Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2303: I want to pee

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"No, I'm okay. Sister Don't worry about me. I just accidentally got some poison. It will be fine after a few days of rest!" Chen Jiu shook his head, preaching indifferently.

"What? You're poisoned, why didn't you say it earlier!" Yan Zi said, tears could not help pouring out from the blame: "I'm sorry, it's all because of me!"

"Sister, don't say that. The poison I have is just a trivial matter. It will be fine in a few days. I am very relieved to be able to rescue them!" Chen Jiu immediately persuaded.

"Really? But I heard your disciples say, but you are waiting for their retribution!" Yan Zi glanced suspiciously, she naturally knew that Chen Jiu was treating her for her sake.

"Sister, if you really feel bad, take care of me for a few days, okay?" Chen Jiu then issued a request, he pretended to be so pathetic, didn't he just want to take the opportunity to get close to Yan Zi?

"Take care of you, but I won't take care of people?" Yan Zi stared, but also a bit silly.

"Not before, can't I learn now? I can't teach you!" Chen Jiu preached extremely kindly.

"But I still have something to do!" Yan Zi seemed a little embarrassed.

"Never mind, sister, you can rest, I'm fine!" Chen Jiu didn't ask for too much.

"I ..." Yan Zi looked at the door of the room. She really couldn't go out. After a pause, she calmed down and said, "Jiuchen, I can't serve you around the clock. I will spend more time with you. Is this OK? "

"Sister, in fact, as long as I look at you, I'm full. It's enough. You don't need to do anything with me, just stay calm and calm!" Chen Jiuyi looked eagerly, full of romantic preaching.

"You ... Are you still unwilling to me?" Yan Zi's cheeky face suddenly became hot again.

"Sister, don't worry, I won't force you. Just stay with me for a few days, no need to do anything, okay?" Chen Jiu issued a request.

"Do you really do nothing?" Yanzi asked.

"Hmm!" Chen Jiu promised to be full, and there was no unsolicited request, and Yanzi was relieved.

There was a chat that didn't match each other. Chen Jiu looked a bit weak, and Yan Zi couldn't bear to talk too much. The two stayed together like this, and there was no word in the end, and the scene seemed awkward at the end!

But the scene did not last long. With Chen Jiu's gaze, Yan Zi's blush, the atmosphere between them gradually melted and became very harmonious.

Chen Jiu devoted herself to her true feelings, and Yan Zi actually liked him a bit, but now she is more grateful to him, but she ca n’t accept him in her heart, and she ca n’t control some emotional things. I feel that this man is easy to kiss. Close and trustworthy, so it is more and more casual with him!

What are ordinary friends, that is, after losing the topic, the atmosphere between them will become embarrassed immediately, each of them feels a little confused, sorry!

What is a loved one? In fact, it is very simple, that is, they generally do not need to have too many topics, and do not worry about looking for topics to chat with. Even if they stay calm and do n’t say a word, they feel each other ’s existence It is also a comfort in my heart.

What is love The lover is the one. When you get along with him, you can feel very casual, and you can release the person who is the true self at any time!

Yan Zi is not without love, but she dares not to love. Despite this feeling, she is still resisting and does not admit that at least now Chen Jiu can't get her full approval.

Time passed every moment, and the night gradually deepened. Yan Zi finally summoned her courage and said, "Jiuchen, it's getting late, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Sister, can you stay with me all the time? I'm scared alone!" Chen Jiuben. Seized Yanzi's pretty hand, and asked with a look on his face.

"I ... can't!" Difficult earning. After taking off Jiu Jiu's grasp, Yan Zi comforted: "Jiu Chen, I have something to call, I will rest by your side!"

"Okay!" Chen Jiu nodded, but did not impose any requirements.

Back in the room, Yan Zi came to the mirror, covering her cheeks, and she was ashamed for a while, then calmed down and said very firmly: "Yan Zi, you must hold back, but also keep your promise! "

The next day, when Yan Zi came here to Chen Jiu, it had become normal. He took care of him as a patient, wiped his face, washed his food, and fed food, but he did not show the feeling of crossing the border.

"Sister, you can do something if you have something, I'll do it alone!" After a while, after Chen Jiu had finished enjoying it, he persuaded Yanzi.

"It's okay. I'm not too busy today. I can talk with you more!" Yan Zi wasn't in a hurry.

"But sister, I want to boo!" Chen Jiu suddenly preached again.

"What? You ..." Yan Zi blushed, and finally managed to maintain her mood. She was suddenly broken by Chen Jiu, and wanted to scold him, but remembered that he was a patient, so she said kindly: "You ... ?"

"If Sister is not in a hurry, it will help me!" Chen Jiu asked again.

"I ... Okay, I'll help you, but when you get there, you have to solve it by yourself!" Harm. He agreed, Yan Zi Duan was accelerating his heartbeat, and Chen Jiu was helped to the dross room, after a while, listen With the sound of the water there, she was too shy to lift her head.

Listening to hiss, Yan Zi will naturally think of its source, and there is a weapon for men, born with the ultimate lethality to women.

I ca n’t do anything below Jiuchen. I do n’t know what it will look like? As a normal woman, Yan Zi can't be a little curious about a man, especially the affectionate seduce that was recently evoked by Chen Jiu. She is more impulsive to understand men. .

No, she can't, Yan Zi self-denies. Fortunately, she hasn't seen it in the past. Otherwise, she must be scared to death!

Finally, according to Chen Jiu's request, after placing him in the yard, Yan Zi even fled and left. She was so ashamed that she heard the men booing today!

"Chick, you want to fight with me, you're still tender ..." Chen Jiu looked at Yan Zi's back with a smile, confident and confident.

Yan Zi, teaches her disciples, visits the various courts, and selects outstanding disciples to motivate her. When she was busy all day preparing to go back, thinking of Chen Jiu waiting there, she suddenly felt a sense of relief.

I really wanted to go back, even if I just looked at him. Yan Zi couldn't control her emotions. She instinctively walked quickly, but when she returned to Yan Ran, she saw a scene that suddenly made her angry. !!

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