Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2638: End of business

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Hey, I'm sorry for your father. Today, my father is willing to pay back with my life. Just ask you to be a man again from now on if you have the chance!" Changsheng Tianshi advised sadly, his body turned into countless The light spot disappeared. {3w.

"Old thing, my Optimus Dan, you can't die like this. If you want to die, give me 100,000 Optimus Dans to die again!" There is no grief for the King of Heaven, and some are just endless demands.

"Well, you should wake up. Isn't repaying your life with your father enough to make you repent?" Changsheng Tianshi said with extreme pain.

"I'll let you die, and how about my Optimus?" The King of Heaven asked him all the time. No sorrow.

"Hey, the frozen three feet is not a day's cold. Longevity Heavenly Master, you owe countless affections. I don't think it will be so easy to pay it off at once!" Chen Jiu sighed, and just persuaded.

"I know, this may not really make up for my fault, but my death will at least make me less guilty. I actually wanted to find his mother for a long time, but unfortunately I ca n’t rest assured that he, Zhou Di, you can Promise me to spare him? "Changsheng Tianshi looked at Chen Jiu eagerly, but stopped talking.

"Your sins are too dead to redeem!" Chen Jiu shook his head without any mercy. There is true love in big evils, but big evils are always big evils. While acknowledging their emotions, when it is time to execute, Cannot be soft-hearted.

"In this case, that's it!" Disappointedly bowed his head, and Changsheng Tianshi breathed a sigh of relief. "Death is a kind of relief. I am dead, and I'm over 100!"

"Old thing, where is my Optimus? You gave it to me before you die!" Tian Yao Wang was dissatisfied, and shouted again.

"Well, my son, are you still stupid now? That woman is not what you love at all, you don't want to be obsessed anymore!" Changsheng Tianshi looked at the King of Heaven with affection, and revealed his loving father for the first time. Like caring, he used his big hand to caress the King of Heaven, but was smashed by him mercilessly.

"There is no Optima, don't want to touch me!" Tian Yao Wang was rude, and his six relatives did not recognize him. This character has already formed, and it is very difficult to change it again.

"Why? Why don't you miss my slightest fatherhood?" Changsheng Tianshi couldn't stare before he died.

"Master Changsheng, now that you understand your responsibility, but you would rather die than provoke your own burden, what qualifications do your fathers have to impress him?" Chen Jiu rebuked severely at this moment. Some look down on the eternal master.

On the surface, he is righteous, but it looks like a character, but when he can't afford it, he has no courage to pick it!

Such people are actually people who can't afford to lose. In society, there is a constant stream of suicides. They are either unloved or frustrated or lost money or unsuccessful. When life encounters ups and downs, they do not want to face them. To bear, but to blindly want to commit suicide, to use death to escape all these ordeals, this kind of person is undoubtedly the most despising existence.

Chen Jiu is different from these people. If he had an accident when he was beautiful, how could he not commit suicide, because he still has his parents and responsibilities, how can he end his life in vain?

There is a saying that Chen Jiu has been adhering to, motto is not afraid of death, what else in this world can make you afraid?

No, there is nothing more terrible than death in this world, so in any case, people should live well, as the saying goes, there is no limit to life!

"I ... I was such a cowardly person. I understand. If there is a future life, I will definitely be a strong person, a real man!" The eternal Master sighed, and eventually dissipated in the void. , The gods disappeared, leaving no bones.

"Ah, I can't think of a big merchant royal family that is a curse to the world. It is a miserable tragedy in itself!" Chen Jiu sighed, it was unexpected that Changsheng Tianshi would end his life in this way.

"Old thing, how about my Optimus Dan ... You are not allowed to die, please give me Optimus Dan ..." The King of Heaven, roared and drank, ran like a lunatic, running wildly on the various lifelines.

"Oh, it's over, Shang, it's over, the sky is locked, let's end it!" Chen Jiuhua refined the seal of King Wang, which turned out to be a treasure, and the underground lifeline was controlled by it like a large net. .

'boom! ‘Chen Jiu hit the Wang Wangyin, and he stopped the source of life below him.

Outside of the imperial city, the army waited closely. After seeing that Tongtian Locks finally disappeared, there was a pretty shadow in front of him, which seemed to have beaten chicken blood, and that led the army to the city.

"Kill ..." Caidie screamed very joyfully, counting her loudest, but the center of the big business was already an empty city, so they were unimpeded and soon occupied the entire city!

The big business was broken, and the whole world was unified again, but it was no longer a big business, but it became a big week!

To celebrate the whole country, in the original palace of Dashang, the generals gathered together, and naturally all chanted and chanted, worshiping Chen Jiu.

"This time you broke the big business, everyone's credit can't be humiliated. I won't talk about merit and reward!" Chen Jiu naturally was not praised for nothing. At the appropriate time, he must learn to respond, only in this way can Manchu be able to Reconciled, up and down.

"Your Majesty, under the leadership of the mother, we broke through the large array and occupied all the cities. This is the mother's credit!" The turtle stole a few of them, and quickly expressed their expressions with strange expressions.

"Where, where, isn't it because I removed a tumor for my big week? It's nothing, what kind of mother, I dare not take on it!" Although the color butterfly looks like a modest appearance, everyone can see it Out, she clearly wanted to restore the glory of the motherland.

"If you have occupied an empty city, would you like to come here to show it? If I had captured the King of Heaven and presented the seal of His Majesty to your Majesty, would you be able to break through the big battle?" Of course, the demon. Ye emerged unwillingly.

"You? If your Majesty is not thoughtful, will you be able to catch the King of Heaven?" If the butterfly snorts her nose, naturally she will not recognize the demon.

"Ahem ..." At this moment, the generals of the Manchao looked strange. As soon as they were unified, the harem was in trouble. It was not easy to be a majesty.

"But people play a major role here, Your Majesty has promised to seal them as national mothers!" The demon. Xi Dangchao proposed, not giving Chen Jiu any time to maneuver.

"Go, as you said, then the demon Ji is also qualified to come and fight for the mother of this country?" Cai Die is not a pungent taste, her face full of dissatisfaction.

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