Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2302: Generous and selfless

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Jiuchen, talented, Tianzi Zhuo Yue, recently heard that his skill is gradually recovering, that invincible style is just fascinated by thousands of girls, there are a few apprentices, but he is the only one to look ahead. Find the fastest update website, please search 15; 1

These days, Yan Zi deliberately avoids him, in fact, not because of anything else, but she has some guilty conscience. For him, she is undoubtedly heartbeating, but the two are destined to not be in the future. If they get tired again, it will be quite As the moth flutters the fire, neither of the last two will end well.

Despite her unwillingness and tingling pain, Yanzi made a secret decision, stayed away from Jiuchen, and tried not to contact him as much as possible, except when washing clothes, handing over, she even stopped talking with her. He talked more!

Now, watching Wolf Shadow Sword have a bad opinion of herself, Yan Zi Ti Jian beheaded him, and to a large extent, it has his credit. If it was not for the warmth from the clothes, she How could it be possible to have such confidence?

"What to do? Do you really want to go to Jiuchen? Do you know that it is the cold war with him? Wouldn't it be great if he revived with him?" Yan Zi hesitated, but she still had great concerns. of.

"By the way, if you don't go by yourself, you can ask his apprentice to ask him in the past!" Yan Zi suddenly burst into a smile and immediately got an idea again.

Yan Zi came out, came to Hanmeiyuan, found Yuanyuan and several of them, and immediately told her requirements.

"What? Young Master, they are poisoned. That's great. Let the wicked die, let them die, so we can see the Master again!" As everyone knows, Yuan Yuan's reaction was even worse. Yan Zi was a little speechless.

After asking about it in detail, and understanding the reason behind it, Yan Zi was surprised and persuaded: "You can ask him, please?"

"No, Master, just do n’t say that Master is very angry because of that bad guy. We wanted to get rid of it. Now it ’s poisoned and it's dead!" Yuan Yuan's attitude is also rare and resolute, which is simply Unmoved.

"You ..." Yan Zi glared at the disciples, couldn't help but sternly, "I ordered you to go, wouldn't you also go?"

"I'm sorry, Master, our master is Jiuchen. Only his orders, we need to execute!" Yuanyuan's words are simply annoying and not worthy of life. Zidu is a little jealous.

This dead guy, in what way can these stubborn female disciples be so faithful?

There is no way, watching this group of female disciples endlessly, Yan Zi helpless, had to get angry and left "You don't go, I go, I don't believe that Jiuchen dare not give me face!"

Forced to helplessness, Yan Zi was always unable to see death and save her. Besides, she and Chen Jiu had no estrangement, and immediately found him in Yan Ran's courtyard.

"Sister, why are you back so early today? You don't need to go out to be busy?" Chen Jiu asked in a good voice, knowingly.

"Jiuchen, this is the case, someone is poisoned ..." Yan Zi didn't conceal any more, and told him what happened, but did not mention the matter of Wolf Shadow Sword.

"Is that a few wicked people, do you want me to save?" Chen Jiu suddenly gave the initiative to Yan Zi.

"If it can be saved, it's best to save it. If it can't be saved, don't embarrass yourself!" Yanzi thought for a moment, persuaded with concern.

"Since the sister said so, then take me over and I will try my best to save them. As a person, I still have a little research on detoxification!" Chen Jiu nodded and made no request, it was very Be generous and selfless.

"Huh!" Yan Zi nodded joyfully, and felt that he was indeed the man who made his heart beat, and the measure was really big. He didn't care about him these days, and he didn't take it on himself!

In the alchemy courtyard, there were many mourners, and several of them were poisoned. They were poisoned for three minutes. At this time, they had no energy to roll again. Instead, they were lying there, all cyan, spitting black smoke.

"Uh, this poison ... so insidious poison ..." When Chen Jiu came here, he couldn't help but startled.

"How? Can you solve it?" Yan Zi quickly followed.

"It can be solved, but it is a bit laborious, sister, you have to help me!" Chen Jiu asked to preach.

"Okay, how can you help you, I'll cooperate!" Nodded solemnly, Yan Zi could not care about anything else at this time.

"I forced their poisonous gas into the liver first, and then operated on them to remove the poisoned livers for them and nurse them for a period of time, and they should be able to recover!" Chen Jiu said his plan: "Sister you are next to me, for me Protect the law, listen to my orders! "

"Well, I know!" Looking at Chen Jiu really had a solution, Yan Zi couldn't help but be proud of him. This man was indeed omnipotent.

Then, Chen Jiu was forced to poison one by one, which made everyone's faces much better, and Yan Zi guarded beside him, watching his sweaty appearance, but also unexpectedly, proactive. Help him wipe his sweat, this ambiguous look, let everyone see the sigh.

Her face was a little tender and red, but Yan Zi didn't flinch because of it. She listened to Chen Jiu's orders. She was there to help. Although it wasn't the leading role, she did help a lot, especially in the last operation. Next to her, she delivered some of the appliances Chen Jiu needed, which were also tense incense and sweat.

‘Squeak ...’ At the end, watching Chen Jiu take the thread to sew up her belly, Yan Zi was even more incredible!

"The poison has destroyed most of their functions, and it is difficult for all the magic drugs to be absorbed, so you must sew it up and heal slowly!" Chen Jiu explained, after sewing the last belly, she said shamelessly: "Sister , I'm a bit tired. I'll go back first. You can send someone to settle down! "

"Okay, Jiuchen, take a good rest!" Yan Zi comforted, and Chen Jiu left with some shaking.

After settling these people, she couldn't listen to their gratitude. Yanzi ran back to Yanran Hospital for the first time. In her heart, she was really worried about Chen Jiu.

"Jiuchen, are you inside?" Knocked on Chen Jiu's door, Yanzi asked.

"I'm here. Does the sister have clothes to wash? Put them there, I'll wash them in a while!" Chen Jiu's voice replied somewhat weakly.

Listening to such a voice, Yan Zi felt a pain in her heart, and even pushed open the door of the room, walked into the man's room, and watched him lying there with no expression on his face, and could not help tears Chung said: "Jiuchen, what's wrong with you?"

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