Lin Xiaozhen immediately called doumai and asked her to go to the teahouse for tea.

Doumai was flattered and rushed to yipinxiang teahouse.

When they sat down, Lin Xiaozhen said straight to the point: "doumai, I heard that dounai has been in a coma. Even if you survive, you will become a vegetable. This is a great time to seize power. Your father is the second son of the dous family. He is fully capable of helping you to the throne of general manager."

Doumai patted his chest and said, "I've wanted to be the general manager for a long time, but my father said that I can't act too hastily. When grandma dies, I'll be the general manager after the funeral."

"Doumai, as the saying goes: you want to be the general manager, don't you want to be doumi? Is bean paste willing to be cooled? In addition, even if your father does not want to be the general manager, but your uncle and your uncle, I tell you: everyone wants to be an official. "

Dou Mai was nervous when he heard it. He said quickly, "Lin, you reminded me, I must hurry home to discuss with my parents. If my father disagrees, let my mother get the lead. My mother has the final say in my house."

Bean wheat also ignore tea, get up and run home.

She shrugged at her mother's dangerous words and said, "I heard that doumi wants to be the general manager, and Dousha is not willing to be the third. Besides, he is the only deputy general manager. I think if I don't become the general manager immediately, I'm afraid I won't have a chance."

Doumai's mother, Ding Xiu, is also a domineering woman. She agrees: "yes, at the beginning, my opinion was to let you be the general manager, but your father said that your grandmother is not dead. If you were to be the general manager, you would be afraid of outsiders gossiping."

"Mom, are you afraid of gossiping when it's time to burn your eyebrows? If the general manager is robbed by others, we will never be able to get ahead again. "

Ding Xiu immediately called her husband Dou Erfu and yelled, "come back to me as soon as you can. There's something important to discuss."

The three discussed until midnight and decided to invite Dou Sanwang to drink at noon the next day, half drunk him, and then discussed how to let Dou Mai become the general manager.

Dou Sanwang is numb. As long as he is drunk, even if he sells his wife, he will nod and sign.

At noon the next day, dou Sanwang was invited.

Douerfu took out a bottle of Maotai, shook it, and said, "Laosan, I specially spent 3000 yuan to buy this 20-year-old bottle of Maotai, just to make you drink."

Dou Sanwang happily said: "I haven't drunk Maotai for 10 years, not to mention 20 years of Maotai. Second brother, you are very kind to me."

After three rounds of wine, Dou Er Fu asked, "old man, who is more capable than my daughter Dou Mai and your daughter Dou Mi?"

"It's not necessary to say that your family must have a strong bean wheat ability."

"Laosan, in this case, we have to appoint people on the basis of merit. I don't think our mother will live long. Doumai should be the general manager. What do you say?"

Dou Sanwang nodded and promised, "I have no problem."

"Third, since you have no problem, let's go to the company and hold a meeting of middle-level cadres to announce the decision."

Douer Fu brought the drunk old three to the venue and announced that doumai'er would be the general manager of Yongli company.

The red head document came down. Doumai served as the general manager of Yongli company, doumi served as the deputy general manager of Yongli company, and Dousha was removed from the post of deputy general manager of Yongli company.

Dou Mai looked around and asked curiously, "why didn't you see the bean paste?"

Doumi replied, "my sister picked up the things the day before yesterday."

"Ha ha... My elder sister is a very interesting person. It seems that she is clinging to her weakness. Well, since she is stubborn, let her walk on the log bridge."

Dousha was not only removed from the position of deputy general manager of Yongli company, but also swept out by Yongli company.

Dousha's parents soon learned about it.

Dou Dagui jumped to his feet and said, "the second and the third are too shameful. They don't pay attention to my boss. As the saying goes," beat the dog and bully the master. ". They have swept my daughter out of the house, that is, they have swept me out of the house. I can't spare them

Ding Fei shrugged and asked, "what can you do? Can you still find the second and third to fight for it? I don't think you have the guts. The second one has a big arm and a round waist, and the third one is a fool. If you want to settle accounts with them, you're afraid that you'll be beaten to shit. "

Dou Dagui danced and roared, but there was no following.

Dingfei sighed and said: "it seems that we have to be submissive. If we don't get married, we won't get to the present situation. "What should we do?" you said

"Mom and Dad, as the saying goes: the one who laughs last is the winner. Although it's hard for Dousha now, it's not necessarily a bad thing."

Ding Fei pointed to Chang Wen's brain and scolded: "you can speak sarcastic words, but your wife is angry, but you have no idea, ah! Pity my daughter, a flower on the dog dung

Dou Dagui said angrily, "you're a loser. Your daughter lost her job. You have to support this family. From this month on, you have to pay 10000 yuan for living expenses every month. If you lose a cent, I'll break your dog's head."

"Dad, don't worry. From this month on, I will hand in 20000 yuan."

Ding Fei was surprised and asked, "did you... Did you find another job?"

Chang Wen nodded.

Dou Dagui said happily: "you are a loser. You have to keep your word. You have to hand in 20000 yuan on the 1st of every month."

Dousha asked suspiciously, "Chang Wen, where did you get the money? You can't stand two jobs. "

"Xiaosha, don't worry about me. Now grandma is sleeping alone in the hospital. You have to put your mind on grandma."

Ding Fei said angrily: "the bean family put the cause of grandma's illness on your head. It seems that you can't stay any longer. You'd better get rid of it quickly. But I have to tell you the truth: you are only separated from my daughter, and you are still husband and wife, so the living expenses should be paid on time. "

Chang Wen was driven out of the bean family again.

Dousha comforted: "Chang Wen, you should be wronged first. When my parents are angry, I'll take you back."

The second and third families don't care about soy milk at all. In their eyes, soy milk can live for two and a half days, but sooner or later they will die.

Chang Wen uses eight trigrams to treat soymilk every day.

On the fourth day, soymilk had to move its fingers a few times.

On the fifth day, soymilk's eyes opened.

On the sixth day, dounai finally began to speak: "Dousha, my good granddaughter, you have been accompanying me by the hospital bed, making you hard."

"Grandma, I should serve you. Besides me, Chang Wen has been with you these days."

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