Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2401: Please eat shit

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Oh my god, what kind of **** is this? Why is it so weird in shape?" Many guests are naturally looking forward to the **** of sky, this time, watching them finally start, everyone naturally They are all satiated and come here to watch.

It ’s like a beauty, even if she ca n’t eat it, it ’s a pleasure to watch her eaten by others!

The shape of the round bar is arranged neatly in a circle, and there is a sharp one on it, like a **** roll just pulled out by a person.

‘Zizi…’ When he first saw this thing, Kongshen could n’t believe it, but he instinctively sniffed, and after a bit of stench came on his face, he just made his face green on the spot!

"Why is the shape of this thing so indecent? Isn't it really delicious?" At this time, everyone had no doubt at all about the shit, because there was still a hole in the hollow, and it was delicious, let alone everyone. Can't think of it, Chen Jiu dare to feed the empty god.

"Chen Jiu, are you mistaken?" With his face twitching, Kongshen decided to give Chen Jiu a chance to make corrections, because he looked at Hollow and eat so vigorously, he couldn't help but think that this dish should be wrong Already.

"I ..." Zhang Xinran was so scared that he was cold and sweaty. He was afraid, and didn't dare to come forward. There is a companion like a tiger. If he is wrong, then who knows if Chen Jiu will be furious. of.

"Mistaken?" Frown with Chen Jiu, Zhang Xinran frightened his legs and sat on the ground. Then he sneered again and again: "Why did you make a mistake, I heard Lord Lord God, I like to eat **** the most. I have been to the **** before. I came to my wedding today to find shit. Do I have to mess with you now? "

"What? You're bold!" Emperor Kong's atmosphere, suddenly stood up, it was iron-blue, and was about to explode.

"Well, empty god, you like to eat **** that is famous, what else can you do to hurt. Come on, come on, look, I've found hundreds of **** for you!" Chen Nine persuasive rooms, beckoned, opened all the lids, and the stench was foul, and it really was all different types of feces.

"God, mad, is Chen Jiu crazy? How dare you invite empty gods to eat shit!" For a while, everyone was extremely shocked, but at this time, they were just surprised by Chen Jiu's madness and did not expect What does he have to do with that person in the Nether.

"You're looking for death!" Emperor Kong was angry and gritted his teeth.

"Yeah, I found all the **** and waited for you to eat it. You're welcome. You haven't seen your brother eat so happily. Your vein, born with the tradition of eating shit, can't be broken. Ah! "Chen Jiu bitterly persuaded, and taking hollowness as an example, that made most people believe such a ridiculous and scornful slander.

No way, everyone didn't believe it, but now it's really empty of shit, and it's eating very vigorously, as if afraid of others robbing him!

"Empty, don't eat anymore!" Looking at the empty, Kongshen really wanted to kill now, and the dead boy didn't look at anything, so what did you eat?

"Brother, why don't you eat such a delicious thing?" Hollow's white-flowered flesh and body are now full of mind, and his attention is not in front of him at all.

Therefore, focusing is a terrible thing. If a person focuses on another thing, other things around him may be ignored. It ’s incredible to eat shit, but it ’s real. !!

Since ancient times on earth, there has been a precedent for playing chess and scraping bones. Later, there are more precedents for seeing the meat scene and performing surgery. From this, it can be concluded that at some time, concentration is a good medicine that can anesthetize human beings.

"What's so delicious about eating shit!" Kongshen reminded him in disgust, and now he really didn't want to recognize this brother.

"Sister, don't be kidding, can **** be so delicious?" He said emptyly, and even took another hand and put it in his mouth.

‘Guru…’ Everyone heard the sound of his throat swallowing, and they could n’t help but feel that their stomachs were rolling, and they wanted to pour out all the beautiful food they just ate.

At the same time, people at this moment are definitely sure about the thing that empty gods like to eat shit!

"You bastard, you wake me up and eat **** so happily, are you stupid?" Sky God couldn't help it anymore, waving his hands fiercely to incite the air.

'Snapped! ‘A loud slap of applause, which was knocked out of the hole on the spot, with a blue nose and a swollen face, a bit of aftertaste.“ Master, why did you hit me? ”

"Look carefully, what are you eating!" Sora said impatiently, and now I really don't want to talk to him, we can't afford to lose this person.

"Well, it smells bad, what is it, why is it so smelly? My **** Jane, why is it broken!" Hollow was incomprehensible, eyes widened, and questioned Chen Jiu.

"Not bad, they are shit. You didn't eat so hard just now, why don't you eat it now?" Chen Jiuyi said innocently, and was furious and empty.

"You ... you gave me **** ... vomit!" His face rose. Hongjian felt the stench in his stomach between his mouth, and he couldn't help it anymore.

Shameless. As a former dean, the empty **** of today was seen by everyone. This left him with a reputation that plummeted and he never got the post of dean in this life.

"Chen Jiu, you deceive people too much!" Empty God reconciled to Chen Jiu.

"Oh, Kongshen, you are still polite with me, come, I feed you shit!" Chen Jiu held up a plate of shit, and fell directly to Kongshen, without any kind of politeness.

"Crazy!" Kongkong hit at will. When Kongkong gasified the dish, it was extremely powerful and aggressive.

"Empty God, look at your boss is not too young, but I'm still embarrassed, who are we with, please eat shit!" Chen Jiu lifted his hands, the entire table of excrement, all dumped to the **** of empty.

"There is no phase in the sky!" Sky God opened his arms between his teeth, and suddenly a barrier appeared in front of him, which was hindering the two, just like the next generation, people could not pass through.

"Air God, pick up, **** is coming!" Chen Jiu's figure suddenly appeared in front of Kong God, holding a jade plate, and covered him with a plate of shit.

"What? How do you ..." Before the empty God's words were finished, he couldn't respond. The face-to-face **** was covered firmly on his face, which was extremely humiliating.

"Just eat it if you like to eat shit. You have to let me feed you too, are you too shy?" Chen Jiu pressed the jade plate and rubbed it on the face of Kongshen fiercely. The stench was completely Is poured into the place of the empty god's face.

"Ah ..." Kongshen went mad, and the space centered on him, including his own, became completely lens-like, and it was completely exploded.

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