting to listen to the nonsense he continued, Xiao Jin stepped forward, bluntly, and slapped the man on the forehead.

Of course, the corpse cannot be left in place.

Xiao Jin kicked the corpse away and fell into the depths of the canyon.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Yun and the others flew and landed on a distant hill that was easy to hide.

Judging from the direction, this hill is just enough to have a panoramic view of the entire battle that is about to take place.

The four of them were completely hiding their aura, motionless.

The next thing is to wait for the good show to be staged.

And Wu Yun and their plan are also proceeding impartially.

When they rushed to the Grand Canyon of the Shadow, and when they were looking for a hiding place.

The whole ghost image of alien races up and down can be described as very lively.

The leaders of the six major divisions were killed, and all the evidence showed that it was done by the demons.

And the great commander of this ghostly alien race also quickly thought of it. Most of the previous ghost dragon's death was probably related to the demon alien race.

"The alien race of demons has moved on Laozi's head, you are courting death, courting death!"

Furious roars continued to come out from the mouth of the great commander.

And at this moment, he is gathering a large number of ghostly alien powerhouses.

As Wu Yun expected, they were preparing to head towards the Jueying Grand Canyon.

It turned out that they had already entered Wu Yun's trap.

In fact, if you think about it a little more, perhaps, as the great commander of the clan, he can think of some of the loopholes.

However, at this moment, he is already on the verge of anger. In one day, he lost the anger of seven peak powerhouses of the Nine-Nine Tribulation, making him unwilling at all, and he has no intention to think about the details.

Moreover, their grievances and grievances with demons and aliens have a long history.

Even without this time, they have always been in an endless situation.

With Wu Yun's blessing, it can only be said that it completely ignited the fuse.

Assembly time of about two quarters of an hour.

Nearly 70% of the powerhouses that ghosts and aliens can use have arrived.

For the other branches that were far away, those who could not arrive at the first time, the grand commander directly informed them to gather at the Jueying Grand Canyon.

"Set off!"

Ghost Alien, outside the headquarters.

The great commander roared, took a step forward, and flew forward.

The rest of the people hurriedly followed.

This direction is the Jueying Grand Canyon!

Their purpose is to be led by the great commander and directly attack the depths of the demons.

As far as you can go.

If it is possible, it is best to directly enter the headquarters of the demon alien race!

Of course, such a large-scale march is not so fast.

Wu Yun and the others acted alone, but it only took half an hour.

And such a large-scale march of the ghost shadow aliens, it is absolutely impossible to do it in less than a dozen hours.

However, the large-scale action of the ghost shadow aliens caused a lot of alarms.

Whether it is an alien race of demons or alien races, they are all within the alien race of ghosts and shadows, and there is a certain eyeliner.

So, in less than a quarter of an hour after they marched.

The eyeliners placed by the Tianmo Alien Race and the Zhangren Alien Race passed the news back to their respective headquarters by means.

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