The tabloids in B city are full of striking headlines:

"A young lady married a little nurse"

"A toad can eat a swan"

"Gray boy married white horse Princess"


When the wedding was held, Chen Gang, a drunken young man, broke into the ward and yelled: "you robbed my wife, I'll stab you!"

When he toasted Chang Wen with the direction of Fu Er Dai, who was secretly in love with Dousha, he made a vicious threat: "don't think it's peach blossom luck, boy. Maybe it's a peach blossom robbery."

On the second day after Chang Wen and Dousha got married, douye was out of breath. Before he died, he called Dousha to the bedside, held her hand, and earnestly told him: "granddaughter, Xiao Chang is a good husband, so we must cherish him..."

Dousha promised, "grandfather, I'll listen to you."

In the past three years, Dousha has always been lukewarm to Chang Wen. He has never shared a room with him, and even refused to let him into his bedroom.

Chang Wen had to set up a camp bed in the corner of the living room. He was a unpaid male nanny in the bean family, carefully serving his father-in-law, mother-in-law and wife.

After breakfast, Chang Wen rides an electric car and carries his wife Dousha to work.

On the way, a red BMW sports car suddenly stopped in front of the electric car.

Chen Gang got out of the car and sneered: "you're a loser. You've married a fairy like woman, but you don't know how to cherish her. You let her go to work in an electric car. You don't have the ability to make your wife live a happy life. You'd better know what to do and give up."

Dousha jumped from the back seat of the electric car and asked, "Chen Gang, what are you doing?"

"Xiaosha, I beg you to divorce wunangtao immediately. Now, I formally propose to you!"

Chen Gang said, kneeling on one knee, from his arms out of a gorgeous jewelry box, which is a gem ring.

"Xiaosha, this ring was bought from Africa. It's an authentic sapphire ring. It's worth more than 5 million yuan."

"Chen Gang, I'm already married."

"Xiaosha, I know that the reason why you married wufengfei at the beginning was that you didn't want to let your grandfather go on the road with regret. I understand you, so I didn't give up. Now, my grandfather has been dead for three years, and even filial piety should have expired. Today, you have to divorce this wufengfei."

"Chen Gang, I promised my grandfather that I would spend my life with Chang Wen."

Chen Gang took Dousha and said, "let's go to my grandfather's grave together. If my grandfather is alive, he will promise me to get married."

Chen Gang drags Dousha onto the sports car, but Dousha struggles to get on.

Chang Wen is really unbearable, angry roar: "you... You stay away from my wife."

Chen Gang sneered: "you're a loser. Have you ever slept with Dousha? No, I tell you: she doesn't sleep with you. She just wants to leave me her innocent body. "

Chang Wen was furious. He waved his fist and hit Chen Gang on the chest. Chen Gang staggered a few times and fell on his back.

Dousha was stunned. Suddenly, she raised her hand and slapped Changwen.

"You... You dare to beat brother Chen after eating the gall of a leopard."

Chen Gang got up from the ground and said angrily, "this boy dares to do it. You wait. I can't spare you."

Dousha stamped his feet and said, "you're a loser. Please kneel down to brother Chen and apologize to him."

Dousha asked him to kneel down for Chen Gang, which hurt his self-esteem.

Dousha waved his hand and slapped Changwen in the mouth. He said fiercely, "I'll count three. You have to kneel down for me. Otherwise, we can't live together."

Dousha gives Chang Wen an ultimatum.

Chang wenputong knelt down and said, "brother Chen, I'm wrong. Please forgive me once."

Dousha also pleaded: "Chen Gang, Chang Wen has knelt down for you, so you have a large number of adults. Don't have the same opinion with him."

"Xiao Sha, you want me to forgive him. It's very simple. You ask him to clean my shoes with his cuffs."

"Dousha ordered:" you quickly give brother Chen shoes

Chang Wen hesitated for a moment. He knelt down and moved to Chen Gang's feet. He began to polish his shoes with his cuffs.

"Wipe it quickly. I have to rush to the meeting."

Chang Wen cleans Chen Gang's shoes with two cuffs.

"Ha ha... Xiao Sha, you can see that this guy is really a loser. I asked him to polish his shoes, and then he politely polished them for me. Don't you feel aggrieved when you live with such a person?"

With that, Chen Gang stares at Chang Wen and goes away in a sports car.

Dousha reproached with shame: "you... You have to provoke him. It hurts your self-esteem."

Chang Wen lowered his head and murmured, "wife, it's time to go to work. Let's go."

"You... You really can't get on the wall with mud. If you shine Chen Gang's shoes, it will spread all over B city in a day. Where do you want my face to go?"

"I'm sorry, wife."

Chang Wen sent the bean paste to Yongli company.

Cousin doumai stood on the steps of the company door, looking down at Chang Wen, and said contemptuously, "you're a loser. Do you want my sister to sit behind your electric car all her life?"

Chang Wen muttered, "I'll be rich soon. I'll let Dousha sit in a BMW and laugh."

Dou Mai laughed, covered his stomach and asked, "you're a loser. Do you want to make a cake for my sister?"

Dousha said awkwardly: "doumai, I'm used to riding electric cars. It really makes me feel out of breath in a car."

Bean wheat disdains ground to say: "cowardly waste, don't blame me to see a person in the crack of the door, you this lifetime probably only match ride electric car."

Chang Wen is too lazy to argue. He is about to become the ninth generation medical sage of eight trigrams acupoint pointing. Mastering this medical skill means having a cash cow, not to mention a car, even a plane.

"We'll see." He whispered.

Dou Mai said: "elder sister, brother Fang called you countless times this morning. Why don't you answer it? Just now, he came here specially to ask me to take a message for you. At the weekend, he invited our three sisters to the dance at the summer resort

"I've been very busy recently, so I won't go."

"Elder sister, if you offend brother Fang, the annual contract of 20 million will be ruined. If you let Grandma know about this, I'm afraid you'll be the head of sales."

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