Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2307: Three Corpses

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In the Temple of Heaven, Yan Zi is dazzling and sturdy, and she and the founder, Shuiyuan, and Wolf Shadow Sword belong to the peer Tianjiao. !!

"Bright tomorrow river!" Founder's three men, but also chose to shoot first, a Tianhe filled with light, like a beam of light, majestic Xiang Yanzi attacked the past.

"The death of life!" Yan Zi naturally refused to be outdone. The jade body shocked, and the whole body released the strange light of life, which made the light tomorrow darken quickly and disappeared. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Flowing water is ruthless!" The water source did not give Yan Zi a chance to breathe and urged Wudi Juhe to pour away!

"Life blooms!" Yan Zi was in the river of water, but it was like a seed to be watered. Not only was she fine, but she also absorbed the power of the river. Her whole body became brighter and brighter for nine days. .

"Wind of Destruction!" Wolf Shadow Sword annoyed, he shot countless wind blades, like a bone-piercing steel knife, fiercely pierced the fragile life.

"Endless!" Yan Zi's slender figure, swinging in the wind, easily avoided the steel knife, which was harmless.

"What a little girl, it is really difficult, I do n’t have to wait any longer, shining the sword!" In a short battle, the two sides reached the bottom, and the Founder even went all out to split a sword, shining the world!

"Water channel **** ruler!" Almost at the same time, the water source sacrificed a ruler, as if it were a godlike figure like a sea **** needle. It changed every day in shock, and the waves hit the sky.

"No Shadow Excalibur!" Wolf Shadow Sword became famous for his sword. How could he have no sword? His sword skills are also the most tricky. After the sacrifice is hit, it is invisible, like a curse, which makes people inexplicably scary and difficult to defend!

‘Boom rumbling ...’ The three men struck, a light as the sun, a waterway looking up, like a dragon raging, and the last gloom, even more thrilling.

"My sister is careful!" Zhu Xinzhen looked at such a siege scene and was very worried.

"The ravages of life!" Facing the powerful attack of the three, Yan Ziyan's eyebrows frowned. Of course, she did not dare to carelessly, sacrificed the ravages of life and swept across.

'Hey! 'With a sigh of life, when the dying life with the light of life swept over, the sun was dim, there was no glory, the waterway stopped, and it became a piece of standing water, and even the last gloom was silent. , Froze in the air!

"Okay, what a life spanner, I heard that your artifact was too good. I saw it today, and it really deserved its reputation!" After a blow, the Founder had temporarily stopped attacking.

"Oh? Do you want to admit defeat?" Yan Ziqi panted, still a little proud.

"Admit defeat? Yan Zi, don't look down on us too much, but we in the Third Court Tianjiao, how can we easily admit defeat!" Fang Zheng smiled strangely, and then yelled, "Three corpses trapped, open!"

‘Boom ...’ The three of them suddenly threw their own soldiers, and they were terribly deadly.

"What? The three corpses are trapped!" Yan Zi was shocked, but in the face of such strange arrays, she couldn't resist at all, only felt that a huge force was coming, and the fate of life in her hands was helplessly sucked and flew out.

"Bucuo, is the three dead corpses trapped here. This was invented by the ancient genius. It is a supreme array that wins people with strength and weakness." Fang Zheng smiled, and that was the winning ticket.

"You lunatics, don't you want your own soldiers? Are you willing to sacrifice them to death?" Yan Zi stared, and was very scared of the trio's decision.

The three dead soldiers can **** the opponent ’s magic weapon and control it, but the price paid is also very large. That is, it requires the three soldiers to sacrifice and use the bloom of the flower of life to exchange powerful power. This is used to suppress the enemy's magic soldier. Generally, such a poisonous method is less necessary and no one will use it. At present, in order to deal with Yan Zi, the three have even lost their artifacts that intersect their lives!

"After winning this battle, it is worth the price to pay even more, Yan Zi, the obedient surrender of consciousness, and we can discuss it if we have something!" Shui Yuan scolded it, and it was extraordinary.

"Hum, stop thinking!" Yan Zi refused to lose, but she tried to spur the death of life. It rushed left and right, but it couldn't escape the suppression of the three dead soldiers.

"Haha, Yan Zi, why are you doing this? Since we came to us earlier, we have become a family. Isn't everything negotiable?" The essence of Wolf Shadow Sword Evil Silver is exposed, just greedy. Xiang Yanzi greedily rushed over.

"Get away!" Without the ravages of life, Yan Zi's strength is not weak, but compared with Wolf Shadow Sword, it is at a disadvantage.

"Ouch, Yan Zi, I'm pretty temperamental, but unfortunately you are a woman, how can keneng have my man's strength?" Wolf Shadow Sword Zhen laughed extremely arrogantly after retreating from Yan Zi: "My son took the initiative to help you You are not rare, you have to let me come in, are you convinced, right? "

"Huh, you are garbage in my eyes!" Yan Zi scolded, not having a good impression of Wolf Shadow Sword.

"What? Do you dare to call me garbage? I tell you that one day, you will be possessed by the garbage, and I will let you be filled with my garbage!" Wolf Shadow Sword Evil. Evil smile, more Xiang Yanzi fluttered in the past.

‘Boom…’ The two men fought each other and the Yanzi Festival was defeated. The force could not be defeated. The situation was very dangerous.

"Shuiyuan, let's go up, don't let this good guy. It's a big deal that has broken us!" Fang Zheng suddenly made a speech, but also obviously could not stand the wolf shadow sword without shame.

"Okay!" Shuiyuan nodded, the three shot together, pushing Qiankun, breaking the five elements, and finally ‘bang! ’As soon as she dropped Yan Zizhen, she coughed up blood!

"Sister, stop fighting, you are not their opponent. If you go on like this, you can only be ashamed and humiliated!" Looking at Yan Zi unwillingly, she must forcibly get up, Zhu Xinzhen kindly hurriedly persuade.

"Hey, I'm sorry for Yan Ran Yuan!" With a sigh, Yan Zi slowly got up and looked helplessly at the three: "You won!"

"Receive!" At this time, the three were suppressed by the corpse soldiers, which forcibly took away Yan Zi's death, making her cough up again.

"You're too much, you should return your sister's weapon soon!" Zhu Xinzhen shouted with dissatisfaction, angrily angry.

"Also? What a joke, we lost the three great soldiers, just to suppress this soldier. This is our trophy. What qualifications do you have to say repay?" The three of them laughed, how could there be any meaning?

"Okay, don't tell them more!"

"Yanzi, in fact, you do n’t want to return to the soldiers. As long as you marry us, are n’t the soldiers still yours?" Wolf Shadow Sword looked at Yanzi ’s holy figure, really wanting It's up!

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