Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2516: Tianwei first appeared

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‘Boom ...’ One punch came out, the mountains and rivers moved, the heavens and the earth shook, and Shi Zhongyu ’s fist was enough to open the sky and absorb the thunder, and he was obviously 30% stronger than just now.

\ "Oh? The strength has broken into 50 million trillion, and it really is a talent with a different handle! \" Chen Jiu's spirit was released and he quickly estimated the strength of the opponent.

There is no fear, although the other party has been promoted to the supreme god, but Chen Jiu is also extraordinary, and Zhang Jian also struck the past with a punch!

‘Boom! ’With a sound, the sky was falling apart, the chaos was roaring, and Shi Yuzhong's fist was defeated by Chen Jiu, and was beaten out again.

\ "Huh, your strength is indeed more than me, but the real battle is not determined by strength. The real invincible body is the root! \" Shi Zhongyu was repelled, although he was shocked, but he also Obviously expected this situation, a little later, he immediately shot again.

'Booming ...', like an unfamiliar robot, using his diamond-like hard body, he was shocked by Chen Jiu. Although his strength was not as good as his body, his body was not bad. Unable to destroy!

'boom! ’As soon as Chen Jiu repelled Shi Zhongyu again, he could n’t help feeling some limb pain, because the other side ’s body was really too hard.

\ "Tianshizhidao! \" Shi Zhongyu obviously didn't want to be so entangled. After tangling, he stepped back and drank suddenly, a stone channel, showing from his feet. Long. Wind. Literature \ "// cfwx \ "target = \" _ blank \ "> cfwx turned out, and for a long time, it reached Chen Jiu's feet.

‘Zizi…’ At this moment, Chen Jiu felt that his body had begun to petrify and became stiff, which caused him to move a lot slower!

\ "Kill! \" Shi Zhongyu stepped on the stone road, and the killer that followed immediately came over, fierce. The fierce punch was like a mountain hail, rushing across everything.

\ "Go back! \" Chen Jiuben. He can lift his fist hard. Although he returned Shi Zhongyu back, he found that a crack appeared in his fist, which was a great decrease in strength!

\ "Monster, get ready to break! \" Shi Zhongyu roars and drinks, and continues to kill with confidence. He will borrow the petrified Chen Jiu from Tianshidao, and then crush him completely.

\ "Shi Zhongyu, you really have a bit of a doorway! \" Chen Jiu sneered smirkly, and dare not keep his hand to prevent overturning in the gutter \ "The way of heaven punishment! \"

‘Zi ...’ Intentional experimentation, Chen Jiu summoned the way of the natural punishment that he had just refined successfully. It appears as fine as a gossamer, like a plume of smoke, extremely inconspicuous.

\ "Haha, do you arrogant monster really take yourself to the sky? This is the way you are proud of, I can blow it away in one breath! \" Shi Zhongyu was originally stingy, afraid of Chen Jiu really had a big move, but looking at his invisible Taosi, he couldn't help but laughed.

\ "Really? Then you have the skill, come and try it!" "Chen Jiu laughed lightly, defiantly provocatively.

\ "Without self-control, the smoke disappears! \" Shi Zhongyu really didn't take it seriously at the moment. He strengthened his punch and bombarded the past again, trying to destroy it together with Chen Jiuhe!

'Boom ...' It's a pity that this punch hit the road shape like a light smoke, but it made a sound of a mountain collision, it was shocking, that is this road wire, just shaking it slightly There is no slight deformation or damage, and when looking at Shi Zhongyu, as the force-applying party, his entire arm is trembling. It is obviously unable to withstand the backlash of this force.

'puff! ’After a short stay, Shi Zhongyu even vomited a bite of blood, which only eased down, and his face was ugly and horrified.

\ "Shi Zhongyu, blow, why don't you stop blowing, what do you do to spit blood? Do you want to run it away? \" Chen Jiu's face was funny, and he was not polite.

\ "You ... \" Evil glanced at Chen Jiu, and Shi Zhongyu was so angry that he made smoke and secretly vowed to kill the arrogant monster in front of him.

'boom! ’Then, Shi Zhongyu stomped her feet suddenly, and the stone road now turned into a serpent, wrapped around Chen Jiu's death.

The restraint of the power of the road, incalculable strength and majesty, this blow is enough to destroy any low-level opponent!

\ "Ah!" A sigh was soft, and a dark, ink-like atmosphere suddenly erupted in the center of Tianshi Road. They were filled with endless cursing power like black water of hell.

‘Zi ...’ Powerful corrosion, strange powers struck, and the end blocked the whole avenue, making it tremble with instinct and fear.

\ "What? A curse stronger than just now, is this monster that you ran out of the penalty? \" Shi Zhongyu stared silently, seriously, he really has a rush to escape now, but he was wise, It can never be ruined here, and he chose to fight in the end.

While the road was cursing curses, Shi Zhongyu's hail once again, this time he turned into a powerful stone man, with great power, splitting stars and moons, creating the world, creating everything, pushing everything!

\ "Finally, I still want to use the power of Wu Hun, which is just what I want!" "Chen Jiu faced the crushing of Shiren, and smiled suddenly, and suddenly yelled.

'Roar! ’A leopard-shaped head manifested on Chen Jiu ’s body, his whole man ’s momentum, completely distributed, dominated the world, and the king was honored.

The soul of the king is completely opened.At this moment, Chen Jiu is the hegemon who leads the army and conquers the universe. Any creature who sees him must submit and retreat.

'boom! ‘At this time, I was forced to endure the physical and mental fear. Fear, Shi Zhongyu still threw a huge fist at Chen Jiu.

\ "Huh, be bold! \" Chen Jiu suddenly scolded, almost shouting Shi Zhongyu and sat down, then. [,! ] With a big wave of his hand, with unmatched strength, he fancied the people in the stone to the ground and beat him all over. He shivered and couldn't stand!

Innate suppression, the fusion of Shi Zhongyu after the Shiren Wushun, is simply conquered by Chen Jiu in the heavens, he will be stronger against others, but he is better not to dissolve this Wu soul with Chen Jiu, because of this At this point, his strengths became his shortcomings, easily controlled by others.

\ "You ... why your breath makes me unable to resist! \" Shi Zhongyu stared, unacceptable, and incomprehensible.

\ "I said, I am your master, you can only be loyal to me in this life, Shi Zhongyu, you are now defeated, do you want to bet on losing? \" Chen Jiu was not anxious to explain, but first forced to ask.

\ "Tell me your true identity, because it is impossible for Shi Zhongyu to be loyal to a monster!" "Shi Zhongyu sadly couldn't help but put forward his own request, but this fight could not be beaten, you must know who was defeated?

\ "Monster? I said Shi Zhongyu, don't you really know me?" Chen Ji thought he was very handsome. After a look, he still didn't come over.

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