Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2387: Urgent need

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Lying alone in a temporary room, although Chen Jiu was a little regretful, he did not force anything, because the beauties are going to marry him, and these days can still afford to wait.

"Chen Jiu, have you fallen asleep?" The voice of dreams came from the door again just after a short while apart.

"Did you sleep? Are you okay?" Chen Jiu asked puzzled.

"I can't sleep, and I want to talk to you again, can I come in?" Meng Ruhua talked. She didn't give Chen Jiu the time to agree, she just came in and pushed in.

"You ..." Chen Jiu took a look, and the whole person sat upright all of a sudden, that was silly in the past.

The dream is like a flower. At this time, a skin-colored coat with a full top, and a seductive suspender with meat and silk underneath it, coupled with that tall and tall figure, is simply a peerless beauty model!

Holy, sloppy, charming. If this dress is usually worn, then the man will think she is sloppy, but the dream at this time is not only sloppy, but very pure.

"Chen Jiu, what's wrong with you? Isn't it pretty?" Meng Ruhua seemed to have never thought of Chen Jiu as a man, and turned around in front of him. That's beautiful, beautiful.

"Pretty, so beautiful, like flowers. Don't you be afraid of me making mistakes when you dress like this?" Chen Jiu swallowed, tentatively testing the other party to see if she could be taken down directly.

"Chen Jiu, people believe in your character!" Meng Ruhua said affirmatively, striding her slender flesh. Simei's legs went straight to Chen Jiu's, and she sat next to him.

"This ..." Looking down the beautiful legs, a slight shape on the little trousers at the source, which made Chen Jiu a little bit more heart-conscious, wanted to get a glimpse.

"Chen Jiu, you have so many wives, we women don't know how many you have seen, so it's not so embarrassing, huh?" Meng Ruhua blushed, just a little bit uncomfortable.

"That's different!" Chen Jiu shook his head and solemnly said, "Although there are many women, you each have their own beauty, which is absolutely different!"

"Just as you would say, well, let people go in, it's cold!" Dreaming like a flower, she quickly got into Chen Jiu's back nest, and the whole person stuck on his body.

"You are so fragrant!" Chen Jiuzhi smelled her ears, and her big hand was politely touched. She got on her long legs, and there was no doubt he was looking forward to it.

"Bad guy, someone came here to talk to you. Don't think about bad things!" Meng Ruhua's cheeks are red, which is undoubtedly bad.

"How is it possible? The things I think are all good things!" Chen Jiuyi said with a straight face, but his movements were not slow.

"Eh, don't disturb, it makes people very uncomfortable!" Meng Ruhua had not been able to endure such amusement. I felt that the discomfort there was really a bit too much. If I go on like this, I will be embarrassed there. Can't die!

"It's not comfortable there, is it here?" Chen Jiu was so bold, he posted it there all at once.

"Ah, you ... you get rid of it!" Meng Ruhua was shocked, and nervous.

"You're so tight, how can I take it away?" Chen Jiu laughed, making it clear he didn't want to leave, and moved slightly.

"You ... Do you really want to see me?" Meng Ruhua just gritted her teeth and ended up making a big decision.

"Would you like to show me?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but be surprised. If he could see it, it would undoubtedly feel more.

"I'm going to marry you, and there's nothing to show you!" Mengruhua persuaded herself to find a reason.

"Okay, please show it to me!" Chen Jiu said, also loosening her dreams, and let her stand in front of her.

A pair of long legs, wrapped, wrapped in meat, silk, slender and immaculate, Chen Jiu looked up, this is simply the temptation from the goddess. Confusion, men simply can not resist.

"Chen Jiu, you look good, I'll show it to you!" Mengruhuahua. With her head down in shame, under the expectation of Chen Jiu, she just pulled the little pants down there, where Revealed his biggest secret a bit.

Jing Jingying, moist and beautiful, Chen Jiu glanced at it at a glance. Although this kind of thing is not much different, but with different looks, it presents a different charm.

"Okay, that's it!" Extremely embarrassed, Meng Ruhua didn't wait for Chen Jiu to watch enough, and covered it directly.

"As a flower, I haven't seen it clearly!" Chen Jiu regretted suddenly.

"It's almost the same. What's so good about it?" Meng Ruhua resentment, but also he didn't understand these men.

"As a flower, what you say is bad, although your women are basically the same except for the head, but this is like a prostitute. A girl is more temperamental, so the more money she sells, the more she feels psychologically. The better! "Chen Jiuyi exaggerated, but this analogy was a bit inappropriate.

"What? You liken me to that kind of woman, you're necrotic, and people don't care about you!" Meng Ruhua was angry, but just jumped off the shop all the time, and the annoyed would leave.

"Ah, Ruhua, don't worry, you listen to me and explain, I didn't mean it!" How could Chen Jiu let her go, she hugged her from behind, and never let go.

"Hey, let go!" Dreamy flower anxiously.

"I won't let it go!" Chen Jiuban was unreasonable.

"You're up to me!" Meng Ruhua was ashamed. If she hadn't known his big things, she would have to be scared to death.

"It's okay, I have to like it sooner or later!" Chen Jiu said with a bad smile.

"You ... you let go, and then people won't marry you like this!" Meng Ruhua was so angry that she was so ashamed that she didn't face anyone.

"Ruhua, don't you be angry with me?" Chen Jiu just apologized.

"Well, people are joking with you. How could they be really angry with you? It's getting late and people should go back to sleep!" Meng Ruhua explained, which made Chen Jiu anxious to let her go.

"Chen Jiu, don't think about others at night!" Finally, with a touch of incense, Yushou was even lighter. Calling Xiao Chen Jiu, the dream is just a temptation. He left indefinitely, only for Chen Jiu left endless illusions.

"Damn, it's like a flower, it's seductive. It's really unpleasant to make yourself!" Chen Jiu was also made wicked. It was really uncomfortable.

"By the way, Mengruhua is not able to move for a while, but Rufeng also has a small star. What about this man, this shit. Do n’t make a fool, do n’t do it. Go to her tonight to play, anyway, she is wearing It's almost like a flower, but you can solve your urgent need! "Chen Jiu soon laughed happily again.

In the second half of this month, Meng Ruhua won it all at once, and asked for monthly tickets to subscribe to support Chen Jiu!

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