Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2637: Parental

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Master Tianshi, if you give me more elixir to persuade these two women, then they will not betray us, they blame you, they blame you for being too selfish!" Wang complained a lot, and found his own disease roots, and blame all the unsatisfactory on the head of Changsheng Tianshi. +

Not to mention the anger of Changsheng Tianshi, that is, the King of Heavenly God was a little angry at this time. He looked at the elixir he had accumulated for many years, but he did not use alchemy for himself, which made him very dissatisfied!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, aren't you a" what "word in your life dictionary?" Changsheng Tianshi's reprimand has a meaning of hating iron and steel.

"I was born to be an emperor, destined to be rich and rich all my life, sitting in the mountains and mountains, and even the world is mine. What's wrong with I like to be a woman?" Tian Yao Wang should have been so content with himself.

"Oh ..." I couldn't help it anymore. Void spit out black blood, half of which was hurt, and the other half was completely enraged. The image of Changsheng Tianshi was fully revealed, and he stared at Tianhe The king drank, "Are you a bad boy, does your life pursue that?"

"No, I'm still pursuing longevity, but I can't think of Tian Shi, how can you use me to deceive me of so many elixir!" Tian Yao Wang is full of blame.

"This is not a lie. I am your dear. Everything I do is for our future better. Do you know?" Changsheng Tianshi is middle-aged, with silver and black hair, and very smooth. He His face is relatively kind, but at this time it is a bit distorted.

"Daddy? It's impossible. How could you be my father?" Tian Tianwang stared, unbelievable.

"Well, for you, I did not hesitate to kill your mother with my own hands, and fabricated a rumor that the stillbirth was resurrected, and the fate of destiny returned, so that you will be convinced by the people of the world, sitting on the billionaire territory of Changshang! Saying with annoyance, "I am dedicated to you, and I am dedicated to guarding the lifeblood of Dashang, and sacrificing long-lived medicine for you, but you, you have got glory and prosperity, and you have got the whole world, but you have given up. What else would you do besides playing with women? "

"But I can't play with women, what else can I do?" The king's counter-question really made Changsheng Tianshi dumb.

"You ..." Changsheng Tianshi stared at the King of Heaven, with an angry face. Red, I didn't even know where to start.

"Hey, Qingtiandan, this time I want 10,000, don't say you don't have it!" The King of Heaven, indifferent, didn't show the slightest affection, and even opened his mouth to help him again.

"Can you stop doing it, the entire Dashang, the prosperity and prosperity that I personally created for you have been ruined by you, do you still want to do it?" Angrily roared, Changsheng Tianshi furiously rushed to the crown.

"Thinking!" Tian Tianwang answered very simply, and he had no affection at all for the big business, even without a trace of pity.

"Niezi, how could I give birth to such waste materials as you ..." Changsheng Tianshi scolded, accused, and trembled with anger.

"Old things, give me Optimus Dan for enough scolding, and I'm still anxious to use it!" Tian Tian Wang turned a deaf ear and couldn't listen at all.

"You ..." Changsheng Tianshi was so angry at this moment that he was so murderous that he wished to immediately chop the Heavenly King to relieve the hatred of his heart!

"Hey, can you say something to me?" Chen Jiu couldn't help sighing at the noise between the father and son, and couldn't help rushing.

"Do you think I'm ridiculous?" Changsheng Tianshi glanced at Chen Jiu and laughed at himself.

"No, I just feel that you are sad. You made a parental mistake most often. In fact, you shouldn't blame him so much. The king of heaven has today. Most of it was caused by you!" Chen Jiu shook his head and directly Few off road.

"I caused it? I gave him wealth, gave him the whole country, and made him dominate the world. What's wrong with this?" Changsheng Tianshi was unwilling, and speaking of this, he was quite proud.

"But you didn't give him affection. He was born with everything, so what do you want his life to pursue?" Chen Jiuyi broke the mystery and said, "Birth and birth, not just birth, offspring. The most important thing is to rely on the parents' personal experience to educate. What a child pursues is by no means rich and rich. If you treat him like this, you are actually harming him. This is the true twist of his values. source!"

"But my child, shouldn't I be nice to him, shouldn't he be made more than ten thousand people?" Changsheng Tianshi didn't understand.

"It ’s true, most of us here are thinking like you, but sometimes they ’re too good for children, but they do n’t know what is appropriate and let him form a correct outlook on life from a young age. It's really ruined! "Chen Jiu could not help but say the words.

Chen Jiu was born in hanging wire, and sometimes he inevitably envied those rich second-generation officials and second-generations. He had countless wealth and beautiful chicks changed for a few days, but at the same time he was envious, he also sympathized with them!

These people, while gaining values ​​that others cannot pursue in their lives, their spirit is extremely empty, and it is because of this spiritual emptiness that they will be able to pursue more material and stimulating to satisfy themselves. In the end, they still hurt themselves.

Of course, this is not to blame them. The reason why they form such a character is actually related to the inaction of their parents when they were young.

As the saying goes, parents are the children's biggest teachers. The saying goes, the son does not teach, the father passes, and this shows how important the parent's position in the child's heart is!

Earn money, support the family, and in order to bring a better life to the children, can't wait to give him the whole world, but are these really what he wants?

Parents, is it for their vanity, or is it really for their children? In the end, the money is there, but the affection is gone. Did you win or lose?

"Am I really doing something wrong?"

"Wrong, not only are you wrong, but you are also very wrong. In your eyes, all I see is pampering and coddling. I don't see any obligations or responsibilities. You said that the King of Heaven became like this today. Is it because of you? "Chen Jiu asked back, severely fighting the army.

"I ..." The consciousness of Changsheng Tianshi is also resentful. His eyes tearfully looked at Tianyi Wang and apologized: "Sorry, boy, if there is still a chance, I will make up for my past mistake ! "

"That's good to say, bring 100,000 Optimus Dans, I won't care about you!" The words of the King of Heaven, really hurt the Changsheng Tianshi, and also hurt the hearts of all the parents in the world.

Looking at all this, Chen Jiu made a decision silently, but an accident happened at this time!

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