The next day, the three sons of the bean family went to Yongli company together.

Three people went to the general manager's office, a door, met Zhao Dao.

Zhao Dao called out affectionately: "big uncle, second uncle, third uncle, I'll send you greetings!"

Three people ignore Zhao Dao, straight into the general manager's office.

Soya bean milk saw three sons running together. First, she was surprised and turned to anger.

"The three of you, it seems, have come to me to settle accounts."

Soymilk did not let the three of them sit, so they had to stand.

Dou Er Fu pulled Dou Da GUI's clothes with his hand and asked him to speak first.

Dou Dagui kept his head down and said nothing.

Douer Fu pinched douda GUI's thigh again.

Dou Dagui cried with pain. He covered his mouth with his hand and coughed violently. The cough was endless.

Soybean milk angrily said: "do you three want to stand in my office?"? If you want to stand next to each other, stand up for me. "

Bean two rich see the boss keep coughing, know let him head gun is no hope, then said: "Mom, I heard you appointed nephew Zhao Dao as office director."

"Yes, you are well informed. I just announced it yesterday afternoon."

"Mom, it's not fair for you to do so. Your three granddaughters worked hard in Yongli company for several years, and finally became middle-level cadres. However, when your nephew came to Yongli company, he didn't make any contribution and didn't build a career, so he became the office director. Isn't that a helicopter ride?"

Bean two rich finish saying, pulled bean three prosperous clothes.

Dou Sanwang echoed: "Mom, the second brother is right. Zhao Dao has no experience at all. It's not suitable to be an office director. I think he should be an office secretary first and exercise for a few years."

Bean milk slapped on the table and said: "you three have never made any contribution to the company, but I'll give you 8000 yuan of living expenses every month. Is that right? In my opinion, you are too full. From today on, the living expenses of the second and third year will be reduced to 5000 yuan. "

Douerfu said unconvinced: "Mom, we're just making a suggestion. Don't you make a speech and don't let people give advice?"

Dou Sanwang also bravely said: "Mom, we don't want to contribute to Wynn, but you don't let us do it."

Soybean milk said angrily: "you look in the mirror one by one to see what you are. One is gambling, one is taking drugs, one only knows how to eat, drink and play. If you come to Yongli company, you will only tear down Yongli company's platform."

Soymilk rang the alarm bell, and soon, several security guards rushed in.

Pointing to the three sons, dounai ordered, "blow them out. They are not allowed to enter the gate of Yongli company."

Several security guards pushed and dragged them out of Wynn's office building.

Douer Fu said unhappily: "boss, you... You promised well last night, and today you're going to make a start. Why don't you dare to say a word?"

"I was about to speak, but I was choked by a mouthful of saliva and almost let me breathe."

"Elder brother, I think you're looking for a reason. It must be my sister-in-law's advice to keep you quiet."

Dou Sanwang said indignantly: "brother, you are equivalent to being a traitor. We have both been reduced the cost of living, so you stay the same."

Douer Fu threw his sleeve and said angrily, "brother, this is the last time I call you. I don't think you are worthy of this title. From then on, let's go our own way."

The second and third left.

Dou Dagui looked at their back and said with a smile: "ha ha... You two treat me as a fool, let me be a rookie, hum! I've got a smart wife who gives me advice, so I won't be fooled by you two. "

Dou Dagui took out his cell phone and called Ding Fei: "wife, fortunately you gave me a brilliant idea last night. Today, I didn't say a word in front of my mother. Guess what happened to the second and third

"I must have been scolded by my mother, and it was bloody."

"Ha ha... It's not just training. Our mother reduced their living expenses by 3000 yuan."

"Husband, your living expenses haven't changed, have you?"

"No, it's still 8000 yuan, ha ha... Fortunately you gave me a brilliant idea, otherwise, I will end up the same as the second and third year."

"Husband, if you marry me, you've been lucky for eight generations."

In fact, the idea of pretending to be dumb is often written, but Ding Fei takes it for himself.

That night, doumai called Dousha: "elder sister, are you alone at home?"

"I'm at home with Chang Wen, and my parents are out for a walk."

"Sister, doumi and I are downstairs. We'll come up right away."

After a while, doumai and doumi entered the door.

Dou Mai said straight to the point: "sister, I'll make a long story short. Yesterday, my grandmother appointed Zhao Dao, her nephew, as the office director. I think this is a dangerous signal. I speculate that Zhao Dao will be the deputy general manager of the company in a short time. After a hundred years, he will become the general manager of the company, Yongli company became Zhao's industry. "

Doumi said discontentedly: "grandma has gone too far. It's a bit like Empress Dowager Cixi. Today, she promotes a Zhao Dao from her mother's family. Tomorrow, she will promote a Zhao Penzi from the Zhao family. The day after tomorrow, she will also promote a Zhao chopsticks from the Zhao family. If this goes on, the industry of Doujia will fall into the hands of the Zhao family."

Dousha didn't say a word.

Doumai continued: "this morning, my father went to see my grandmother with my uncle and uncle. But my grandmother was so stubborn that she didn't listen to any opinions. Instead, she punished my father and uncle. I think: we three young people can not stand by and stand up to defend the interests of bean family. "

"What do you want to do?" Dousha asked

Doumai pointed out: "according to my father's lesson this morning, I think: we can't be hard, we have to be soft."

"What do you mean soft?"

"The three of us will ask for sick leave tomorrow. Let's ask for three days' leave first. Let's see grandma's reaction."

Dousha asked in horror: "this is... This is a strike!"

"By the way, it's a strike. As long as the three of us don't work, the sales department, the supply department and the finance department will be paralyzed. I'll see if grandma has three heads and six arms. "

"Is that right?" Dousha asked

"What if you don't? If it's hard, we don't need to touch the egg on the stone. If it's soft, we can make Grandma laugh and cry. "

"I have to think about it."

"Elder sister, there's nothing to hesitate about. Now, the Zhao family's knife has been put on the neck of the bean family. If we don't fight again, it will become the meat on the chopping board."

Dousha has no idea. She looks at Changwen like asking for help.

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