The Yongli company of Doujia is a building materials company. Recently, the sales situation is not optimistic. For this reason, grandma taught Dousha several times. Every year, our Greenland company will buy 20 million building materials from Yongli company.

Dousha sighed and said, "well, I'll go to the party."

"Elder sister, I think it's time for you to end your marriage with this loser. It's not easy for brother Fang to forget that you've been married. Brother Fang is the only successor of Greenland company. If you marry into the Fang family, you'll be in a happy home. Grandma is also in favor of this marriage. She thinks that if you marry brother Fang, the Dou family and Fang family will realize a strong alliance. "

Dousha sighed.

Dou Mai looked at Chang Wen and said contemptuously, "the river has no cover. Why don't you jump into the river? There are hanging ropes everywhere. I have a waistband here. I don't think you have the courage to die. You are also a zombie alive. "

Chang Wen bowed his head and said nothing.

His father-in-law and mother-in-law take a fancy to Chen Gang, the son-in-law of Qiankun company. His grandmother and cousin Dou Mai look down on the successor direction of Greenland company and want to instigate Dousha and Chang Wen to divorce.

Dousha and doumai enter the office building, and Chang Wen goes straight to Shi Laoba's rental house by electric car.

Three years ago, Shi Laoba was chopped off 10 fingers. If Chang Wen hadn't sent him to the hospital, his blood would have run dry.

After he was discharged from hospital, Shi Laoba took Chang Wen as his apprentice and taught him the eight trigrams acupoint pressing method.

Shi Laoba is the eighth generation descendant of the eight trigrams point method.

The eight trigrams point method is to click 720 * * of the human body according to the eight trigrams diagram, so as to achieve the effect of curing diseases and saving people.

The world only knows that there are 720 Yang acupoints in the human body, but it does not know that there are 720 in the human body.

After three years of study, Chang Wen has become familiar with 720 acupoints of the human body, as well as the techniques of eight trigrams acupoint pressing. Now, only one step is needed, that is, to gather the essence of the whole body at the tips of the five fingers, and then spray it out when acupoint pressing.

Shi Laoba asked Chang Wen to sit cross legged in front of him, put their palms together, and said: "Xiao Chang, the essence of human beings is practiced. It can't be done without fifty years of Kung Fu. My breath will be exhausted. Before I die, I have to lose the essence to you, so that you can reach the level of sixty or ten years' essence immediately."

As soon as Shi Laoba's words fall to the ground, Chang Wen feels that a stream of air has penetrated into his body from his palm, and suddenly his whole body is steaming hot, just like sitting in a steamer.

Stone old eight big called a, body backward a Yang, fell to the ground.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

"Xiao Chang, all my essence has been transmitted to you. I'm going to die. Finally, I want to ask you something."

"Master, if you have any advice, just say it."

"Xiao Chang, three years ago, the gangster cut off my 10 fingers just to abolish my eight trigrams acupoint pointing technique. You need to help me find this man and avenge me."

"Master, who do you doubt?"

"I suspect a martial brother whose name is fan Xiaoer. At the beginning, the master was going to teach us the eight trigrams acupoint technique. However, the master suddenly found that fan Xiaoer's mind was not right and drove him out of the mountain gate. Fan Xiaoer suspects that I've got a ghost out of it, and he's always on my mind. "

"Master, I will definitely find out the murderer and the person behind the scenes who killed you, and let him be punished as he should be."

"Xiao Chang, you have inherited the eight trigrams point technique. This matter must be kept secret, otherwise, it will lead to death."

Stone old eight finish saying, head a crooked swallow gas.

Chang Wen cried bitterly and sent Shi Laoba to the funeral home.

As he was about to leave the funeral home, he saw a corpse truck driving into the yard, followed by several luxury cars.

A lady got out of the car and cried, "girl, you're gone, and I'm not alive!"

A man with a general's belly, his eyes swollen like peaches, thumped his chest and said: "I have a golden mountain and a silver mountain. Why can't I save my daughter?"

Apparently, the daughter of a rich man died.

A beautiful girl was lifted from the corpse carriage. She had a willow eyebrow, a high nose, a fair complexion and a ruddy face, as if she were sleeping.

Someone sighed, "Wow! What a pity that such a beautiful girl should have died

Chang Wen curiously asked an accompanying sister-in-law: "excuse me: what's the matter with this girl?"

The sister-in-law replied, "she went on an outing with her classmates and rolled down the mountain. She died before she was sent to the hospital."

Chang Wen looks at the girl's face and concludes that she is feigning death.

People usually take cardiac arrest as the standard of death, but according to the theory of eight trigrams point method, only the loss of Yin pulse can be called real death.

The number one Yang pulse is at the wrist, while the number one Yin pulse is at the ankle.

Chang Wen walks up to the girl decisively and grabs her ankle. To his surprise, he feels that the girl's Yin pulse is still beating faintly.

"Pa" a crisp ring, Chang Wen's face received a heavy slap.

"What are you doing?" she asked

One of the two strong men in black twisted Chang Wen's arm.

Chang Wen said hastily, "madam, I want to save your daughter."

"Are you a doctor?" your wife asked in surprise

"I know a little bit about medicine."

One of the accompanying people exclaimed: "madam, I know this boy. He is the son-in-law of the bean family. He is a straw bag for soft food."

The General belly man yelled angrily: "give me a call!"

The rain like fist fell on Chang Wen. He rolled on the ground, pulled his throat and cried, "your daughter has only one hour to save. No one can save your daughter except me!"

"Stop!" cried your wife

"Can you really save my daughter?" she asked

"Ma'am, I can help you."

"Young man, I have to remind you: if you want to play with me, you will die."

"Excuse me, ma'am."

Your wife winked at the two strong men in black.

Two strong men in black went to a luxurious reception room with Changwen in their arms.

General belly man also followed in, disdainfully said: "even experts can't save, how can he save?"? I think he's a psycho. "

Chang Wen said eagerly, "madam and Sir, I'll make a long story short. I gave your daughter a pulse just now, and she's still breathing."

The General belly man grabbed Chang Wen's collar and asked viciously, "when did you give my daughter a pulse?"

"Just now, I had a pulse at your daughter's ankle."

"Ma'am, you can hear him. He's got a pulse at his ankle. Damn it, he's a psycho."

The General belly man swung his hand and slapped Chang Wen six times.

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