Chang Wen came anxiously. He sighed and said, "Mom, if you had a sprain and asked me to massage, maybe half an hour would have solved the problem. Now, you have been in pain for more than a week. Even if I have great ability, I can't let you stand up immediately. I guess I have to treat you for three days."

Chang Wen is right. Three days later, Ding Fei's waist didn't hurt. She sat up from the bed and went down. After a few steps, she twisted her waist slowly and exclaimed in surprise: "my God! My waist really doesn't hurt. "

Dousha said, "Mom, if you had called Changwen for treatment earlier, you wouldn't have suffered for a week in vain."

Ding Fei embarrassed said: "loser, did not expect you really have two brushes, it seems that my waist can not do without you."

Dousha said while the iron was hot: "Mom, let Chang Wen come back."

"Legs are on him. If he wants to come back, I won't block the door and let him in."

Ding Fei has acquiesced to let Chang Wen come home.

Dou Dagui squinted at Chang Wen and said, "when did you learn massage?"

"I taught myself."

"I'm a loser. My cervical spine has been sour recently. Tonight, please give me a massage."

Chang Wen returns to Dou's home.

The news of his return to dounai's home came to dounai's ears. Dounai was furious. She patted the table and yelled: "it's not easy to drive the losers away. How can she lead the wolves into the house again? Dou Dagui is so confused

Soymilk was excited and suddenly fell into a coma.

The doctor gave a notice of critical illness.

This time, the bean family fried the pot and talked about it one after another

"This loser is a loser. As soon as he gets back to Dou's house, something happens to doumilk!"

"If we don't get rid of the bean family, the bean family will never have a better day!"

After the doctor's rescue, soymilk saved a life, but became a vegetable.

Chang Wen has become the target of public criticism, and the whole bean family is denouncing him.

Bean family's old two beans two rich and old three beans three prosperous conspiracy, the two held a secret meeting.

Two topics were discussed at the meeting. One was soybean milk. If there was a problem, who would manage Yongli company? The second is how to deal with the regular prose.

The consensus is: soymilk is doomed this time. Even if it is saved, it is also a vegetable. Therefore, to let doumai and doumi enter the leadership of the company, Yongli company will have three deputy general managers. However, although they are all deputy general managers, there is a stress in the ranking.

Doumai is the first deputy general manager, doumi is the second deputy general manager, and Dousha is the third deputy general manager.

Changwen is the bane of the bean family and must be uprooted. If Dousha doesn't agree to divorce Changwen, let Dousha get out of Yongli company.

In the early morning of the next day, Dou Erfu and Dou Sanwang jointly presided over the middle-level cadre meeting of Yongli company and announced the appointment decision.

The decision was like a bolt from the blue, which blinded the bean paste.

In the evening, Chang Wen went to pick up Dousha and found her red and swollen eyes on the car.

"Xiaosha, what's the matter?"

"Second uncle and third uncle held a meeting of middle-level cadres this morning and announced a decision: let doumai be the first deputy general manager of the company and doumi be the second deputy general manager of the company. I was demoted to the third deputy general manager. Moreover, I was limited to divorce you within three days. Otherwise, I would be expelled from Yongli company."

Chang Wen was surprised and said angrily, "they are engaged in a coup. Grandma is eager to usurp power before she dies. What a wolf's ambition."

Dousha depressed said: "Chang Wen, you go to the office with me, put things together, take home together."

"You... You are so willing to be driven away by them?"

Dousha said with tears: "I can't disobey my grandfather's will. I can't divorce you. So, instead of being expelled from Wynn, I'd better leave myself. It's more respectable."

Chang Wen sneered and said, "Xiaosha, it's hard to say who will win. Don't lose heart. Things will turn for the better."

"Chang Wen, don't dream. Even if grandma is rescued, she's just a vegetable and can't take care of Yongli company any more. Although my father is the boss of the bean family, he has no plan and ability. Besides, the second and third families of the bean family have joined hands. My father can't fight them even if he has three heads and six arms."

Chang Wen resolutely said: "Xiaosha, let's go to the hospital to see grandma. I want to give grandma a pulse. Maybe it can be saved."

"Chang Wen, what grandma suffers from is not lumbago. It's not a problem that can be solved by massage. It's a blood vessel burst in her head. It's useless for you to go there."

"Xiaosha, even if I can't cure grandma's illness, at least, I should go to see her before she dies."

Soybean milk is because Chang Wen came back to Dou's home, and his heart was attacked, which led to the rupture of blood vessels in the brain. Therefore, Chang Wen had to avoid it. If he went to the hospital, Dou's family would think that he had ulterior motives and deliberately wanted to kill soybean milk.

Now, in order to seize power, the bean family can't take care of soymilk any more. Taking advantage of this gap, Chang Wen wants to treat his grandmother.

Chang Wen and Dousha went to the hospital.

Soymilk lying on the hospital bed, his body filled with tubes, a nurse in front of the hospital bed.

Chang Wen pinched the ankle of soymilk and called Yin pulse. He was pleasantly surprised to find that soymilk could be saved.

Chang Wen took away the nurse, immediately in the brain of soymilk point 16 * *, and then in the heart of soymilk for a massage.

Dousha said nervously, "Chang Wen, you won't kill grandma, will you? If it does, you'll be torn to pieces by the bean family. "

"Ha ha... Don't worry, I won't fight a battle without certainty."

Chang Wen was so busy that he panted and said, "I'll come again tomorrow. I think grandma will wake up after three days. Xiao Sha, don't tell the second person about my treatment for grandma, otherwise, we will be in great danger and grandma will die. "

"I'll keep my mouth shut."

Chang Wen doesn't want people to know that he can cure. If it comes to the ears of a masked woman, he can't keep his fingers.

After dinner, Chang Wen sneaks out of the door. He calls Lin Xiaozhen: "sister Xiaozhen, please contact Dou Mai immediately and let her seize the power as the general manager of Yongli company at this time. You tell her: as long as the power is successfully seized, all the business of Dafa real estate will be done by Yongli company in the future."

Lin Xiaozhen puzzled asked: "brother Chang, I think you're a little crazy. Doumai framed you. You didn't retaliate against her, instead, you gave her advice. I said, are you a little crazy?"

"Ha ha... I have my own opinion. Just follow my advice. Remember: the sooner the better, we must make Dousha succeed in seizing power tomorrow."

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