Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2400: Lord contract

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Chen Jiu, you are very lucky to get so many beauties at a young age, but it is really your blessing, but there is a beauty who is destined to be mine only!" Kongshen smiled with pride.

"Oh? What on earth do you mean?" Chen Jiu wasn't jealous, instead he couldn't understand.

"This thing is my congratulations to you, you can see it when you look at it!" Kongshen then handed out a volume of gold book, cast by unknown animal skin, is particularly noble, and it gives a kind of supreme, can not Feeling of resistance.

This feeling, like ordinary civilians, saw the imperial edict, it was humbling, and wanted to kneel down!

"Hum, so get mysterious, I'll see what this is!" Although Chen Jiu was affected, he was not yet on his knees. He picked it up and opened it.

‘Zi ...’, the golden light blooms, and the internal rhyme contains great power of rules. If you watch it for those who cannot reach it, you will be strangled to death on the spot by the power of this rule!

When the thing of the Lord God was shocked in his heart, Chen Jiu looked at his eyes and watched it carefully, but he saw the content written in the Jin Shu.

‘I have a disciple today, Yan Ran. The two rising stars are a perfect match. We, like our masters, give him a special gift. When the time comes, we will renew the front and tie the knot’

At the end of the sentence, the titles of Vulcan and Kami were written directly. They are the main gods, representing the supreme right. The rules of heaven and earth, once promised, it is equivalent to the trend of heaven and earth, and can no longer be changed and repented!

Damn, why did the old man of Vulcan make such a promise? Chen Jiu was grieved and stunned. He knew the identity of the person in front of him. Could he be the old **** who was remarried by his mother? He's still dead!

Hum, dare to argue with his father for his wife, and sooner or later he will beat him half-way, let his father cut him off!

At this stage of the incident, Chen Jiu also knew that his identity was violent. Revealed, but after nearly a year, he has completely grown up and has a big backing like Hongzu, even if the **** of empty came to the front He is also not afraid.

"Boy, you don't need to explain something now, but you have to know, I will be your elder sooner or later!" Looking at Chen Jiu's shocked face, Kongkong couldn't help but smile happily, and he came over this time when he made it clear Chen Jiu's.

"Is God empty? Your gift is good, I accepted it!" Chen Jiu gritted his teeth, and there was no spike on the spot.

"Oh? Looks like you figured it out, honor me well, and I won't treat you in the future!" Kongshen said with a generous expression.

"Yeah, I have to honor you, Zhang Xinran, come here and prepare a great gift for the Lord God, you must see clearly, this Lord God, the only God in the world!" Chen Jiuju drank, That was hello to Zhang Xinran.

"Chen Jiu, you know more than your mother!" Kongshen seemed very satisfied with Chen Jiu's performance, he smiled slightly: "Knowing that things can't be done, or a knowledgeable person is Jun Jie, it will depend on your smoothness and future. It can be a big deal! "

"Thank you for exaggerating!" Chen Jiugong thanked him, but his heart was sneer. After a while, I can see if you smile.

"Chen Jiu, you see I'm here, why don't you invite me over to drink?" Kongshen thought he was shocked by Chen Jiu. He really took himself as the uncle.

"On the **** of the air, your status is noble and transcendent. How can you eat with these lay people, rest assured, sit here, and a gift I prepared for you is your favorite mountain and sea food!" Chen Jiu guided , Came to a table, it was ordered to withdraw wine, please sit down with empty God.

"Oh? Do you know what I like to eat? Boy, you're intent on it!" The empty **** was complacent, without thinking about the bad side.

"Well, your kid will be afraid too? When I leave, let me take those cheap people away, and I want to scare them hard!"

"Good to say, good to say, as long as you eat my wedding wine, then we are one family!" Chen Jiu laughed and couldn't help but urge: "Where's Zhang Xinran running, why is it so slow?"

"Boss, I used to urge him!" Li Xiaoyao volunteered and went down to urge.

"Well, everyone eat first, drink first, don't wait for them, they will have delicious food for a while, and they won't give you anything to eat!" Chen Jiu then persuaded the guests, and temporarily left the empty **** The table hung them there without even giving a fart.

This looks at others eating with relish, empty and can't help but feel like "Master, do you think this kid is cheating?"

"Seeing the contract of the Lord God, do you think he still dares to play tricks? Borrow him two courage!" Smirking with disapproval, the **** of emptiness seemed to eat Chen Jiu.

"It's the same, under the contract, I dare not look straight!" The person who narrowed his neck was completely convinced that it was empty. After a while, I ate enough and drank enough. People, I was embarrassed to start, I didn't expect them to be so embarrassed. Low, it's just a straw!

"Hehe ..." The more she thought about it, the more she thought about it, and smirked.

"Boss, a big gift is here, do you really want to go?" After a while, Zhang Xinran came over, just sweating and gasping. He was breathless, as if tired.

"Did you wait for a long time for Lord Kongshen? Did you bear the responsibility if you were hungry?" Chen Jiu reprimanded him, ordering them and placing the table of Kongshen full. Table mysterious food.

The golden jade compass, covered with a fairy stone cover, is full of brilliance. At a glance, you know that there are no things in this table.

"Chen Jiu, you are really interested. It took a lot of effort to find this table, right?" Hollow was just very satisfied, and exaggerated to Chen Jiu.

"It's my blessing to serve the **** of the air, not to mention a lot of effort, it's a lifetime of work, I'm willing to spend it!" It ’s hot. Do n’t get cold for a while while you eat! ”

"Okay, I'll try this plate first!" Kongshen promised, but he gently lifted the immortal cover in front of him. At the same time, the hole was unbearable, and he held a large plate. The whole face can't wait to stick it up, and look forward to it.

Of course, Hollow is not so greedy. The main thing is that he remembers the woman who has slandered him just now. He has to eat up quickly, and then go back to them!

It ’s a little daydreaming, and the empty ca n’t wait to open the lid, it is indiscriminate, and pierced one end. “Oh, good fragrance, delicious!”

"Brother, pay attention to the image!" The empty **** is still steady. After he reprimanded, he completely opened the cover and looked at his food. When he looked at it like this, he couldn't help but be completely dumbfounded.

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