Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1539: Help sister

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Sister, do you think I am fierce towards you? Are you uncomfortable with me like this?" Chen Jiu was talking, rubbing gently. Holding on to the huge beautiful peak of loneliness, his face was not at all solution.

"I ... have some comforts!" Lonely Aunt did not violate her conscience, she admitted to preaching: "But Chen Jiu, Xiaoshimei told me that you brought her to endlessly yesterday, and almost killed her. This Is it always true? "

"It's true, why? Master Sister also wants to try it?" Chen Jiu said again.

"I'll try a fart, Chen Jiu, can you spend less time in the future? Don't ruin the little girl!" Lonely blushed, persuaded in perplexity.

"Master, as soon as you hear this, you know you're layman?" Chen Jiu suddenly despised.

"Why am I lay?" Between doubts, the lonely jade hand moved, as if to say, I'll help you slap it, am I still not expert?

"Uh, Ma'am, do you know!" Chen Jiu could not help but quickly said: "Actually how much time we men spend is not controlled by ourselves, I have such great ability, that is actually a kind of woman Fufen, doesn't this seem to be curbed? "

"But there are too many blessings, and it will be unbearable!" Lonely squinted and preached.

"Sister, why don't you take this blessing away so that I can spoil the little sister, how about it?" Chen Jiu suddenly proposed.

"What? You ... you're crazy, it's nothing to do with me, why should I make you do it!" Lonely 浲 tense momentarily, her legs are tight. The face is red and red.

"Sister, I know you may not be able to accept me all of a sudden, but don't worry, we can take it slowly!" Chen Jiu undoubtedly has it, because he knows that Lonely Man and Zhu Shi are not the same kind of person, that way The young lady dared to do everything, let alone be happy with a man, she would dare to have a child with a man, but loneliness is not the same. This must not be too anxious!

"Come slowly, Chen Jiu, do you understand what I said to you? If you go on like this, Xiaoshimei will be ruined by you!" Lonely can not help but re-examine seriously.

"Yeah, so isn't Master Sister helping Little Sister?" Chen Jiushun looked expectantly at Lonely.

"I said this ... it's none of my business!" Lonely straightened with shame.

"Is that right? I think the master wants me to destroy the little sister, and then you monopolize me?" Chen Jiu immediately suspected.

"You ... you're a super narcissist, so I didn't want to talk to you!" Lonely yelled again.

"Is that so? Sister, I am afraid that you are already a wet sister now?" Chen Jiu smiled, the big hand slipped into the bottom of the skirt.

"Ah! What are you doing, come out quickly, don't ... don't do this!" Lonely uncle screamed, embarrassed and powerless, the woman's most sensitive. Once the feeling is grasped, let her have a A feeling I can't get rid of!

"Master, your bottom is good. Wet, I know now, this is not urine, but your love. Water!"

"Chen Jiu, don't say anything? Can you let go of me, okay?" Lonely and stubbornly blushed, his head flushed, his beauty pinched. Some of her legs could not be faced, and she couldn't think of anything, Her shameful response was caught by Chen Jiu. This time, she really wanted to find a place to drill in!

"No, today I must have a lot of sympathy for Master Sister, so that Master Sister truly realizes that I ’m Chen Jiu is not really a rough man!" The chest stretched in, and he grabbed a beautiful peak directly, making its beauty completely exposed.

"No ... Chen Jiu, don't do this. If you do this again, I won't forgive you forever!" Although it has been done once before, at this time the lonely uncle is still nervous and unacceptable.

"Sister, enjoy it!" Chen Jiu said nothing, it was a mouth and then swallowed it.

"Well, you beast, how can you do this to me?" Lonely and shy, a strange feeling made her want to cry without tears, because it was so comfortable.

Yes, Chen Jiu is not only moving above, but also the hand below, with an infinite voltage, making him feel numb and completely sinking in!

The last time I hit and accidentally, I was lonely. I also know what is going on with a woman, and now I feel a stun in this feeling. She is secretly wanting to reflect on the beauty of the last time. That bliss, no woman can give up.

These days, in the middle of the night, how many times would Lonely Wanna want to touch her and let her experience that feeling again, but she still could not bear it.

However, although I physically tolerated it, the thirst in my heart was undoubtedly deeper. Now she was stimulated by Chen Jiuyi. She was immersed in it and could not resist anymore!

Chen Jiu thought it was embarrassing to be alone, so he didn't take matters seriously for her slight resistance. Now that she has promised to make friends with herself, she should love her and she should be happy.

I believe that Zhu Shi's words are true, and by accident, Chen Jiu once again took the lonely and huge advantage, feeling the instinct of the Jade people. He is working hard to wait!

Shengfeng was not addictive, and the second one was quickly pulled out and tasted wantonly. Under the amusement of Chen Jiu, it was natural that Jade people like Lonely Man could not hold on.

"Ah, Chen Jiu, I'm going to die!" Suddenly a coquettling, lonely and utterly beautiful drunk in the past, she relaxed in a tense body, endless comfort and Antai, enjoyment and Merlot!

"Master, how is it? Now that you know how to make a boyfriend with me, what a right decision is it?" Chen Jiu was proud and immediately boasted.

"Go, come less. Whoever wants to be your boyfriend, you will bully others, and they hate you!" Tears shed in the lonely and troubled eyes.

"Sister, why are you crying?" Chen Jiuzhi was anxious and apologized. "Sorry, sister, have I done too much? I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it. I just heard Zhu Shi said that You have already agreed to the good things between us, so I am so happy. I have something offensive. Please do n’t blame me. Will I change it later?

"You ..." Staring at this man, listening to his words like this, I really don't know if I should forgive him?

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