Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2386: Muddle through

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Chen Jiu, please give me a sentence. Are you willing to marry me? Have you ever said that you loved me so much before, aren't they all fake?" Meng Ruhua couldn't help but ask, vowing for one The answer.

"Of course it's not fake, such as flowers. You also know my feelings for you. This marriage, I want to marry, but before I marry, I must figure out one thing!" Chen Jiu was also trying to understand.

"Oh? What's so important?" Meng Ruhua asked, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She was afraid that Chen Jiu was checking her body. After all, she was not a virgin, and there was always something wrong in her heart.

"That's it. I want to try your honey again!" Chen Jiu paused. Although it wasn't the inspection office, it was indirectly an inspection.

"What? You ... why suddenly want to taste that at this time!" Mengru Huaben was guilty, and now she was more nervous. She looked at him secretly, did he see something?

"Don't worry about why I want to taste it. You can just brew it for me. As long as I'm satisfied, I won't have any problem marrying you!" Chen Jiu shook his head and didn't elaborate.

"Since you want to eat honey, I still have some here, you can eat it!" Meng Ruhua quickly took out a pot of honey and wanted to obscure Chen Jiu.

"Don't do this, I want to eat the honey you are making now!" Chen Jiu shook his head, but was very firm in preaching.

"You ..." Dream Ruhua stared, really wondering if he had deliberately played with his own difficulties. Can he not know that he was no longer a virgin, and was no longer able to make honey?

"Why? You're all going to marry me. Could you make another honey with me, is there any problem?" Chen Jiu was puzzled.

"This ..." Meng Ruhua stared at Chen Jiu hardly, and found nothing unusual about him. At this moment, for her own happiness, she had to grit her teeth fiercely: "No problem!"

"That being the case, let's make honey!" Chen Jiu could not wait to preach.

"Okay!" Her face was cloudy, and Meng Ruhua was nervous at this moment. She was really afraid that she was not a virgin. Chen's secret was discovered in advance by Chen Jiu. If he blame himself for breaking the shoes, how much wrong would he Is that it?

Showdown now, but after all there is no evidence. If he refuses to admit it, then who do you want to talk to?

Take a step and look at it. The dead horse is a living horse doctor. Meng Ruhua is still not sure what Chen Jiu wants to do. Although she is nervous, she still calms herself forcibly. Before that step, she really does not want to. Tell your own shame.

In this way, the mood was disturbed, and Dream Ruhua brought Chen Jiu back to his Ruhua Temple. Just under his watch, he reluctantly brought up honey.

It's not a virgin, and the congenital is no longer pure. In fact, this is not to be unable to brew honey. It is the brewed honey that no longer has a healing effect!

At this moment, the dream is as clear as flowers, she can only pray, Chen Jiu did not find such a small secret, otherwise, she would have to be difficult.

Fragrant and saliva are mixed, the five internal organs are refined. When the honey is ready to be brewed, Meng Ruhua sang, and Chen Jiu opened the mouth and swallowed the honey thread.

‘Zi ...’ Fresh honey, with temperature, sweet and fragrant with a flowery body fragrance, is simply intoxicating!

'hiss! ’After the drunkenness, the aftertaste of honey came, and it was no longer bitter and obscure, it completely became a sweet taste of love.

Sweet but not greasy, especially Gan Chun, which is exactly the desire and expectation of a little girl for a beautiful love.

At this moment, Chen Jiu laughed. One can lie, but the heart cannot lie. The reason why he has to taste the honey of dreams is to test whether dreams of flowers have really come out of the previous relationship.

In the past, her heart was miserable and she could not forget her old feelings, so the honey she produced, despite its amazing effect, was really hard to swallow!

Now it's different. The honey of dreams is sweet and sweet from beginning to end, which makes people have a lot of aftertastes, and the meaning is endless. Chen Jiu is simply very satisfied.

Looking at her, she couldn't help looking at her, and soon she could marry a new beauty. Chen Jiu's heart couldn't help but a burst of excitement and happiness.

Jiaoyan halo. Red, pleasant almond face, unique heavy chin, 妩. Without losing holiness, charm, charming, pure in confusion, looking at her white. Clarity. Na looks like, at this time is even more toot With a small mouth, cute and tempting, it is really uncontrollable.

"Zi ..." Suddenly, Chen Jiuwan was like a spinning spider, which went up the line, and suddenly covered the source of the silk, and kissed with Meng Ruhua!

"Yeah!" Meng Ruhua's eyes widened instantly. She looked at Chen Jiu's sudden love, which was a bit inexplicable, but felt his sincere affection. She knew that this time, she had finally been confused. .

Fragrant and sweet, this is not only the pure fragrance of the beauty, but also the sweet fragrance of honey, which is endless, Chen Jiusuo. Take it, it is really endless.

Warm, warm, drunk, strong, strong man's breath, infused into the mouth, but also allows Mengruhua to experience a taste of love, taste, and enjoy this feeling!

'boom! 'With a soft bang, Chen Jiu took advantage of the inch to push the dream like a flower. He fell down, and his big hand touched her long legs, that mystery, human flesh, and silk, and wanted to reach the source. .

"Uh ..." At this time, she was unwilling to resist, because dreams like flowers also wanted, but remembering the impureness of her body, she still forcibly struggled and resisted.

"Ouch, why are you biting me again!" Chen Jiu was a little depressed, thinking she would not resist any more than a few times. Who knew she was so determined? Doesn't she want to marry herself?

"Chen Jiu, although I'm going to marry you, I can't give it to you right now!" Meng Ruhua was dressed in purity, which comforted Chen Jiu, let's say what he said, that made him lose his breath.

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll have to marry you earlier!" Chen Jiu was not suspicious of it, just holding a dream like a flower.

Then, the two said some kind words, that was sweethearted, and the end was very sweet!

"Hey, it's getting late, I should go!" After a while, Chen Jiu was considered conscious and wanted to leave.

"Don't, Chen Jiu, stay at night!" Meng Ruhua kept Chen Jiu, looking at his flaming eyes, and could not help but quickly said, "But don't think of bad things!"

"Okay, I listen to you!" Chen Jiu nodded, not in a hurry.

"Well, thank you, tonight we scored to sleep in the room!" A smile shyly, in the eyes of dreamy flowers, with a hint of bad charm, what is she going to do?

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