Chang Wen squeezed his eyes and nodded, implying that Dousha would agree to come down first.

Dousha understood and said, "OK."

"Elder sister, don't tell your parents about this. We three should do a good job in keeping secrets. We should pretend to be sick and go to the hospital tomorrow to take sick leave."

Doumai and doumi leave in a hurry. Obviously, they don't want to meet doudagui and Dingfei.

Ding Fei's mouth is like a trumpet. As long as she knows something, it will spread all over the world in a day.

Dousha sighed and asked, "Chang Wen, what do you say to do?"

Chang Wen said: "wife, if you three sisters ask for sick leave together tomorrow, grandma will immediately understand that you want to give up and give her a hand. According to grandma's personality, she will never compromise. She will definitely withdraw the three of you. In this way, she will not only fail to achieve her goal, but also be very passive. "

"Chang Wen, if I don't act with them, I will be isolated, and our sisterhood will be completely broken. Besides, I think grandma has gone too far. If she doesn't stop it, Yongli company will really fall into the hands of the Zhao family. "

"Wife, things have not come to such a serious step. Now, the position of director of the general manager's office is vacant, and it really needs someone to fill it. Besides, Zhao Dao, as the director of the office, may not become the deputy general manager in the future. We can only take a step at a time."

"Husband, what should I do to avoid offending both sides?"

"Wife, I remember: you said two days ago that there was still a sum of more than 1 million yuan of money confiscated in K county. Grandma urged you to collect the money several times. In my opinion, you should call grandma immediately and say that you will collect the debt tomorrow. In this way, on the surface, you haven't been to work for a few days, but in fact, you are away on business. In the eyes of doumai and doumi, you are standing in the same trench with them, and in the eyes of dounai, you are the only one who has not asked for sick leave. "

Dousha happily said: "husband, you are so smart. My father didn't get his living expenses cut after listening to your advice of being dumb. The idea you gave me is too high. "

"Wife, I'll accompany you to K County tomorrow. I'm afraid it's hard to recover this debt. I want to help you."

Early the next morning, Chang Wen drove a car to K county with Dousha.

In the afternoon of that day, I arrived at k County smoothly.

They go on and on to collect debts.

It was a medium-sized supermarket that was in debt. At the end of last year, it was engaged in decoration, and it bought more than 1 million building materials in Yongli company. It was said that the supermarket had just opened, and it was short of money, so it would delay again and again, but it didn't pay back.

The general manager of the supermarket is a one eyed dragon with cunning and ferocity in his eyes.

"Ha ha... Minister Dou came to the store in person to make it shine."

"Mr. Wang, I'm really sorry. I'm here to collect debts this time. At the end of last year, the 1.2 million loan you owe our company should be returned."

"Well, it's my treat to meet you both tonight."

Dousha refused: "Mr. Wang, just eat. I hope you can settle the debt at one time."

"Well, I'll do something right away. I'll give you an answer tomorrow morning."

Chang Wen finds out that the one eyed dragon has no intention of repayment at all. He wants to delay.

In the evening, Chang Wen turns around the door of the supermarket and finds that the supermarket is full of customers and the business is booming.

Chang Wen went to the supermarket again. The price of the goods here is neither expensive nor cheap. It seems that the profit of the supermarket is considerable.

It should have made a lot of money in more than half a year since its opening. The debt of 1.2 million is not a big number, so it should not be a problem to return it.

Chang Wen turned around and saw a dozen beggars gathered under the viaduct.

He frowned and thought about it.

He went to the beggar and asked, "who is your head?"

Generally speaking, small beggars will have a head as long as they become a group.

A seven or eight year old little beggar pointed under the bridge pier and replied, "our heads are sleeping."

The sleeping beggar is about seventeen or eight years old.

Chang Wen went over, squatted down and whispered: "boss, wake up, let's talk about a business."

The beggar opened his eyes and sat up.

Chang Wen found out that the beggar's head was a flat nose. It seemed that someone had cut off his nose with a knife. "

Looking at Chang Wen with a flat nose, he asked coldly, "if you have anything, please tell me that I don't have time to chew with you."

"I'd like to ask you to do something for me, and I'll give you a good reward."

"To be clear, what are you doing?"

"There is a Dongfeng supermarket on the street ahead. I'd like you to arrange for someone to shout at the door of the supermarket: the boss of this supermarket has leprosy and the food has virus. Don't buy anything from this supermarket. I hope there's always someone yelling at me from the door open to the door close. "

Flat nose asked: "you also open a supermarket, do you want to make Dongfeng supermarket business yellow?"

"Brother, this supermarket owes me money not to return, wants to repudiate, I come such a move, is wants to force him to return the money."

"How much are you going to pay us?" he asked

Chang Wen stretched out two fingers and replied, "2000 yuan a day, one bill a day."

He turned a white eye at Chang Wen and said, "2000 yuan is too little. We have more than ten brothers who have to take risks from morning to night. The boss of the supermarket will definitely call the police. When the police come, we have to run away like rabbits, including the risk fee."

"That's 3000 yuan a day."

"5000 yuan, it's a buy it now price. If you agree, I'll arrange for people to shout at the door of the supermarket in turn to make sure that the business of the supermarket will plummet."

"All right."

Chang Wen took 5000 yuan out of his pocket, handed it to his flat nose, and said, "this is the reward for the first day. I hope you can explain it clearly to your brothers. You have to shout all the time, so that customers really think this supermarket has virus."

He accepted the money and said with satisfaction, "man, you are interesting enough. Although we are beggars, we are also loyal. Don't worry. I can guarantee that from tomorrow, 90% of the customers will be blocked. I have to make it clear to you that it is impossible not to let a customer enter the store. "

"As long as I can stop 50% of the customers, I'm satisfied."

"No problem, you can check and supervise every day."

In the early morning of the next day, Chang Wen ran to the gate of Dongfeng supermarket. As soon as he saw it, there were two little beggars at the gate, shouting: "the boss of this shop is leprosy. The food in the shop is full of bacteria. If anyone eats the food in this shop, he will get leprosy immediately..."

An old lady was about to enter the shop when she was stopped by a little beggar. She said in a loud voice, "grandma, this is a black shop. Be careful you will be killed."

On hearing this, the old lady turned and left.

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