Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1356: Suspicious

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Qing'er, a generation of deans, let people's past be bad, let's visit her!" Shangguan is showing respect for Luo Yi from the bones, and he will express it unconsciously.

"Well, I still have to visit her at my site? Your head is rusty?" Wan Qingjiao reprimanded, very dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, I'm gone!" Shangguan was being so out of temper, because of his guilty conscience, he quickly left, came to the back garden, met Loy, and looked at her graceful figure. , And a dull face, it was a little stupid.

"President Shangguan, you don't have to be so kind to me. Now in your temple, I should let you make three points!" Luo Yi is not a fool. She can naturally feel the respect and admiration of her from this man.

"Loy, that ... I have a 'friend' who wants to invite you to dinner. Can you go over it?" Ginger teeth, Shangguan Zheng did not dare to say that it was his wife.

In his opinion, ten of his wives are not as good as one of them. Moreover, at this moment, he could not wait to say that he was single for a lifetime, how could he actively ask his wife to come out and disrupt the situation?

The last time you asked Chen Jiumei to speak, it was obvious that Shangguan was facing Luo Yi, and that was never forgetting. Now that he has the opportunity, how can he easily let go?

"Friend?" Frowning, Luo Yi seemed to be reluctant to preach: "Shangguan Dean, I want to be quiet recently, I don't want to see some idle people and wait!"

"This ... Luo Yi, my friend is not ordinary, you can see me, okay?" Shangguan Zheng persuaded with eagerness.

"Not normal? Since that's the case, I'll go and see you!" Luo Yi looked at Shangguan and insisted that she was on the ground of others, after all, it was hard to beat others' opinions, so she had to agree with her grievance.

So, with the support of Shangguanzheng, the two soon came to the front hall and saw Wanqing, who was full of classic temperament and beautiful!

"The dean of Qiankun Luo Yi, who has long been known for his name, had to see it today, and it really deserved the reputation!" Wan Qing couldn't help but feel relieved when she saw Luo Yi, but she looked kind to her.

"Ms. Wanqing has an ancient charm and unique beauty, which is rare in the world." Luo Yi also complimented.

"Come, Dean please sit down!" Listening to the other side boasting, Wan Qingxin was pleased, but did not care about her calling her lady.

"Thank you, I don't know Wanqing, why did you ask me to come here?" As soon as she was seated, Luo Yi couldn't help asking, because she felt that there was nothing to say between them.

"Luo Yi, what do you think of him?" Pointing to Shangguanzheng, Wan Qing asked directly.

"The dean of Shangguan is elegant, just right, really a big man!" Luo Yi immediately praised.

"Hey, that's because you only saw him on the surface. In fact, he is also a fear of death. Didn't you listen to some time ago, in order to please the Dragon Emperor, did he marry his daughters? So it ’s impossible for you Help you vindicate! "Wan Qing, however, harmed Shangguanzheng.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at speaking out), shangguan was unhappy immediately.

"Oh, anyway, the dean of Shangguan can give me a place to stay. I'm very grateful. Naturally, he will not be required to fight against the nymph in the past!" Luo Yi smiled slightly, but did not have much hope.

"This is the best thing!" Wan Qing immediately rejoiced: "It is indeed a character who has been a dean, and she really knows the righteousness and knows how to advance and retreat. Since you have come to my temple of humanity, then as long as you are safe and secure, Some, we still welcome! "

"Thank you ..." Luo Yi nodded, thinking instinctively that Shangguan was taking the opportunity to warn her, so she did not care about Wanqing.

After a few words, I ate a few meals, Wan Qing soon said that she was full, and that was to launch Luo Yi and let her leave. In her opinion, the sole face of Luo Yi, except for The advantage of body is that it is not a threat to her. After all, men are all appearance associations. You don't have a beautiful face. Who cares about you?

"Luo Yi, I'll send you off!" Shangguan immediately got up at this moment, and that was to send Luo Yi out, naturally attracted Wanqing's dissatisfaction.

At the entrance of the back garden, Shangguan was very anxious to explain: "Luo Yi, don't listen to her talk nonsense, I will definitely try to help you with your business!"

"President Shangguan, don't worry, I won't let you be alone in danger!" Luo Yi's solemn counseling room, also misunderstood him, went into the hospital alone.

"Hey, this ... that mother-in-law, it seems really lacking, I haven't beat you in a few days, you dare to come out and hurt me, you must let you see the power of her husband at night!" Shangguan was angry and could not help but be angry Posted on Wan Qing's body.

That night, Wan Qing raised her incense and hips high, which was punished by Shangguan and punished well. She was also extremely drunk, and she was extremely happy.

"Guanzheng, it's been a long time since you were so good, you are so good!" Wan Qing, who was drunk, didn't find out that it was Shangguan who was spreading her fire.

"Well, you **** mother-in-law, dare you hurt me in front of an outsider?" Shangguan reprimandedly asked, and at this moment, masculinity was undoubted.

"Oh, husband, isn't he afraid that you will be used by her, they are all for your good, so you should be wronged!" Wan Qing at this time, quickly courted and caught up with Shangguanzheng's big thing, let him for a while Merlot can't care less.

It is a pity that this day of Merlot did not last, because after this day, Shangguan is walking back to the garden more frequently. For some time, even if he does not return home at night, he comes back very late, and he does that. It is simply a matter of dealing with the general, hastily!

"Guanzheng, what's so good about Nai Luoyi, is it worth running to her all the time?" Over time, Wan Qing couldn't stand it.

"What do you know, people are the heads of a courtyard, and I can't take good care of them?" Shangguan always said this in order to obscure Wanqing.

"Is it? I think you take care of it like this, you might have to take care of people. Bed? What dean, I think it is the fox. The raccoon is pretty much the same!" Wan Qing could not help but blame.

"Shut up, you mother-in-law, what qualifications do you have for Luo Yi? If you talk like that, don't blame me for being rude to you!" The fierce look of the evil **** and the disgusting look instantly made Wanqing cry. Come out.

"Shangguanzheng, you have no conscience. If you marry you to have children, you are actually a fox. You are not a man?" Wan Qing cried and blamed.

"What? I'm not a man? Don't you know if I'm a man? You slut, see me don't kill you!" Shangguan was on fire, and immediately fell down Wanqing and worked again.

"Ah, your beast is born, uh ...!" Although she is happy, Wan Qing's heart at this time is once again suspicious of Luo Yi, fox and raccoon, I will not let you go of!

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