Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2514: Lack of avenue

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

\ "It is not a mere word of ambition to go alone, and the consequences of doing so will not be too wonderful!" "Chen Jiu thought, he had a choice and an idea.

At this moment, he thought of the realization in the punishment of heaven. When the change of Yin and Yang became a light man, he was often not a light man, but he won by quantity!

Quantitative change can cause qualitative change in any thing. Tianjie is the case. Why is it so when humans reproduce?

Suddenly, Chen Jiu gave birth to a kind of enlightenment.He no longer hesitated, but suddenly turned his mind into hundreds of millions of shares, and began to look for the black cursed waterfall and walk up.

Traveling against the water, retreating if you don't advance, these ideas and instincts have formed one by one. This is the most primitive form of human beings, which is in harmony with heaven, and dares to compete with the heavens!

Sure enough, when Chen Jiugang experimented, he felt a little timid, because these countless undercurrents were not all so big, and among them, there was also a certain degree of looseness and lack of avenues. The world itself was not so perfect. The presence.

At this moment, just find the gap and swim in, then Chen Jiu can penetrate the true source of the curse!

‘Booming ...’ In the microcosm, countless undercurrents are surging, and countless powerful curses are overthrowing the world, seemingly extinct and terrifying.

However, if you take a closer look, in the cursed torrents, there is only a literary \ "// cfwx \" target = \ "_ blank \"> cfwx. 蚪, this strange energy also has life. Being, the miracle of life, is really omnipresent!

The torrent is very strong, and most of the 蝌. 蚪 have been dissipated, but they are not discouraged, they continue to hug the group, and go to the end of the undercurrent, rushing past.

‘Wowa la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la a la the work], among these countless undercurrents, one of them is particularly small, and a tadpole, taking advantage of this emptiness, swiftly slips into it.

'Zi ...' suddenly opened up. At this moment, Chen Jiu's attention was completely focused on this cricket. 蝌 's body, his body and mind, were all devoted to it, trying to figure out the source of the curse. ?

Ming Jing was flawless and pleasant, and surprised Chen Jiu. As far as his eyes were concerned, there seemed to be nothing, but it seemed to be filled with something!

\ "What the **** is it? \" Chen Jiuxin was puzzled, but as far as his will was concerned, nothing seemed to touch him, making him very anxious.

\ "Calm, you must be calm. Maybe this willpower is too small to see the true source! \" Chen Jiu is a character who has experienced big storms and calmed down soon.

Then, Chen Jiu continued to increase the output of ideas, so that more puppets. The puppet spirit group entered this gap, but he hadn't had time to be happy. A powerful torrent of curses burst out from this gap. The partition once blocked his way!

\ "No, this gap is abolished, the heavens are running, the roads are lacking, and they are also changing! \" Chen Jiu was not desperate, but was thinking of ways to continue to divide the spirit, so that they formed billions of shares. Keep looking for new gaps.

Strong, Chen Jiu ’s mental strength now reaches 45 trillion. In theory, 45 trillion shares can be differentiated. Now billions of shares are only pediatrics for him!

‘咻咻 ……’ The amount of about 200 million can make a woman pregnant with a child, and now the huge amount of billions really makes Tiandao impossible to hide.

There are gaps in the gap.Although they are changing, they can't hold too much spirit.After a while, there is a rush of spirit. Alas, that is to enter the gap in the avenue and come to the source of the real curse.

‘咻…’ With the increase in spirit, Chen Jiu ’s vision gradually narrowed, and the situation of the entire source also appeared in his mind more clearly.

A Pang Bo Hao, Han, the avenue covering the sky and hiding the sun, is simply larger than the body of the dragon, which traverses the air and intersperses the past and the future, which appeared at the source of the curse.

The so-called curse is just a division of this avenue, and a little transformation of power is nothing to mention!

How strong is the true way of heaven punishment? At this moment, Chen Jiu just has a feeling of fear. He feels that it is difficult for him to master such a true way of heaven and earth, because it is simply too powerful, it should not be It is where human beings can control.

\ "Huh, the more powerful I am, the more I must conquer!" Chen Jiu's unwillingness to lose was also quickly born.

\ "Let's take advantage of this time to start refining and use it! \" Chen Jiu dare not neglect, because the time for day punishment is limited. If this time passes, then this avenue gap will be closed. It's too late to think about refining the way of heaven punishment.

Spiritual gathering, Chen Jiu tried to draw some of the essence of this avenue, and he has already practiced, trying to achieve a state of harmony with intention.

'boom! ‘Unfortunately, he has underestimated this avenue. It ’s just a quintessence. That is, the spirit has burst away. Chen Jiu from the outside is also coughing blood!

\ "Metamorphosis, it ’s really a metamorphosis. But the more you metamorphose, the more I like it!" Chen Jiujian resentment, he did not believe in evil, and continued to refine, but this time, he learned Dow is even smaller.

'Zi ...' has a body and will that can survive in a cursed state. Chen Jiu has more or less reached the recognition of this avenue, so this time, it is relatively smooth. A trace of avenue power has been real by him. Refining can be used in the future!

\ "Great, finally mastered. [,!] A little bit of heaven punishment, continue to work harder, strive for more refinement, and reach the point of random calling! \" Chen Jiu was not surprised, because he now It's just that a little bit can be used, but it is not enough to really call the power of this avenue.

Different magnets in the avenue are attracted by the same **** and repelled by the opposite sex. Only by mastering more Dao power can you use it to use the true heaven punishment avenue. At that time, Chen Jiu will have the essence of calling the master god!

'Zizi ...' The power of the avenue is as delicate as a silk thread, a trace of drifting into Chen Jiu's spirit, refined by him, and with the way of refining natural punishment, his temperament also occurs Changed the world.

Noble, majestic, at this moment he is simply the incarnation of heaven and earth, like the Lord of God, who controls the ups and downs of the world, it is angrily and the world is flat, and all are dead and all perished!

‘Boom! ’Just as Chen Jiu was immersed in the refining of Dadao, there was a huge earthquake, all the gaps were closed, he was isolated from Dadao again, and the day punishment ended at this time.

\ "Well, it really helps me too! \" Just after waking up, Chen Jiu seemed to have discovered something good, and he smiled again.

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