Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2385: No shouting

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Sister Ruhua, look at your sister. This is refreshing and respectful. How can a woman here, especially a woman who can become Chen Jiu, be unhappy?" Leading by example, Kong Zhi gave full affirmation.

"That sister, you can help me arrange it!" Mengruhuaqiao. Ashamed, finally nodded and affirmed.

"What? You promised, did you really promise to marry Chen Jiu?" Wan Zhi didn't think it was so easy. It was just a matchmaker. I didn't expect the beauty to come to her door. Is it a good thing that he has to be taken up by that man?

"Well, I am the oldest, and I should find someone to marry. Chen Jiu and I have some feelings. Marrying him is also destined to be!" Now that I have said it, my dreams are like flowers. opened.

"Sister, my good sister, you will be glad that you made such a correct decision today!" Kong Zhi happily said in a dreamy flower: "Sister, rest assured, as long as you agree, Then you and Chen Jiu's affairs will be kept on me! "

"Thank you, sister!" Meng Ruhua was naturally grateful.

"Okay, sister, follow me while the iron is hot. Let's go to see Chen Jiu and add a little affection to your young couple. Let's talk and talk!" Kong Zhi couldn't wait and immediately stood up and pulled Jiao. Shame. Dream went to find Chen Jiuhua.

On the Nine Five Peaks Square, Chen Jiuli was carefully teaching everyone to practice in front of many Dragon Blood Corps. Now he has a bright eye, and every instruction can break through the magic barrier of everyone, making that person leap to a big one. The cut is really a martial arts giant.

"Look, Chen Jiu's character, what's this style?" Far away, Kong Zhi exaggerated Chen Jiu's to Dream Ruhua.

"Well, he's really good, unexpected!" Meimu flashed, and Meng Ruhua naturally liked Chen Jiu more and more. It turned out that he didn't just have big things, his talent was even more outstanding.

"Boss, my sister-in-law is here, and she also brings a big beauty!" Zhang Xinran was still so fat, and he looked to Chen Jiu reminding him.

"Fat man, don't be a beauty full of minds all day!" Chen Jiu reprimanded and turned around, and found that Kong Zhi and Meng Ruhua were coming here.

"Two sisters-in-law are good!" Zhang Xinran deliberately, the two women had not yet arrived, he immediately shouted with a voice.

"What are you shouting at!" Chen Jiuju stared, unhappy.

"Well, husband, don't blame him, he didn't shout!" Kong Zhi hurried forward, which was to make way for Zhang Xinran.

"What? No shouting!" This time it was Chen Jiuyan's turn and stared again. He unconsciously swept towards the dreamy flower, and found that she just bowed her head shyly, without refuting, which made him stunned. It's up!

"Fu Jun, there are no outsiders here, let me tell you straight. Last time I mentioned this match with you, they agreed. Sister Ruhua thinks you are good and decides to marry you. Are you happy?" Kong Zhizhi was so proud of it that she immediately said it out. In her opinion, this matter will be achieved 90% of the time.

"What? She really agreed, was there a mistake!" Chen Jiu shook his head and stared, unbelievable.

"Wrong? How could it be wrong, if sister Hua admits it personally, can there be a mistake? Hu Jun, you talk to her more these days, set a date, and marry her as soon as possible!" Kong Zhi again Remind to persuade.

"I'm getting married, so fast!" Chen Jiulan couldn't help but came to the front of Meng Ruhua, solemnly asked: "Meng Ruhua, are you sure you want to marry me?"

"Huh!" Mengru Huajiao gave him a shameful glance, but nodded surely, his heart was tense as if the deer was ramming.

"You see clearly, I'm Chen Jiu, not your man. Are you sure you want to marry me?" Chen Jiu was afraid, and questioned again.

"Huh!" Meng Ruhua straightened his glance and nodded again. How could such a thing be wrong? Do you think I'm the same as you?

"Dream is like a flower, aren't you going to never marry again in this life? Why is it suddenly ..." Chen Jiu still couldn't understand. This matter is not clear. He is determined not to marry the woman in front of him, because he does not want to be Alternatives.

Fool, you have been turned around a few times. How many men, I ’m afraid I have forgotten everything, I think so resentfully in my heart, but I ca n’t say it like a dream, she just said like a lady. Tao: "Chen Jiu, I also think clearly these days. The past will eventually pass. I miss him, but since these days, I am sure I have liked you. After Sister Zhi's persuasion, I am even more aware of myself Never miss it again! "

"Wait, I'm dizzy. Would you please let me think again. May I reply to you in a few days?" Sometimes, when happiness comes too fast, it is always so unacceptable, such as Chen Jiu Now it is, he was chasing his dreams in vain, but now he was delivered to the door, but he did not dare to ask.

"Boss, are you stupid, what are you thinking about such a beautiful beauty? If you don't want it, please give it to me?" Zhang Xinran was sloppy. He just ran up to run.

"You fat man, did I say no? Then dare to be rude to my sister-in-law, and I'll slap you!" Chen Jiu hated and hated women. Even brothers couldn't let it go.

"Yes, Xunzi forgive me. When you have a drink, I will punish three cups!" Zhang Xinran nodded, and immediately pleaded for the dream.

"It's okay, I apologize for your innocence!" Meng Ruhua smiled slightly, but she really didn't take herself as an outsider.

"As a flower, come with me first!" Unable to bear it, Chen Jiu took hold of the dream as a flower and dragged her to a place where nobody was. This was in the presence of the Dragon Blood Elite. In some words, he really didn't Easy to say.

"Oh, you lighten it, it hurts people!" Meng Ruo Hua Jiao, groaned, complained.

"Dream is like a flower, what do you say?" Chen Jiu turned her face resentfully, still in an interrogative manner.

"What the **** is it? Is there anything wrong with people agreeing to marry you? Didn't you just rush to marry someone?" Mengru Huajiao gave her a shameful glance, only sullen, charming and confused.

"I was before, now is now!" Chen Jiu preached seriously.

"Why? Don't you want to marry me now?" Meng Ruhua glared at Chen Jiu and couldn't help complaining: "Did you forget what you did to me, do you have the heart to abandon me like this?"

"I ..." Chen Jiu concluded, remembering the various rectifications between him and Meng Ru Hua, he really couldn't abandon this woman. Although Meng Xing lied to him, he couldn't link her to it, but wanted For him to agree, it must be premised.

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