Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2474: second stage

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‘Boom 嚓 ...’ A stormy thunderstorm, just under the control of Chen Jiu, and under the begging of the butterfly, that was gradually coming to an end.

At this moment, the immortal land completely fell, leaving only the unyielding high mountains still standing!

It is over, the wind and thunderous sky is over, beautiful and beautiful, and the whole body is drunk. The red and colorful butterflies are half-lying there, it is like a rainbow, stunning the world, and soothing. It comforts people's fear of bad weather.

\ "Cai Die, look down, my first stage of treatment, the effect is good? \" Chen Jiu admired the beauty, and was proud of it, her heart was dead.

\ "This ... is twice as big as before, but Chen Jiu, I have been so weak! \" Cai Die looked at it shamefully and complained again.

\ "It is healing, of course, it takes a lot of energy, you don't care about Caidie, you take a break, we will start the second stage of treatment right away! \" Chen Jiu persuaded, and reminded kindly.

\ "What? There is the second stage! \" Cai Die stared, now that she has no energy, if she finished the second stage, wouldn't she be more embarrassed?

\ "Of course, this treatment is no better than others. If it is not treated continuously, then the effect will be retrogressed!" "Chen Jiuzheng preached, no doubt.

\ "Okay, then let me slow down and start the second stage! \" Cai Die thinks for a while, I have eaten all the hardships in the past, I played for him anyway, there is no difference between playing once and twice. , Simply agreed.

\ "Okay, then tell me when you are well!" "Chen Jiu was not in a hurry. He just admired his masterpiece like this, it was full of pride and fullness. It was enough to be able to play like this. Playing a superb beauty, no doubt Is a man, something to be proud of all your life!

\ "Chen Jiu, don't just stare at others all the time, otherwise you should hurry up and start!" "Cai Die was looked at by that hot. Her eyes looked more uncomfortable, and her heart was also faint She had the idea of ​​being pushed back and left aside, so she asked quickly.

This feeling is very strange, and it also makes Caidie very embarrassed. Here, she is holy and clear, and she is pushed. It is only a disability, but she still wants to be pushed. The second time, it seems like this Being able to make it even more comfortable. Just like serving, she couldn't face it!

\ "Okay, the second stage will start soon! \" Chen Jiu rushed forward, and swallowed it politely.

\ "Ah ... Chen Jiu, you bastard. Egg ... you get up, don't do this ... \" Cai Die is infinitely shocked, embarrassed and angry. When she refuses, she wants to resist, but finds that she has no strength at all Yes, he can't be pushed away at all.

I ca n’t push it down. In the moment, Cai Die was fascinated by this feeling. Drunk, she didn't want to resist anymore, because it was the rain falling from the sky. The dew, not only nourished the earth, but also Run into her heart even more!

At this moment, there was a feeling of fullness. The feeling of foot made the color butterfly ashamed and unable to control herself. She twisted unconsciously, jade. Her legs were gently swaying in the back nest, with a slight difficulty. The reaction has also grown since then. It was born without realizing it.

After the thunderstorm ushered in, it was naturally a downpour.Chen Jiu was not polite with Caidie.The pouring down the mouth was like a Tengu moon swallowing.I want to completely flatten the mountains in front of me.

A new abominable astronomical phenomenon began to play. After a long time, Tianguo's moon swallowing failed. When the cloud was light and the wind was light, the heaven and earth returned to Qingming. At this time, the mountain was still the mountain and experienced a After the rain and disaster, I was stronger and more vigorous.

\ "Well, yes, yes, the treatment at this stage is also surprisingly good. Look at Caidie, I didn't lie to you? \" Chen Jiu pursed her lips, of course, she will not give Caidie a chance to make a splash He first invited shamelessly.

\ "You ... how can you do this to me? \" Cai Die gradually reminisced. In those eyes, Ying could not help but burst into tears. Although she was going to hook. Chen Jiu, but some things were done, still It would be extremely wronged.

\ "Cai Die, why are you crying? Sorry, it's my recklessness. If you don't like it, I won't do it next time, okay? \" Chen Jiu naturally hurriedly apologized, with a look of perseverance and distress.

\ "You ... you want to change the treatment next time, do you say it in advance?"

\ "This changed from the first stage to the second stage, of course, the treatment is different, I thought you knew!" "Chen Jiu also pretended to be very innocent.

\ "Don't you say how do I know? \" Cai Die muttered dissatisfied.

\ "You didn't ask, so I thought you knew! \" Chen Jiu also has good reasons.

\ "I don't ask, wouldn't you say it yourself? \" Cai Die cried.

\ "You don't ask me why I say so much. If you scold me again, who do I talk to?" "Chen Jiuduan argued with Caidie, but this is obviously an endless cycle, and it can only be done in the end. Already.

\ "Forget it, just what happened just now, but it is not allowed to do it again next time! \" Caidie warned that in the end, she still had a positive opinion on Chen Jiu's treatment.

\ "Oh, in this case, do we need to start the third stage of treatment for Caidie?" "Chen Jiu smiled again immediately.

\ "What? And the third stage, you have no end to it? \" Caidie was afraid, and quickly gathered her arms, questioning vigilantly.

\ "Don't cover it, it's no longer needed in the third stage!" "Chen Jiule smiled happily, very proud.

\ "I do n’t need it. To cure its illness, if you do n’t cure it, what crooked idea do you want? \” Caidie still didn't relax, she continued to question.

. [,! ] \ "Caidie, what you said is bad, it is a three-foot freeze, not a day's cold, and you can't cure the symptoms but not the root causes! \" Chen Jiu said immediately without hesitation: \ "The situation just now , We just cured the symptoms, this only works for a short time, and if we cure the symptoms, then we can keep it and achieve the best effect! \ "

\ "What? You mean, if you just treated it for a long time, if you don't continue to treat it, it will be a white cure?" "Cai Die couldn't help but rolled her eyes \" Why didn't you say it earlier! \ "

\ "But you didn't ask clearly? \" Chen Jiu was very wronged again.

\ "Okay, okay, now that I have talked about this, you talk about your treatment, let me see if I can accept it! \" Cai Die is too lazy to compare with Chen Jiu.

\ "This is naturally acceptable, Nuo, it's here, I want to kiss here!" "Chen Jiu immediately pointed at the butterfly Sakura. Lips demanded.

\ "What? You must kiss me. Mouth, this is impossible! \" After Caidie understands, she refuses if she doesn't want or want it. It's abominable. This guy obviously has to go in. Didn't chase it, I gave you everything to play, how can I play after that?

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