Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2475: Pretty good

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\ "Caidie, don't be angry, my dear is not the mouth, but the disease! \" Facing the severe rejection of Caidie, Chen Jiu was not anxious, but slowly persuaded.

\ "That won't work. I'm holy Bingqing here. If I kiss you, how can I get married in the future?" "Caidie looks very pure.

\ "Color butterfly, if you do n’t treat the disease, then even if you marry, you will have to be abandoned by the man sooner or later. Instead of giving birth to your own children, you will not be able to take care of them. What's the cure, what do you say? "" Chen Jiuman preached reasonably.

\ "This ... \" Cai Die hesitated, couldn't help it: \ "Is it really that serious you say? \"

\ "Color butterfly, anyway, you have eaten everything below me, and you still serve so well. Waiting for a man, this holiness seems to have long been gone, you don't care about it! \" Chen Jiu also put out a fact reminder Road.

\ "Ah, you are necrotic, how can you tell that kind of thing, if you let others know, how else will you be a person in the future? \" I think of my own difficulties. I ca n’t help but I am ashamed to become a big instant Red face, unable to face, is it too bold for you to do that?

\ "It's not that I want to say it, but it reminds you not to forget it! \" Chen Jiuzheng preached.

\ "Okay, okay, do n’t you just want to kiss me, it ’s not OK to give you a kiss, I ’m going to see, what is the difference between you and the little brother below! \" Caidie gradually figured it out, Could not help but calmly accept this third stage of treatment.

\ "Ah, of course it's different, you can have a good experience! \" Chen Jiu embarrassedly, just put it up gently, smelling the pure fragrance of orchid, he couldn't help covering it anymore. Go up.

At this moment, it was just a super Hornet.I encountered a bright, freshly-opened flower. This flower was left unattended. She just opened it and was already picked by this Hornet. First mouth powder.

The first powder is not like real honey, but better than real honey. Its rich fragrance comes from nature, the aura of heaven, earth, and creation, which is unparalleled!

As a Hornet, Chen Jiu now undoubtedly feels that life is really happy and dead. If he can pick up such a powder every day, he feels that his life is really nothing, and that life is full of endlessness. significance.

Shaky. Falling, the colorful flowers are plucked, and they seem to be unable to bear the weight of Dama Peak. They are almost bent and in danger, but this is obviously only an appearance, and it cannot explain the heart of the flower!

As a flower, it needs to be picked by nature, because the flower that is not picked is 'raw', which is imperfect and incomplete. As a female flower, it is only after it has been pollinated by Xiongfeng. Be truly happy.

It may seem that this is a battle of plundering by the Hornet, but in fact it is not. Both sides take what they need and benefit each other, and they have gained a new kind of fullness in the process. That's the magic of nature!

Fortune-making and letting nature take its course, there was nothing unusual about the situation, but this wasp was a little dissatisfied. In general, he turned to attack under Xiaohua.

\ "Uh ... \" Xiaohua moved, although he knew that this wasp had crossed the border, but he was crazy. Drunk, weak, and unwilling to stop him!

In this way, under the unconscious indulgence of Xiaohua, the hornet flew under the flowers and turned to seek there ...

'Zi ...' Suddenly, a flower blooming in the dark caught the attention of this wasp. He looked at the crystal. Yingyu. It was moist, dewdrop-like flowers, and was fascinated. !!

The bee loves flowers. Perhaps he smelled the scent before it was attracted. At this time, when she saw her goal, she couldn't help but pick it up all at once.

\ "Yeah ... \" With the same branches, the top and bottom are integrated. It seems that the flowers below are also picked by the bees. The flowers above are shaking and shaking, and they are tight. They are stretched!

After all, the Hornet is a Hornet, it is a natural harvest. The master of flowers, no matter what kind of flowers, can't help him to pick, but can only be reduced to his food.

\ "Ah ... \" With a sound, the final situation can be imagined, accompanied by Xiao Hua's submission. She also dedicated her wholeheartedly. She gave her own and showed the most beautiful side completely.

Beauty, a flower, is only the most beautiful at this moment, because at this moment, she completely let go of herself and no longer holds any reservations!

In this scene, the viewers, all of whom are great blessings, will have good luck for life, and as the founder, Chen Jiu is not only blessed with luck, but also proud and smooth. .

Indescribable, a blissful beauty that completely invaded the color butterfly. She was so fascinated. When drunk, she was just silly in the past!

After a long time, Caidie just felt that she had a very beautiful and beautiful dream. In this dream, she grew angel wings, which fluttered in the sky, leaving the sky high and letting her swim. It's simply extremely happy.

Of course, happiness can't last forever. After flying for a while, Caidie is also tired, so she gradually wakes up, but just opens her eyes confusedly. "What's wrong with me?"

\ "Oh, this is nothing, except that the root cause has been removed, and your body and mind have been liberated!" "Chen Jiu was very positive and explained again.

\ "Is it? \" Cai Die wondered, thinking about it, and suddenly remembered what kind of general, that is the face. Hong Da angrily said: \ "Chen Jiu, you are fooling. You are not talking, you are not Say just kiss. Mouth, how come you kissed me well? \ ". [,! ]

\ "Cai Die, who made you have two mouths, of course, I have to treat them to take care of their emotions?" Chen Jiu said very innocently.

\ "What? I ... \" Cai Die faced such a downturn. Liu's accusations were simply angry to refute.

\ "Okay, Caidie, look at you, isn't it bigger now?" Chen Jiu reminded him in order to divert her attention.

\ "Well, it really is like this, it seems that you are quite good at it! \" Cai Die looked down and couldn't help but be very surprised.

"" Of course, can I lie to you? "Chen Jiuyi said honestly.

\ "But you did that kind of thing to me just now ... how can you kiss there? \" Cai Die is still a bit bitter, and feels very wrong.

\ "Hey, I don't think you're dirty, but you still think I'm nosy, if you really feel that way, I'll ignore it next time!" "Chen Jiu sighed, and complained very much.

\ "Don't ... \" Cai Die involuntarily shouted, and even made herself a big coquettish. Shame, wouldn't I be too unpredictable if I clicked it? But that feeling ...

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