Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2621: Final appeal

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

\ "Your Majesty, others want a pure enjoyment! \" The demon. She seems a little embarrassed, she whispered.

\ "What? What is pure enjoyment? \" When Chen Jiuhan was sweating, he didn't dare to understand.

\ "Your Majesty, you know!" Demon. I grumbled.

\ "No, I don't know! \" Chen Jiu shook his head like a rattle, apparently pretending to be confused.

\ "Your Majesty, do you have to let people say it! \" The demon. I whispered a whisper, although Jiao. Shameless, but she still explained with a pinch: "" People want to be beautiful, but they have to do it themselves This is not pure. Can you help others? This is the last requirement of others! \ "

\ "Do you want beauty and don't want to do it? Let me help you ..." Chen Jiu would like to agree, but he still advised: \ "Don't you have a goddess artifact? Then you don't need to do anything! \"

\ "Your Majesty, the relief of the goddess artifact is only a physical appeal. You must know that our women are born with the most attention to the feelings of the soul. The reason why we use these things is just to wait for the right man to love us. Once our heart There are belongings, this kind of thing is not attractive to us at all! \ "The demon. I am full of sad preaching.

\ "Well, you can say this, it's a good woman!" "Chen Jiu also had to agree with this.

\ "Your Majesty, so you promised someone else? \" Yao. I was surprised.

\ "Can I refuse? \" Chen Jiu hesitated, still unable to make up his mind.

\ "Yes, that's your right. It's just that people will leave. Life and death are unknown. The future is uncertain. It is likely that you will never see your Majesty again, but you just want to leave a last thought. Your Majesty will not be able to communicate. A moment? \ "Monster. I feel sad, tears flowing across my face.

\ "妖. 娆, I ..." Chen Jiu tried to persuade, but felt that he was weak physically and mentally.

\ "Your Majesty, you do n’t have to worry about it. It ’s all people ’s own decision to choose. It ’s life or death, they will bear it alone, and it wo n’t cause you any trouble. If I have an accident, you should not have encountered it. I'm fine! \ "The demon. Sighed with sorrow, it's really moving.

\ "Demon. Alas, how could I forget you? Just you have no other appeals? \" Chen Jiuyi's heartache.

\ "No, people in this life, only love and sacrifice the next person! \" Demon. 娆 full face of true love.

\ "Monster. Sorry, maybe I can't marry you in this life, but rest assured, I will do my best to meet any of your requirements!" "Chen Jiu was quite blameful, but he agreed softly. .

Looking at a deeply loved weak woman, she went to the king of heaven to surrender for her own death. How can a man, once again, refuse her request?

\ "Your Majesty, you don't need to pity me, all of this is my fault! \" He shook his head, demon. He didn't feel happy all of a sudden.

\ "No, this is not pity for you, but I like you, so the decision was made, demon. Alas, promise me, live well, you must wait for me!" "Chen Jiu said firmly, no doubt in Cheer up the demon.

Expedition, you need to inspire morale, students go to school, you need to inspire morale, no matter what you do, you need a spirit, and this spirit is also the key to future success or failure, very important!

\ "Your Majesty, can you still let people hang on your body like last time? \" Yao. You did not have too much pretense, she touched and talked about beautiful things.

\ "There is no need to hang on my body, but I promise to give you a day of pure enjoyment! \" Chen Jiu shook his head and smiled mysteriously.

\ "Your Majesty? What the **** are you going to do? \" Demon. I can't help but feel tight, some expectations and tension.

\ "Demon. Alas, you are so beautiful, I'm afraid a man can't help falling in love with you!" "Chen Jiu looked at the demon affectionately. He rushed forward to hold her little snake waist with emotion.

\ "Uh, Your Majesty ... \" Demon. I was drunk for a while, waiting for this man's kiss. Kiss.

It's a pity that let the monster. 娆 disappointed, Chen Jiu bowed her head, just kissed her forehead, which opened her eyes, and a little dissatisfied beaked his mouth \ "Your Majesty, you kissed the wrong place! \"

\ "Oh? Where should I kiss?" Chen Jiu teased a bit, and naturally enjoyed the process very much.

\ "No, here! \" Unwillingly nodded a little mouth, demon. I asked.

\ "No, no, it is not possible to mess around here. Only men and women who are in love can kiss here!" "Chen Jiu shook his head and refused.

\ "What? \" Demon. Alas, I was extremely disappointed, and the whole beauty was a bit withered. Sullen and unhappy, but at this time Chen Jiu gave her a surprise, which made her extremely hurt. .

\ "Monster. Alas, don't be sad, although I ca n’t kiss on the mouth above, but I can kiss on the one below you! \" Chen Jiu whispered, straight down to the demon娆 暧 暧 暧 暧 暧

\ "Ah ..." The demon. I was shocked, but the whole person was still a little bit, blushing and burning his neck, it was really embarrassed to die.

\ "How? Demon. Alas, are you unwilling? \" Chen Jiu asked again worriedly, because he was not sure if a little girl with an ice-cold and clean jade would be able to withstand this kind of love.

"I'm ... so dirty? Your Majesty, why don't you want to kiss someone's family above, but you must kiss below?" "Monster. I really have some trouble.

\ "Ah, let's make an analogy with you, there is a kind of woman with us. They can sell their own flesh. Physically, they are willing to do anything, but they refuse to let men kiss him. Do you know why? \ "Chen Jiu could not help but make a metaphor for a more vivid expression.

\ "Why? \" Ren Yao. Wu Conghui is unparalleled, and suddenly does not understand the meaning of Chen Jiu.

\ "Because they have betrayed themselves, they still have their own beliefs. They believe that the short-term betrayal is only a means of earning a living, and the holy virgin is above them. The virgin land is also a pure place for the family. Naturally cannot be tarnished by others! \ "Chen Jiuzheng explained.

\ "You mean that I am sullen. Sully you? In this case, what are you doing with me? I didn't force you ... \" Monster. I was crying again, very sad.

\ "Ah, demon. Alas, you misunderstood, maybe my metaphor is a bit inappropriate, I mean just to say, I dare not kiss you above, I am afraid that our relationship will be uncontrollable, if I do n’t If you kiss me, at least I can stay awake, do you understand? I really ca n’t ask for you! \ "

\ "Then you can just say no, and people think they are just buying. Spring, but also can't buy the willing service!" "Monster. 娆 风. Love is a grudge, and it makes Chen Jiu inexplicable. Get excited.

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