Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2308: Sadness

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"I thought to myself that even if I died, I could not live with you as a herd of animals!" Although Yan Zi lost, her arrogant will definitely not be profane. (Starting)

"Oh, it's pretty good, Yanzi, wait for Grandpa to get you to bed in the future. I don't know if you can still be so good?" Wolf Ying Jian smiled. The more this woman is like this, the more he Is looking forward to occupy her. There.

"You ... you get out of Yanran courtyard for me!" Facing the evil words of Wolf Shadow Sword, Yan Zi really didn't want to listen anymore.

"Go? You let me go, I'll go. Are you as bullying as I used to be?" Wolf Shadow Sword was so embarrassed that he did not move at all.

"Okay, don't make a noise!" Founder said suddenly, that was to stop the continued provocation of Wolf Shadow Sword, and he was also worried that Yan Zi would be completely irritated, and a fish-dead net broke.

After a pause, Founder looked at Yanzi again and said, "Since you have lost, I hope you fulfill your promise!"

"Yeah, we haven't paid our patent fees for three years!" A group of geniuses were all happy, and that was a huge sum of money saved.

"Yes, not only do not pay it, but Yan Ran Yuan also has to provide us with Shenfei, please now distribute it to us, I want a billion cubic meters!" The lighter went on to say with a big mouth.

"This ..." Yan Zi was embarrassed, her face was embarrassed, and she was extremely embarrassed. She originally wanted to use this to regain the prestige of Yan Ranyuan and recover the patent for Chen Jiu. He said he had lost his heavy soldiers, and he still had a debt.

The intangible assets such as the patent fee, let's not talk about it first, just the current fat, it will make Yan Zi hate herself. You must know that this thing is not your own. It was all mined by Chen Jiu. I said I would pay for it, and give it away for free. How can I pay him later?

I do n’t want to give 10,000, but I have already promised a few people in front of me. If this is not to be compensated, how can Yanranyuan be a human?

Seriously, Yan Zi now has a tendency to commit suicide. If she feels that she can solve all these problems, then she might as well die a hundred times!

"Hey, Yanzi, shouldn't you be ignorant, let's break the trust with us?" Fang Zheng demanded fiercely.

"That is, if you really don't want to be fat, then just stay with us for a day and treat it as debt ..." A group of Tianjiao people salivated at the beautiful beauty, and at this time their ugly faces were exposed, that was With laughter, evil. Evil nature.

"You ... you are all Tianjiao of the courtyards, but now you are so persecuted by a woman, are you still a man?" Zhu Xinzhen couldn't see it, it was because of Yan Ziming's grievances.

"Boy, don't want to die away ..." A group of Tianjiao people didn't put Zhu Xinzhen in their eyes at all.

"Sister Mei, otherwise you will follow them, but that's a lot of money!" Decepticon who has not spoken suddenly spoke, and he even persuaded to Yanzi.

'Snapped! 'Yan Zi was repeatedly persecuted. At this time, she was full of resentment. Decepticon actually said such a jerk. She immediately slapped and rebuked: "Deceptive Tiger, I am still your brother. You actually asked me to accompany them. Do you have any humanity? "

"Yanzi, you little girl, you lost it yourself, did you dare to beat me?" Decepticon was slapped in public, and she jumped angrily: "You won't die with them, and you still Can save so much money for our Yanran Academy, you say in a whisper to Yanran Academy why you are not willing to make a little sacrifice now? "

"Shut up, Decepticon, we don't have an apprentice like you in Yanran Academy!" Zhu Xinzhen scolded, with a disgust all over his face.

"Okay, it doesn't matter to you, don't look at her innocent and holy, in fact, she is also very shy!" Decepticon is still unconscious and continues to shout.

"You're enough. If you didn't make a bet with them, how could I be defeated today. This is the last time, Decepticon. This is the last time I tolerate you. If you don't know how to move forward and back, next time, don't blame me for being ruthless. Clean up the portal! "Yan Zi gritted her teeth, too.

"Well, if you are not willing to make some sacrifices, then our Yanran courtyard will inevitably fall into your hands!" Decepticon resigned aside, he was really afraid that Yan Zi would hit him.

"Isn't it just some fat? We Yan Yan Yuan can still afford it!" Yan Zi said in pain, thinking in her heart, and after the current difficulties, she said, as for Chen Jiu, I'll talk to him later to explain. If he wants compensation, he can give it to him.

"Oh? I knew Master Yanzi, that was bright and clear, and talked well!" Fang Zheng smiled proudly, and his eyes were full of evil.

Persecution step by step, first squeezed and dried the oil and water of Yan Ran Yuan, he firmly believed that in the end, Yan Zi will inevitably be reduced to fall into their hands. By then, Yan Ran Yuan really became their back garden!

"Shenfei I can give it, but the amount of one billion cubic meters, it is impossible!" Yan Zi also has her own bottom line, she went on to say: "So, you first hospital, I will pay ten square meters temporarily, okay? "

"Only ten ways, do you want us to have dinner?" A group of Tianjiao were not satisfied.

"Okay, ten parties are just ten parties, but one month and ten parties!" Fang Zheng did not coax with these people, and did not dare to drive Yan Zi into the dead.

"Yes!" Nodded hard, Yan Zi had to agree for the time being.

There are dozens of yards in a courtyard, and now Yanzi has actually paid hundreds of square meters of fat, which blocked the mouths of these people and made them no longer so yelling.

"Yan Zi, you can't bear it, I can't do these **** fat ..." Greedily looked at Yan Zi, Wolf Shadow Sword didn't want to endure anymore.

"Get off!" Yan Zi scowled, and immediately turned away. "If you're OK, you can leave. I don't have the obligation to take care of you!"

"Little Master Zi, thank you for your generosity. We must be here early next month. You must prepare Shenfei!" Fang Zheng took the lead and laughed. It was a group of people who left proudly. This dispute They are undoubtedly the biggest winners.

"You will be punished!" Zhu Xinzhen looked at these people resentfully, sighing that he was incompetent and unable to start for Yan Ranyuan.

"So many divine fats, if this is to sell money, how much will it cost?" Deceptive sighed, wondering how sad Yanzi is now.

Lost in spirit, just half a day, Yan Zi completely changed like a person, it was back to Yan Ran courtyard, sitting there like a chicken, motionless!

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" Chen Jiu suddenly appeared, and it was a questioning concern.

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