Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2305: Conspiracy

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Guangming Tea House, a very low-end but very high-end tea house, today's business is particularly good, and the people are endless. There are several people in it.

In the main hall of the tea house, the tea is full of fragrance, filled with void, like a fairy dancing lightly, and flowing out of the dust, it is very eye-catching, and sighs the amazing scenery!

"A cup of tea for quenching thirst, why play with so many tricks?" The tea room, one of the young people, drank a few mouthfuls, and complained disdainfully.

In the youthful show, he is full of wildness. He is not someone else, but the Wolf Shadow Sword that was driven away by Yan Ziti!

"Brother, you are too thick. Lu, Guanghe Yuan will take out the top fairy dance tea to entertain us, but it is a rare blessing for us!" Another Confucian looks very much like a woman, with special muscle and skin Shui Nen's youth retorted.

"Go, it's not a real fairy. If there is anything you can do, bring some bright fairies and accompany us for a while. That's the real blessing!" There was no cover up.

"You ... you are really vulgar!" The young man with special skin and skin was slammed with a headache.

"Okay, Shuiyuan, you don't want him. Mom's pretending to be with me, and a few of you, aren't you here for the purpose? Everyone is a man, what else can't you say?" Wolf Shadow Sword shook his throat and brought everyone in.

In front of the long table in the main hall, seven Tianjiao youths were seated. They were all extraordinary martial arts. Among the dragons of the people, at this time they heard the cry of the Wolf Shadow Sword, and most of them showed an awkward look!

"Well, Wolf Shadow Sword, chasing female pick-ups depends on their abilities, we know that you like Yanzi, and it is your abilities to pursue them, but I invite everyone this time. The main problem is for Yanran Academy! Suddenly one of the peaceful young people spoke. If Chen Jiu was here, he would be surprised, because he was the Founder who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"For Yan Ran Yuan, isn't that the biggest treasure in Yan Ran Yuan?" Is Yan Zijian, rolling his eyes.

"No, maybe Yanzi was the biggest treasure before, but it ’s different now. Yan Ran Yuan has recently been shockingly invented. These inventions are enough to affect our entire magical temple and even the entire world of the gods. Do n’t Say, you do n’t know anything about these, do you not care about them? ”Fang Zheng explained.

"Founder, we all know what you said. It seemed that it was invented by the Decepticon. Later, there was another Jiuchen. Who we are, we don't know exactly!" One of the strong young people, Then sighed.

"That is, whoever he is, anyway, their creations are also used by us, or Yanzi is the most important!" The woman with a full head in Wolf Shadow Sword is really a beast. Sex does not change.

"It's true for us, but isn't it to pay the money? Isn't everyone willing to pay Yanranyuan a lifetime money? Finally, it will be made more and more fat, and then use all the resources to suppress us completely?" Founder It's alarmist preaching again.

"Founder, what do you mean? Shouldn't you be ready to destroy Yan Ran Yuan and occupy these inventions? But Yan Ran is a relative of Vulcan!" The strong young man was shocked again.

"What about relatives? You ask the lighter, but he is under the pulse of Vulcan, and listen to what he said?" Fang Zheng then invited a young man with a red face.

"I belong to the vein of Vulcan. It stands to reason that I should support the development of the Yanran Academy, but this court has widely accepted the disciples. The wolf's ambitions are clearly revealed. It used to be blindly mischievous. Development and growth, only between the night and evening, people do not want to rely on its breath to survive in the future, right? "The lighter stood up, and was not friendly to Yan Ranyuan.

"Although it is good to say so, if we unite and destroy Yanranyuan, it seems that it is not easy to make a difference, right?" A group of Tianjiao people are all embarrassed.

"Extermination is definitely impossible, we just need to suppress it!" Founder then laughed, and he guided everyone to say: "The patent right we use does not have a long term, we can borrow to renew it. When royalties are suppressed, Yanranyuan is suppressed, leaving them with no money to earn. This loses the support of financial resources. It cannot develop anyway, and it is finally squeezed and coerced by us. Then Yanranyuan will become our back garden! "

"Wonderful, this plan is really wonderful, but I don't care how you play in the back garden, but Yan Zi is mine, you all don't want to fight with me!" Wolf Shadow Sword first called.

"Why? Yanzi is what we look for ..." For a time, Zhu Tianjiao refused to give in, and one after another struggled to win.

"Okay, I said, don't quarrel with everyone, isn't it just a woman? As for it?" Fang Zheng rebuked loudly, depressing everyone: "Let's go, seven of us, one person a day, this head office?"

"What? One person a day, Founder, who do you think of Yanzi?" Most of Tiantianjiao was a bit wrong.

"What person? She looks so beautiful, isn't she still a woman? If she is a woman, she is born with our man's pet. We can use it alone for a day. This is not bad. You run out, I will use it. Isn't it good to use it again? "Fang said pretentiously.

"Founder, you're just too nobody. Sex, but I like it, quack!" Wolf Ying Jian stared, the first expressed support: "Huh, this little cheap man, dare to pretend to be pure with me, See if I don't make her galaxy for nine days in the future! "

"Founder, this proposal is very good ..." With the first support, there was a second immediately. These arrogant people, eager for the beauty of Yan Zi, even want to occupy the resources of Yan Ran Yuan. One by one became extremely evil and evil, and began to daydream.

In the Yan Ran Yuan, Chen Jiu was injured for a few days, but he couldn't stand the few female disciples who were too close. He took care of him, and he recovered quickly.

"Sister, your clothes haven't been washed for several days. I'll wash them for you!" Chen Jiu was just a little bit better and immediately asked Yanran to do the laundry.

"Can't it?" Although a little bit embarrassing, Yan Zi still couldn't beat him, and finally got rid of him!

Let ’s do the laundry. Chen Jiuxing was too proud. When he finally handed over his clothes, he could n’t help but laugh at the phrase, “I have n’t cleaned my sister recently, have you wiped it?”

"You ... bring it to me!" His face was ashamed. Red took the clothes, Yan Zi vowed, starting today, don't even care about him anymore!

Get dressed and feel the warm, self-confident atmosphere. When Yan Zi fell in love, she was suddenly stumbled and shocked by a deceptive Decepticon. What happened to him?

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