Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1538: Mistakenly believe

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"If I lie to you, let me do you a half-dead, is this the head office?" Zhu Shiyi gritted his teeth.

"Little sister, then I ..." Chen Jiu was convinced, and he couldn't wait.

"Smelly man, don't you want to hurry past your pet now. Fortunately, Master Sister?" Zhu Shi said unpleasantly, "Your man is really not a good thing. If you haven't eaten the bowl, you want to take the pot ! "

"Little sister, otherwise I'll eat you first?" Chen Jiu's eyes were evil, and there was no opinion.

"Don't ... you should go to the master sister first, I dare not cope with you anymore, now people's legs are still numb!" Zhu Shiyi whispered, and quickly pushed Chen Jiu away. "Come on, don't Let the sister wait!

"Oh, that little sister is clean and waiting for me, I will come and go, and give you a big reward in a while!" Chen Jiutiao. Alley, that was an urgent step to leave.

"Well, is there any problem with lying like this?" Looking at Chen Jiu's back, Zhu Shi couldn't help but worry a little and said firmly, "But how can I let him underestimate? If they are really interested, then they must They'll be together, big deal and he'll do it again, and he won't lose anything! "

Lonely Aunt, such a lonely maiden, Chen Jiu has coveted for a long time, and now watching her finally agree to the good deeds with him, how can he not be happy.

Almost in a sigh, Chen Jiuhua turned into a whirlwind, that is, he rushed into the lonely cold hall, watching Duan sitting in the main hall, somewhat helpless and lonely, he was proud for a while!

"Ah, Chen Jiu, are you here?" Lonely shouted, his face couldn't help but be a bit hot.

"Yes, my sister called me, so how can I be slow?" Chen Jiu said, but he was not polite with loneliness, it was sitting next to her, and holding her tightly. body.

Some were uncomfortable and moved, but they were still affixed, and lonely and harmed, he could not help but preach: "Chen Jiu, I want to talk to you!"

"Master, don't worry, take this thing first and talk slowly!" Chen Jiu really couldn't help it now, not only the fire and gas in Kong Zhi, but also Zhu Shi's, and now he came to loneliness again. Here, he really needs a woman below.

In this way, Chen Jiu shamelessly blocked the words of Lonely Sister, and even released his big thing on the spot, so that Lonely Sister could grasp it, look at its glorious appearance, and feel the heat, loneliness Kan is not nearly ashamed, what is this guy's peace of mind?

If it hadn't been for a long time with Chen Jiu. Intimate contact, loneliness must be soaring, but despite this, in her main hall, as a lonely sage, she is holding this thing of a man, this If it were to spread, her lonely maiden would be ashamed!

"Chen Jiu, how can you do this?" Lonely sorrowfulness opened the conversation box and said, "We human beings are civilized. What distinguishes us from wild animals is that we have thoughts, morals, accomplishments, and accomplishments. No, you understand? "

"Yes, Ma'am, of course I understand these!" Chen Jiu nodded, very sincerely.

"Since you understand, then you still want me to help you get this?" Lonely can not help but glanced at: "I am your master sister, let others know, how can I see people?"

"Master, I like you. Isn't it normal for you to do this for me?" Chen Jiu said rudely: "Besides, Master also helped me a few days ago. Why did you raise your opinion today?" Couldn't Master Ma Fei be jealous? "

"I'm jealous?" Surprised and stared at Chen Jiu, lonely and straightforwardly reprimanded: "You don't think I don't know that you are already well below, I'll do this for you now, what's going on?"

"Ma'am, don't worry, I know what you think in my heart. I love you, Chen Jiu, and won't let you be wronged. What specific requirements do you have, despite mentioning me, what kind of name do you want? None of them is a problem! "Chen Jiu then patted her chest to assure.

"I don't want to marry you, you don't want to be so beautiful!" Lonely retorted, blushing.

"Oh, our sister is still embarrassed?" Chen Jiudao smiled, but took a solitary hand to embrace the lonely fragrant shoulder, directly covering her beauty peak and said: "Since the top The next time I played, I was totally obsessed. I fell in love with Master! "

"Uh, you ... let go!" Lonely Man blushed, and Chen Jiu was so bold. What happened to him today? Why don't you treat yourself as an outsider?

"Well, Ma'am, don't be angry, I know you can't accept it all at once, but rest assured, I won't ask you directly, I will love you, and I wo n’t really be until you recognize me Fortunately, how are you? "Chen Jiu preached again and again, he believed Zhu Shi completely, thinking it was lonely and embarrassed.

"Who wants to talk to you about love, don't talk nonsense!" The lonely unconscious heart warmed, but still quickly refused.

"Really? Then the master sister let me pinch your beauty peak? You still do this for me? Isn't this in love?" Chen Jiu chuckled.

"Bad guy, don't care about you!" Lonely and shamelessly, it was a big thing that flung away Chen Jiu, and he ignored him aside.

"Master, are you really angry? No matter, I'll give you a pinch, don't be angry!" Chen Jiu said, the other hand was also polite and took it up, fiercely petted. Fortunately .

"Well, you will bully people!" The inexplicable feeling struck, and the lonely uncle could not help but shed tears and was very sad.

"How can I? I love you so much, how could it be bullying?" Chen Jiu was even more bold, and hugged loneliness directly on his leg.

"Yeah, you ..." The lonely uncle felt something behind the stocks, and even screamed that he was afraid to move!

"Sister, I really like you. From the first time I saw you, your shadow has been lingering on me!" Chen Jiu congratulated.

Everyone loves to listen to good things, listening to Chen Jiu constantly complimenting himself, and finally there is a smile on his lonely face. The unconscious jade hand once again grasped "Chen Jiu, you are so big below Must be very capable, right? "

"Of course, Xiao Shimei was made alive by me, so happy!" Chen Jiu immediately got proud.

"Chen Jiu, can you not be so fierce in the future? To our woman, you should have more pity!" Finally, after a long day of trouble, the lonely uncle just brought the matter to the topic.

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