Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2620: Break me and wait

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

\ "Chen Jiu, can't get your heart, I want to get your people too, tonight you are mine, and no one can take it away! \" Cai Die these days, it is obvious that she is broken, and looking at Chen Nine pairs of demon. 娆 care so much, it has a great deal of jealousy to send.ww.vm)

Women have resentment, if this is not released, sooner or later they will be angry, Chen Jiu looks at the color butterfly, but also feels ashamed, and did not stop her from asking.

‘Zi ...’ Then, the butterfly looks like a ball, and it moves there, while Chen Jiu is the needle that is equivalent to a ball, and starts to deflate her!

After a period of deflation, the pressure of the ball reached a normal state, and the colored butterflies in the blast soared naturally to slowly stabilize.

In the end, Caidie crawled on Chen Jiu's body weakly, and she was very compassionate preaching: \ "Your Majesty, people cannot live without you, can you abandon others! \"

\ "Caidie, I'm sorry, I may have overlooked you these days, but I didn't do it on purpose! \" Chen Jiu naturally wanted to understand a lot of things during this period, and was no longer so entangled.

\ "What's the use of just saying no? \" Cai Die complained again.

\ "Okay, then I will do it! \" Chen Jiu said, turning over the horse, it was a good performance, and of course in the end, I got the color butterfly's forgiveness, and was close to him. Fight.

On the occasion of the beauty of the royal clothes, Chen Jiu's unhappiness was mostly resolved, and the next day when he went to the early dynasty, he couldn't help getting a lot of energy!

\ "You Aiqing, who has the method to break the enemy, quickly give it, I will remember his first achievement!" "Chen Jiu and the generals love to discuss, do not miss any possible.

It is a pity that the Minister of Civil and Military of the Manchu Dynasty did not have an effective countermeasure in the face of the Heavenly Locked City Array, which made the atmosphere in the court hall awkward!

\ "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about it. Our Da Zhou soldiers are strong and strong, and the people in Da Shang Imperial City are heartbroken and indifferent. It is not worthy of decades, and we can't attack ourselves!" The ministers have only resorted to drag tricks.

\ "Decades ..." Chen Jiu stared, where can you wait?

\ "Your Majesty, my lord and daughter have a good strategy to defeat the enemy! \" At this moment, with a masked drink, accompanied by a masked figure, he walked up to the temple.

\ "Monster. Alas, what are you doing here? \" Although masked, Chen Jiu's aroma and posture cannot be forgotten.

\ "Your Majesty, the princes and daughters are willing to go deep into the great businessmen, to relieve the grief of the monarch, and the people. This is the military order issued by the princes. Within one year, the big quotient must be completely defeated! \" Monster. When I spoke, I actually took out a military order and severely defeated Chen Jiuyi's army.

Manchu culture and military are all there, Chen Jiu could hardly refuse to face such a request!

\ "No, I can't watch you die!" "Chen Jiu gritted his teeth, and despite the hopes of the ministers, he refused strongly.

\ "Your Majesty, the maids have a way to protect themselves. Even if you stop me today, I will go alone, and I hope you can open up! \" The demon. My destiny has been decided, and it is difficult to keep it.

\ "Your Majesty, should you let her try it out? Seeing her so confident, she might be able to do it ..." The generals were unclear, but they persuaded them again.

\ "Demon. Aunt, how can you add confusion to the aunt! \" Chen Jiuqi couldn't help walking to the monster Aunt, a small voice annoyed at her, hoping she would retreat when she knew what was difficult.

\ "Your Majesty, it is my freedom to go and not go, I hope you will not be so arbitrary! \" Demon. He said softly, that is necessary.

\ "You ... would you like to stay if I sealed you as the mother? \" Chen Jiu was unwilling to ask, just tentatively.

\ "This ... \" Demon. I moved the room and looked at Chen Jiu, but she finally shook her head and said, "I don't want your mercy, I will fight for it by myself, and then I will Not only for you alone, but also for the world ’s Limin, for my sister's atonement, this is my responsibility and mission, please do not stop me!

\ "Then you are sure you can protect yourself? \" Chen Jiu continued to ask, not the kind of unreasonable person.

\ "Your Majesty, the King of Heaven is not able to do it, he just wants to do bad things, I am afraid that he doesn't have that ability! \" Demon. He whispered a proposal, inadvertently looking at the strength of Chen Jiu, his face could not help but be tender .red.

\ "This ... Then you go there, but you have to keep in touch with me often, can you do it?" Chen Jiu asked again.

\ "Of course, Your Majesty, if the persuasion is not successful, we will take them inside and out!" "Demon. I nodded my head, but preached again:" "Let ’s take me away, It's easy to contact at that time! \ "

\ "Well, if you have an accident, I will get there as soon as possible! \" Chen Jiu also had to agree. Since the other party had to do this, he could not help but compromise her to help her. After all, she is not her real woman, and she has no right to decide her life.

\ "Xie Xie's grace, the princes and daughters will definitely not disgrace the mission, and complete the king's life!" "Demon. Xie hurriedly thanked him, which made Chen Jiu never repent.

\ "Hey ... \" Chen Jiu sighed, and couldn't help but sighed at the moment: \ "枉 My big week is capable of countless people. In the end, I have to rely on a female stream to complete the heavy tasks. It really hurts me to wait! \ "

\ "Your Majesty said, I'm so ashamed! \" All the ministers were drinking and also a little embarrassed.

\ "Your Majesty, I still have something to ask for. I wonder if you can?"

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\ "Oh? Tell me what you have to say, I will do my best to complete it for you! \" Chen Jiu patted his breast and promised that he wanted to compensate as much as possible for the demon. 娆.

\ "Your Majesty, others are telling secrets, but please move on!" "Yao. Xi said with a mysterious look.

\ "Okay, let's go to the study! \" Chen Jiu nodded and dismissed the officials, and he brought the demon. He came to the study.

The book is full of fragrance, clean and elegant, it is spotless here, and it is very calm and peaceful!

\ "Demon. Alas, you are too reckless today. How can you set up a military order in front of the Manchu princes? If this is not possible, are you really ready to make your own decision here? \" After Chen Jiu closed the door, In front of the demon.

\ "Your Majesty, this is not the case, would you agree to it? \" Yao. I smiled slightly, but it was a little proud.

\ "You ... you are putting your own safety at risk!" "Chen Jiupo was a bit depressed.

\ "Your Majesty, people know that you are worried about others. Didn't they promise you that they would keep in touch with you at any time! \" Monster. 娆 Pleased, but persuaded.

\ "Okay, now that I have agreed, I won't regret it anymore. Although you have any requirements, I will definitely cooperate with you! \" So far, Chen Jiu has to face reality, but Then the demon. A word, but it really shocked him with sweat.

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