Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2304: Woman is jealous

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Master, come here, the **** round fruit that you peeled!" Crystal. Yingyu. Run, fine, fine and beautiful jade fingers pinched a tickling fruit, so intimately into Chen Jiu's mouth Zhong asked, "Master, how is it?"

"Uh, fragrant, a little scent of heavenly roses!" Chen Jiu nodded, expressing approval to the woman. Prompt the first update website of this book, Baidu please search 15.1 Kanshu

"Master, you are so good or bad, that's the scent of others!" The woman is pretty and ashamed, can't help but blame her for being coquettish!

"Ah?" Chen Jiuyi also seemed a little embarrassed. He accidentally tasted the beauty's fragrant fingers, which was really a guilt.

"Master, come, come and taste what others ..." The other woman, then, seemed a little bold, and just delivered a little fruit in a word that was easy to think about.

It melts at the mouth, that is, the fruity fragrance, but also the bodies of these beauties. Incense, Chen Jiu is surrounded by the beauty, that is to serve him. Wait, win the race!

Yuanyuan and Sasa, a group of female disciples headed by them, heard about Chen Jiu. It is also a good intention to visit him here, but such ambiguous scenes can't stand Yanzi.

"Master, what are you talking about, Meimei!" A group of women teased Chen Jiu, but did not see him outside.

"Cough, don't make trouble, Master is still hurt!" Chen Jiu naturally couldn't coax with them.

"Master, let's talk about it, otherwise, you can taste our tastes one by one ..." A group of female disciples frowned on purpose.

"This ..." Chen Jiu looked around, these women are beautiful, with different temperaments, and the flowers are in full bloom. Although the individual quality is not enough, the quantity can be qualitatively changed, which makes people dizzy!

"What are you doing here?" Yan Ran squeezed her anger, and she finally walked out, because she felt that she would never show up again, and these people would definitely be ill.

"Ah, Master, we heard that Master was injured, so let's take a look at him!" A group of disciples saw Yan Ran and couldn't help explaining.

"Look at him? Have you seen it now? Isn't it time to go back!" Yan Zi reprimanded at the girls coldly.

"Young Master, we are not in a hurry!" A group of women were not in a hurry.

"Huh, I'm going to close the Yan Ran courtyard soon. Can't you even prepare to sleep with him at night!" Yan Zi said unhappyly, waiting for the indirect delivery.

"Young Master, you talk a lot!" Speaking of sleeping, every woman couldn't help but be ashamed and blushed, and said goodbye to Chen Jiu.

"Okay, it's all gone, isn't it enough to see?" Yan Zi complained rather unpleasantly.

"Sister, shouldn't you be jealous?" Chen Jiu's spiritual knowledge is so strong that he knew that Yan Zi had come over. Isn't this just to arouse her jealousy?

Women are so jealous, especially for a man who ca n’t be sure of his feelings. Once some people compete, even if they do n’t like it so much, they will feel uncomfortable and want to get him back!

"Jealous? It's funny, do you think I'm just like them, can't I see a man?" Yan Zi immediately sneered and sarcastically said, "I just can't get used to you being sad here, don't think about it!"

"Well, sister, in fact, they are just joking, don't care, I'm a scumbag, how can others look at it!" Chen Jiu explained it out of politeness, because he knew that Yan Zi was sure Will care.

"I won't care, it's just that you have to do these nasty things in the future, just stay away from me!" Yan Zi said with displeasure.

"How come. It's a mess, isn't it just feeding me a few fruits?" Chen Jiuyi was ashamed, straightly grieving.

"Feed the fruit, then taste the taste of those women. What fruit do you feed?" Yan Zi immediately asked: "Jiuchen, what is the beauty in the end, you talk about it!"

"This ... Sister, if you don't care, why have to hold on to this?" The bitter image of Chen Jiuyi's face, what did the girl say?

"Of course I won't be jealous. I'm just curious, can't I?" Yan Zi was swollen and flirtatious and had to explain to Chen Jiuyi.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. Then Meimei has a fragrance of wildflowers, are you always satisfied?" Chen Jiu finally, just to be honest.

"It is said that the flowers in the house are not as good as the wildflowers. Do you really like them to serve you like this?" Yan Zi began to complain a little bit again.

"Sister, you are wrong. The fragrance on your body is noble and holy, like the breath of life. It smells transparent to all the internal organs. How can a few wildflowers in that area be like you? Than? "Chen Jiuli fluttered to Yan Zi.

"What? You ... You smelled like me, what do you mean, do you want to say that I am your family's flower?"

"Sister, I didn't say anything!" Chen Jiuyi said innocently.

"Huh, Liang you don't dare!" Chen Jiu didn't answer, and Yan Zi didn't think about it anymore.

"Sister, feed me some fruits!" Chen Jiu asked again.

"Do you really want to taste what I am?" Yan Zi complained immediately.

"Sister, you think too much, right?" Chen Jiu's candid look made Yan Zi so ashamed to look up.

Next, Yan Zi personally fed Chen Jiu to eat fruit. In the meantime, she clearly felt that his jade finger was tasted by him, a feeling of tingling. Itching went straight into her heart through her fingers, letting her The following ** places are also a little scratchy. Itching.

No, I ca n’t go on like this. I have to draw a line with him. That night, Blush returned to my room with a heartbeat, and Yan Zi made a hard decision in my heart!

After taking care of him, she must not be able to be so close to him again. When she got closer, Yan Zi was very afraid of her embarrassment.

This feeling, for normal women, is a gift from heaven. Once full, they will have endless bliss, but for women who do n’t need it, it is a kind of torture. From the point of view of Zi, this is the second woman!

However, when Yan Zi was thinking about it, when he planned to alienate from Chen Jiu again, a shocking conspiracy was launched against Yan Ranyuan.

Yanran Institute invented the heavenly artifacts such as the pulp pond and the super thermometer, making alchemy and alchemy very simple. Recently, it is even more successful. They invented the Shenfei, which is enough to change the inherent nature of the herb. The big thing about the model, who doesn't want to get it?

It's nothing to be rich slowly, but if he gets rich overnight, then normal people will have the urge to rob him, not to mention these ulterior motives!

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