Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2627: Good news

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Chapter 2627: The Good News Comes

In Da Zhou, in the ‘flower’ garden after the imperial palace, Zhou Fa and other soldiers gathered with Chen Jiu and held an informal meeting here.

\ "You Aiqing, do you have the latest news from Dashang?" Chen Jiu couldn't help asking, still a little worried.

\ "Your Majesty, among the big businessmen, although deadly, there are still a few loyal generals who defend the King of Heaven, so for a short while, the King of Heaven is still difficult to be overthrown! \" Zhou Fa and others are quite Helpless preaching.

\ "Ah, demon. The girl is going to Dashang, and I don't know what happened! \" Chen Jiu sighed, the main thing was to worry about this 'Jade' person. If she has something that is three long and two short, he I won't feel relieved for a lifetime.

\ "Your Majesty, Xiao Zhu is with her, if there is something, Xiao Lian will come to report for the first time, so you don't have to worry about it!"

\ "Huh, that demon. I am two sisters with Demon Ji, must be contaminated together, expect her? Or don't even think about it!" "Cai Die also sat next to it, quite unpleasant. Taste.

\ "Caidie, how can you say that? Demon. The girl's military order has been set up, I don't think she is the kind of bad 'woman'!" Chen Jiu vigorously defended.

\ "Is it a bad‘ female ’person, and you have n’t learned it in depth, how do you know?” “Cai Die glanced at Chen Jiu, that's embarrassing. If it is ambiguous, it will make his old face blush. Red.

\ "Your Majesty, the good news, the good news ..." Fortunately, the facts did not make Chen Jiu too embarrassed. A little beauty ran up and down. It was the twin sister Xiaolian.

\ "Xiao Lian, what's the obituary, come quickly! \" Chen Jiuli immediately was pleasantly surprised.

\ "Your Majesty, the King of Heaven, who is faint and incompetent, is already in the demon. Under the design of the girl, he began to eat his own loyal ministers. The first person to be eaten by him turned out to be King Tota, the prince. In all, I am very chilled! \ "Little beauty is very happy. Furiously speaking.

\ "What? That fox. Beaver 'Jing' still has this ability, and it really is a master of disaster to the country and the people. Fortunately, we did not leave her, or she will be scourged by her sooner or later! Disagreeable accusations.

\ "This ... demon. The girl can let the king of heaven eat the loyal minister? \" Chen Jiu couldn't help but look at the group general: \ "What do you think of this matter? \"

\ "Want to say it, otherwise, be careful that you will be eaten by your Majesty in the future!" "Before the ministers spoke, Caidie threatened them, and they really did not dare to say more.

\ "Cai Die, in your eyes, will you be such a dazzling monarch? \" Chen Jiu looked at Cai Die dissatisfied and educated.

\ "Not now, but we can't say for sure in the future, so we have to guard against it! \" Cai Die's reasonable preaching was won by the ministers.

\ "Your Majesty, the demon. The act of the girl, although it is good for my big week, but the behavior is too cruel. It is ruthless, and it is unpredictable in your heart. You must be careful in the future ..." Jiang Taigongdu Being persuaded, she began to stand on the side of Caidie.

\ "The young demon's sister belongs to the same litter, and it's not much better ... A demon ji makes the king of the heavens faint, and with a younger sister, the king of the heavens really faints ... the most poisonous demon 'fine 'Heart, not my race, its heart must be different ...' "The ministers chanted, with a drink.

\ "No, I don't agree with everyone's point of view! \" At this time, Chen Jiu shook his head and retorted: \ "Eating the loyal ministers seems ruthless and cruel, but everyone has thought that none of these loyal ministers finally What will happen next? \ "

\ "Death to the big businessmen, was destroyed by our army! \" For this, everyone is confident.

\ "Yes, anyway, these loyal ministers will die sooner or later. Instead of dying in our hands, let them die in the hands of their masters. Doing this, although cruel, is not ruthless. At least this can speed up the business of Dashang. The collapse process! \ "Chen Jiuyan eloquently preached for everyone.

\ "Your Majesty even said that I was short-sighted! \" The ministers soon agreed.

\ "You ... you guys! \" Cai Die annoyed the ministers and was naturally dissatisfied with their performance.

\ "Okay, Xiaolian, tell me to give a reward to the demon girl. Let her pay attention to safety!" "Chen Jiu immediately settled on sex, and he couldn't help worrying about the demon girl. If the King of Kings had eaten a fierce general this day, wouldn't the **** one be able to do bad things again?

\ "Huh, you talk!" Caidie was unhappy and left.

Banquet to the ministers, Chen Jiu, they were disbanded and wobbled when it was dark. He naturally came to the beauty of the butterfly, and threw the beauty directly.

\ "Ouch, you dead man, why drink so much? \" Cai Die smelled the wine in that body, and couldn't help but humorously.

\ "I was happy and I drank two more cups. Caidie, you can rest assured, I am not drunk!" Chen Jiuyi preached with arrogance.

\ "That fox. Beaver‘ fine ’is happy when you have news. Since you are thinking about that fox. Beaver‘ fine ’, what are you still doing to others? \” Caidie is really dissatisfied.

\ "Color butterfly, demon. I succeeded, then it is not far from breaking through the big business, shouldn't it be happy? Do you want to stay here forever? Don't forget, we are not here! \ "Chen Jiu Jiu Jiner was awake for a few minutes, solemnly reminded.

\ "Dare you say that you don't have a bit of‘ private ’heart? I think you ’re being given‘ mystery ’by that evil book. Lost your mind!” “Cai Die said severely.

\ "Why, I have thoroughly read your book of justice these days, and I have long abandoned the evil and evil thoughts! \". [,! ] Chen Jiu was preaching on ‘color’ immediately.

\ "You ... but you read too deep! \" Cai Die couldn't stand such ridicule, and she blushed immediately.

\ "How can you understand it thoroughly if you don't understand it deeply? How can you get the book's approval if you don't understand it thoroughly? \" Chen Jiu laughed playfully.

\ "Ah, you understand everything, don't read it today!"

\ "That's not OK, although I understand it, there are a few difficult points that have not been thoroughly understood. This needs to be reviewed again and understood a few more times. You need to know that there are several meanings. Read through each time and understand. The meaning is not the same! \ "Chen Jiu's face looks serious, I really don't know how good he is!

\ "Huh, that's for sure, there are many kinds of powers of justice. You may not understand enough before. Let ’s understand more today!” "Cai Diejiao reprimanded, but also was embarrassed by Chen Jiu. Already.

\ "Cai Die, since this is the case, then I can start reading! \" Chen Jiu was looking forward with anticipation.

\ "Okay, read the images that justice has done to you a few more times, and they will be obliterated sooner or later!" "Cai Die nodded her head happily, and also had no" selfish "dedication. Dedicated herself to this man read through! --28850 + dpataioin + 24321003-&

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