Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2628: Only reading high

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"Everything is good, only reading is high!" At this time, Chen Jiu couldn't help sighing while reading the book in front of him.

Throughout the ages, scholars and visitors have made the case of reading so sacred, and they say that the book has its own face, such as Yan Yuyu. Chen Jiu now has every reason to doubt that those people have encountered such beautiful things as themselves. Such a time-honored famous sentence.

Every woman is actually equivalent to an esoteric book. There has always been a woman ’s heart and a submarine acupuncture. This is undoubtedly because these men do n’t have to read books, so they ca n’t understand what women think, and they ca n’t make them full.

Of course, it ’s one thing to be mindless. Sometimes, personal understanding is also one thing. Especially some men are not talented. They ca n’t read books in depth, and naturally they do n’t understand the true meaning of these books.

The book looks similar on the surface, but after really deepening, you will find them different. Only by reading them thoroughly can you truly understand their hearts and gain their true ownership!

At the moment, Chen Jiu is not only very attentive, but he is also very in-depth and read Caidie very thoroughly. It really is a thorough understanding of her inside and out.

"Ah, husband ... they're done!" No, listening to the sound of the book, she herself admitted that she had no knowledge to learn from the readers.

"No, Caidie, this isn't the end!" As a scholar, Chen Jiu's thirst for knowledge is so strong. As the saying goes, the book has been read a thousand times, and he has been perfected here.

"Ah, it's over, it's over ..." As a book, she was really scared in the face of such a reader. It looked like she had been read so badly that he hadn't studied enough, which made her unbearable. Consideration, shouldn't he read another book for him?

"Hey, there aren't many young people who are so eager to learn like 朕!" Chen Jiu sighed, still complacent, but in his mind, he couldn't help thinking of the King of Heaven, expecting him to eat now With human flesh, you should be studying, right?

Yes, as Chen Jiu thought, the King of Heaven is actually a good emperor who is easy to learn in some aspects. He just had a spirit, and immediately he brought the beautiful book of the demon Ji, and studied it thoroughly. Up!

"King, you are so good ..." The book of demon Ji, who was almost completely understood, began to admire the scholar.

"Haha, of course. King Tota, who you think is the king, eats it for nothing. The flesh of the old man is really muscular. It's so strong that he didn't eat it for free!" This made him extremely happy. It was extremely happy.

"Ah, King, they can't do it anymore ..." Under the fierce attack of the King of Heaven, the demon Ji's recently unread book was also quickly understood.

"No way? Then how about calling your younger sister and letting Gu Yufu?" Tian Xi Wang smiled badly, and really wanted to fight the demon.

"King, you guys really don't have a good thing. They only come once. You just want to change people. That's not possible. After so many days, you have to make people at least ten times beautiful!" Yao Ji said completely It was to give the face to the King of Heaven, and now he looked at him and wanted to make a substitution, and immediately the lion opened his mouth.

"Ten times, ten times, the King hasn't done it ten times before!" The King of Heaven, just filled the gaps in his body. I don't know how to save a little bit of use, but he was so unscrupulous. The result is conceivable. I see.

After such a humorous day, Hu Tianhaiti was just full of spirits, and the immortal King of Heaven, like a disappointed niche, was curled up with a little tremor. He hid in the corner and looked at the glamorous and unparalleled man in front of him. Woman, full of fear.

"King, it's only eight times, two more times, ten times enough. I'll find your sister for you!" The demon Ji persuades, and just makes the king of Tianxi shake his head strongly.

"No ... no need, loneliness is enough!" Tian Yao Wang said in fear, and he was really embarrassed in the face of Suo Qi.

Just now, five times ago, the king of heavens felt that he was about to die. At that time, he wanted to stop, but the demon Ji was so seduced, and he was not willing to go up. After all, let yourself be completely in deficit. The big bird below has become a small egg. That's completely impossible, not to mention, and it was almost sucked. Dead.

Although the king of the heavens was lascivious, he never wanted to die, so he was really scared in the face of the request of the demon Ji, and it was curled up without image!

"King, but they haven't enough!" Yao Ji reluctantly, complained by the wind and love, and even made the king's legs frightened.

"Then you owe it first. Gu is really tired today. Wait for another day to find a mammoth to eat, and Gu will come back to pay your bills!" Tian Yao Wang reluctantly had to so comfort.

"This way, that's all right, King, while we still have some time, let's go to sleep for a while!" The demon Ji kindly pulled over the King of Heaven and accompanied him to a beautiful sleep.

In his sleep, looking at the innocent face of Yao Ji, Wang Tianzhi liked it very much, but after thinking about her puppet-like waves, he was a little scared.

This is just a bottomless pit filled with dissatisfaction, next time we can't talk to her first, let's talk to her sister demon first. Let's talk about it again and again, that little girl is hooking too, haha!

"A snee ..." In the inner courtyard of the palace, the demon 娆 sneezed for no reason in the early morning, which made her sigh. "Doesn't Chen Jiu miss me? That kid, is a bit conscience, no枉 People are so good to him, so much cheaper for him! "

I was so intoxicated for a while, demon. I was embarrassed. I tightened my legs. "Ah, how come you think of that stinky man, you think of that, **** it. He actually kissed himself here last time, which is too beautiful. Right? "

"Unfortunately, the goddess artifact has been given to the demon Ji, which is really uncomfortable!" Demon. Face full of 臊. Red, as a girl, she is very pure, but after knowing the beauty of the matter , This person's loneliness is really difficult!

"Sister Demon. Are you thinking about your Majesty again?" Youyou saw another little beauty next to Demon. Deer, her bead was one of the twins.

"No, I don't want that big bad guy. People are thinking about which loyal king the King of Heaven will eat today? Is it the King of Power, the monk or the resourceful old tortoise?" The demon shyly confessed. Yes, it just changed the topic and looked forward.

"Sister, aren't you afraid of being gossip like this?" Xiao Mei asked curiously.

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