Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2515: Shiren Wuhun

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Under the horrible curse of heaven, all the sky is gone, all the beasts do not exist, everything is empty, the world has lost its brilliance and color, it is just like the scene of the world's extinction, which is chilling and intolerable.

‘Zi ...’ But at this time, in this extinct space, there is a hard rock, which emits a faint light, but it is not damaged!

This stone is particularly strange, with a square head and cuboid.Although it is seated, it also looks like a stone man in the shape of a machine.

Unlike the robbers just now, this stone is gray at this time, without heads and eyes. It's weird!

\ "This ... Isn't this what the stone martial spirit of Wuwang Shenfu looked like? It was taken away by a Hongguang at first, and it turned out that he got it! \" Chen Jiu didn't care at the beginning, and now he saw this stone man again, Suddenly I remembered the trip to the former King of Gods.

At that time, Chen Jiu had also thought about conquering this stone martial spirit.However, the main **** shot it and detained it.He could only retreat helplessly.

At this moment, looking at the stone Wuhun, Chen Jiu couldn't help but laugh out of nowhere.On the one hand, he felt that he was crossing the robbery and looked like a stone Wuhun, which really fit perfectly.On the other hand, he lamented God. It really is not thin to him, it should be his thing, and eventually ran to him!

‘Oh! 'Suddenly, the stone opened his eyes. The robber should have survived the crisis. He woke up and stared eagerly at the sky ~ long ~ wind ~ literature \ "// cfwx \" target = \ " _blank \ "> The thunder and robbery in the air of cfwx, great joy and thirst. Pray.

\ "The merits are fulfilled, and I, Shi Zhongyu, has finally risen. In the future, everyone in the world will think of me as a respected person!" "The robbers gradually stood up, full of pride and arrogance. The imposing manner is simply the world to give me up Who to abandon.

'call out! ’Then, the robber shot at Tian Jie Ye, and he wanted to nourish as soon as possible. Nourish himself and get the favor of this world!

'boom! ‘Unfortunately, the dumbfounded thing happened to Dudu. Just when he was about to arrive at Thunder Robber, a slap suddenly fanned out, which was a fierce blow to him.

\ "Who is going to win me the fruit! \" Shi Zhongyu will soon be on fire. Rising up three feet, chilling and faint, shot. Jiu Chen Jiu.

\ "Tao brother, Mo Ji, I'm not trying to capture your Taoism, but I have something to say!" "Chen Jiu gradually appeared, but he is not black, especially not. Ya.

\ "What? What monster are you recruiting from the facts? Otherwise, don't blame me for leaving nothing behind! \" After seeing the look of Chen Jiu, Shi Zhongyu was even more agitated. Angry.

\ "Monster? Brother, where do you start? Where am I, a living creature standing in front of you, where do you get in touch with monsters? \" Chen Jiuting turned his eyes blank, and did not seem to realize his image. Something went wrong, but I thought it was a problem with the other person's eyesight, because he looked more like a monster and looked almost the same!

\ "Living people? Although we human and beast temples have many races, I have never seen a stranger like you. If you want to take away the fruit of your Tao, you are just seeking your own way!" "Shi Zhongyu couldn't stand it, and waved again Fist out.

‘Boom…’ The square iron fist, like a mountain like a star, strikes Chen Jiu as heavily as it is, it is simply irresistible.

\ "Brother Shi, don't be impatient, I really have something to say!" "Chen Jiuzhang hands,‘ bang! ‘Suddenly, I shook it a few times, still holding each other.

\ "You ... how could your power be so great? \" Shi Zhongyu stared at Chen Jiu in shock, knowing that he was not easy to deal with, could not help but take a step back and preach: \ "What are you going to say, let me go and talk ! \ "

\ "Brother Shi, I think your bones are wonderful, but they are martial arts talents that will never come out for thousands of years. I intend to accept you as your master. What do you want?" "Chen Jiu immediately stated his plan.

\ "Haha, you monster is simply the most funny monster in the world. I succeeded in the jade crossing of the stone. In the future, I will become the main god. I stomp my feet and the whole world will tremble because of me. Shake, I roar randomly. Everyone has to retreat. You, the future master of the world, like me, let me be yours. I think you must have come from an alien? \ "Shi Zhongyu smirked and laughed fiercely.

\ "Yes, I did come from an alien. Shi Zhongyu, you also said that you are the future master of the world. When I become the master of the sky in the future, I will seal you as the master of the world. What do you think? \\ "Chen Jiu wasn't angry, and Gin grinned, but the black teeth were really not. Ya.

\ "The Lord of the Cang? I am, just because you look like a monster, do you deserve it? \" Shi Zhongyu scolded again and again, he was arrogant enough, but did not expect to encounter a master who was even more arrogant than him. This It can't stand it.

\ "Shi Zhongyu, I read that you are also a talent. I advise you to have a better image. Don't think that you have the protection of the Lord God, you can be fearless and tell you that I am the boss here!" "Chen Jiu's The voice gradually became cold, and there was a way to give first and then to soldiers.After all, it is necessary to subdue the other party as a subordinate.Although it is necessary to fight, it is necessary to complete the number of courtesies.

\ "Go to your mother's boss, you dare to plot my thunder solution, today I will let you come back forever! \" Shi Zhongyu growled wildly, and slaughtered Chen Jiu again.

\ "Shi Zhongyu, do you dare to gamble with me!" "Chen Jiuyi kicked it out, and once again pushed Shi Zhongyu out, asking sternly.

\ "Gambling? How to gamble? \" Shi Zhongyu's stare was puzzled, obviously also a little irritable.

\ "You are not my opponent now, I will give you half of the thunderbolt solution, let you recover completely, and then we fight again, if I win, what will you do for me? \" Chen Jiu thought, proposed a Not to make the other party particularly difficult.

\ "What if I win. [,!]? \" Shi Zhongyu is confident.

\ "If you win, all the thieves will be given to you, and I will also apologize to you, is this the head office?" Chen Jiu also preached heavily.

\ "Is it just an apology? But I want to slaughter you! \" Shi Zhongyu was biting a square-mouthed steel tooth, very cruel.

\ "Well, as long as you can kill me, I have no regrets, so you agree, don't you?" Chen Jiu sneered with confidence, disapproving.

\ "Of course, Lei Jie fluid, get me half of it! \" Shi Zhongyu has no reason not to agree, anyway, you have to fight, first get some Lei Jie fluid and say.

\ "Here you are!" Chen Jiu said he could do it.

'Zi ...' The precious light shone, and the stone jade after absorbing the thunderstorm liquid turned into a diamond godlike body, unstoppable, infinite force, an innate domineering, and then radiated, deterred Heaven and earth, only I have exclusive respect!

\ "Go to death! \" Just after the absorption, Shi Zhongyu couldn't wait to kill Chen Jiu in the past.

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