Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1355: Entertain Loy

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

At the dawn of the Human Shrine, in the dean's dormitory, I saw the elegant Shangguanzheng, and his face was full of red. He was carrying a pair of graceful and wonderful people, and was rushing and crashing.

"Er, Guanzheng, you are awesome, you are getting more and more powerful now!" Wan Qing has been used to the extreme, and in her wonderful figure, red clouds have emerged, obviously reaching the ultimate state!

"That is of course, the gods are all about to become ordinary. As a president of the courtyard, what can I do if I'm not so powerful?" Shang Guanzheng spoke arrogantly. As a man, he was able to put women in royal clothes. This is their biggest thing. proud.

"Husband, I do n’t think the gods are as powerful as you. You can really hurt people, and they love you!" Looking at Shangguanzhen with affection, Wanqing's submissive beauty made Shangguan justice. The wind was blowing.

"Haha, Xiao Sao. Goods, see that this uncle does not fuck. Cool you!" With the rise of play, Shangguan couldn't help but violently.

"Eh, fuck, fuck, **** me!" Wan Qing was soothing, and she also enjoyed this kind of melody very much, but when she was about to be really melody, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Can the Dean of Shangguan be here? Luo Yi came to visit and would like to invite you to see me!" Luo Yi's crisp and sweet voice rang in the void, which was a joy that interrupted the two.

"What? Loy ’s here. Why is she here at this time? Something must have happened!" Shang Guanzheng was suddenly stunned, and he didn't care about doing any more beautiful things. He freely lifted the beautiful legs on his shoulders and let Mei The man was lying there, and he didn't care anymore. He put on his clothes, anxious, and frizzled his hair carefully. It was full of positiveness and went out.

"Guanzheng, you ... you can't wait for a while!" At this moment, Wanqing, who was left out, had a wonderful fragrant limb. The softness of her body was undoubtedly very angry. "People are coming soon, How much time will you be delayed if you do more? "

"Really, how nice it would be if a man came over?" Wan Qing was helpless, and she looked forward to it, and couldn't help but point Yu at her secret place.

At this point, just looking at Mei Qing's Wanqing, she hadn't found that Shangguan was too respectful of Luo Yi's attitude, but this situation didn't seem to hide for long!

Out of the hall, Shangguan was disregarding his own desires. He was holding a big thing. He met Luo Yi and asked for his reasons. He was very concerned about taking care of him.

"Hey, the story is a long story. I really lost sight of Luo Yi, and raised a white-eyed wolf!" Although Lo Yi was aggrieved, she couldn't hide it at this time, and expressed her distress.

"This ... Qingyue's demon girl is really abominable!" After hearing this, Shangguan was also resentful.

"President Shangguan, I hope you can help me here, I don't know what your intentions are?" Luo Yi couldn't bear to be thirsty. Qiu said, "I can't be ruined in that woman's inheritance!"

"Luo Yi, this matter can't be anxious!" Shangguan was changing his face immediately, and he didn't dare to persuade the persuasion: "At present, the world of the gods is coming. The situation is unknown. We must not rush into it. Many students, I will arrange for you to stay and wait until the situation becomes clear before making plans! "

"Okay ... okay!" Although he was unwilling, Loy had to respond temporarily.

"Where's the person, open up the back garden of this dean for Dean Luo Yi to live with his classmates!" Shangguan was looking forward to Luo Yi, but he was eager for it, at this time in order to nod her, directly his own garden The pavilion gave way.

"No way, President Shangguan, just give us a place to settle down!" Luo Yi was somewhat flattered.

"As a result, your dignified generation of dean, the **** of earth and earth, finally came to my temple, how can I take it easy?" Shangguanzheng insisted very much.

The visitor was a visitor, and Loy was not good at saying anything, so he took many of his students to the dean's back garden.

Such a big movement is naturally impossible to hide the teachers and students of the human temple. In particular, Luo Yi brought 50,000 beautiful and beautiful students, which made the human temple crazy. The constant visit peeked past.

"Everyone must not offend Dean Loi, otherwise he would be expelled from the temple!" At this time, Shangguan was issuing a strict order prohibiting students from disturbing Loy's quietness.

They are all young people. They have a strong temperament. If you have a beauty, you ca n’t let it go. This rumor quickly spread, and it ’s faint. Everyone is saying that this is a private harem set by Shangguan. fun.

Since there was a previous record, this rumor just started, and Wan Qing immediately found Shangguan and was talking.

"Hey, Qinger, didn't I say that, it was Luo Yi, a former generation of dean, she dare to come to us, how dare I neglect?" At the beginning, Shangguan Zheng naturally refused to admit anything. quibble.

"Guanzheng, do you know that she used to be? No matter how you say, his loyalty has passed, and now we are one with the Dragon Emperor and we are in the limelight. There is no need to annoy the new Qiankun Temple for her. Yes! "Wan Qing solemnly exhorted.

"Qing'er, I don't agree with you when you talk like that. The Qingyue demon female criminal is in chaos and seeks a position in the hospital. The ten is against the law. Although I can't help her clean up the portal, but for many years ... Can you see death? "Shangguan Zhengzheng preached.

"Oh? Shangguanzheng, I didn't find out, you still have such a righteous character?" Wan Qing couldn't help laughing.

"That is of course. If my character of Shangguanzheng is not good, would you like me?" Shangguan was holding his chest up, very confident.

"Guanzheng, can I see this former generation of deans?" Wan Qing suddenly offered to see if she was a threat.

"What's good for her? She doesn't look good!" Shangguanzheng was a little unwilling.

"Why? Still think your wife has shamed you? As a host, shouldn't I have invited her to dinner?" Wan Qing insisted on seeing it.

"This ... still don't see it? She might leave in two days!" Shangguan frowned, unwilling to agree.

"Guanzheng, don't I just meet? What are you so nervous about? Is there anything inhuman between you and her?" Wan Qing immediately keenly doubted.

"Qing'er, you don't talk nonsense, how can a generation of deans meet with me?" Shangguan was so big that he had no choice but to nod his head and said, "Well, see if you want to see, anyway, she doesn't look good. Don't be disappointed when you meet! "

"Well then, please go and invite her to come, I'll wait for her in the front hall!" Wan Qing immediately stood up and walked to the front hall.

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