At that time, the gangster cut off Shi Laoba's ten fingers, in order to abolish Shifu's eight trigrams acupoint pointing technique.

But, tonight, the gangster only needs one finger of his. Why?

Chang Wen pretended to be confused and asked, "does anyone want my finger to be connected to his broken finger?"

"Well! You're quite a fool. I ask you, "do you know a man named Shi Laoba?"

"Yes, three years ago, his ten fingers were chopped off. I think he was very pitiful, so I sent him to the hospital and saved him."

The masked woman asked, "did Shi Laoba teach you the eight trigrams acupoint technique?"

Chang Wen pretended to be at a loss and asked, "what is the eight trigrams acupoint pointing technique?"

The masked woman roared angrily, "put his hand on the table and chop it for me!"

A man put Chang Wen's right hand on the table.

Chang Wen cried with tears streaming down his face: "elder sister, I'm unjust. I've never heard of eight trigrams. It's true. It's not deceiving. That old stone eight is really not interesting. At first, I saved him by looking at his immortal appearance. I thought he had gold and silver. Unexpectedly, he was a poor man. When he was dying, he didn't even have a hundred yuan note."

A man sniffed and said, "boss, he peed in his pants. No wonder the general coquettish smell."

The masked woman said with disdain, "hum! No wonder people in B city know that you are a loser. You are really a worthless guy. "

Chang Wen can act. He can laugh whenever he wants and cry whenever he wants. Just now, he purposely cried bitterly and spilled excrement on his pants to make a coward look.

"Hero, I have ten thousand yuan in my family. Give it all to you. Please forgive me."

Masked woman asked: "tonight, we're going to chop one of your fingers, you say: chop that good?"

Chang Wen is a smart man. He knows that this masked woman is trying to test him. If he inherits the eight trigrams acupoint technique, he will protect the index finger of his right hand.

"Do you have to cut off one of my fingers?"

"Yes, you choose quickly."

Chang Wen said without hesitation: "then chop this index finger. It's not very useful."

"Cut off his index finger!" the masked woman ordered

Chang Wen immediately regretted that his intestines were green. If he cut off his index finger, the eight trigrams point technique would be useless!

He closed his eyes painfully, waiting for the knife to fall.

Strangely enough, there was no movement around for a long time, the pain in imagination did not come, and the hand that pressed his hand also released.

Chang Wen opened his eyes and saw that there was no one in the room. The gangsters were all gone.

He drew a cross on his chest and muttered to himself, "God bless me. It seems that I'm right. When the masked woman saw that I chose the index finger, she decided that I had never learned the eight trigrams acupoint technique, so she let me go."

Chang Wen quickly locks the door.

At this time, Dousha is telling his parents the truth of "Changwen playing hooligans".

Ding Fei disapproved and said: "girl, even if you don't play a hooligan, you have to divorce him, because this guy is too worthless."

Dou Dagui also echoed: "yes, now it's not easy to drive him out of Dou's house. You can't let him enter this door again. Girl, you'd better make up your mind early and divorce this loser."

When Dousha saw that his parents were determined to drive Chang Wen away, he had to sigh.

Since Chang Wen was driven out of the bean family, her mother-in-law Ding Fei is very happy.

On that day, on the spur of the moment, she did some difficult movements in the fan dance. Unexpectedly, she twisted her waist and sat down on the ground, unable to move.

Dance friends are very anxious, quickly call Dousha, Dousha received the call, immediately let Changwen drive a car to pick her up, together to the dance floor.

Ding Fei sat down on the ground and saw Chang Wen coming. He cried angrily: "you... You are a shameless guy. Who asked you to come? Get the hell out of here! Roll as far as you can

Dousha said displeased: "Mom, as you know, Yongli company has only one car. Without grandma's instructions, no one has the right to move that car. Yongli company is in a remote street. I can't get a taxi near the office building. If Chang Wen didn't drive to pick me up, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get to the dance hall in an hour. "

"Loser, when you come, my lumbago is even worse."

Ding Fei kept calling, sitting on the ground even can't move, as long as a move, she is in pain straight grin.

Dousha was embarrassed and said, "Mom, you can't move at all. How can you go to the hospital?"

Chang Wen said, "Mom, let me give you a massage. Maybe it will be better."

"Loser, you stay away from me, if I let you massage, that's to die!"

Dousha advised: "Mom, just let Changwen have a massage. Last time, he only had a massage for 10 minutes, and your back pain would be better."

Ding Fei curled his mouth and said, "last time it wasn't his massage, it was my self-healing."

Chang Wen said helplessly: "let the ambulance take mom to the hospital. After all, she can lie down."

Twenty minutes later, the ambulance came and took Ding Fei to the hospital.

The doctor gave Dingfei acupuncture and physical therapy, but her back pain didn't get better at all.

She was admitted to the hospital. Seven days later, she was still in bed and could not move.

Ding Fei howled bitterly: "I don't want to live, it's better to die happily. Girl, you hurry to buy me a pack of rat poison."

When Dousha saw her mother's agony, she advised her, "Mom, I think Chang Wen should give you a massage. Otherwise, I'm afraid the hospital won't be much better for another week."

Ding Fei frowned and said, "we've driven Chang Wen out of the bean family. Can he treat me well? I'm really worried that he will harm me and make me paralyzed and sleep in bed all my life. "

"Mom, Chang Wen is not so vicious. He has been in our family for three years. Can't you see that his heart is kind?"

"It's hard to measure people's minds. As the saying goes, if you know a person well, you know his face, but you don't know his heart. God knows who Chang Wen is. Maybe he's a jackal who hides deeply."

"Ma, if you insist on your own opinion, you will have to live to suffer."

Dousha finish, is ready to leave the hospital to go to work.

Dou Dagui opened his mouth: "wife, I think I'll call Chang Wen to have a try. Otherwise, if you live in the hospital, you'll have to spend 500 yuan a day. You don't know how long it takes to get out of the hospital."

No one wants to have a hard time with money. Ding Fei is a woman who loves money as much as her life. She nodded and said, "then... Let the loser give me a massage. Girl, you have to make it clear to him. If you hurt me, you will divorce him."

Dousha called Changwen.

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