Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2639: For women

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Uh, demon Ji, why did you forget her? Let's retreat today and discuss it tomorrow!" Chen Jiu was so old-faced that he found a reason and immediately retreated.

"What? Are you a stupid emperor, are you prepared to bring the demon Ji too?" Cai Die clamored, very worried, when the two of them were single-minded, how could I fight alone?

"Colourful butterfly, it's nonsense, self-conscious!" Chen Jiu snapped, then stepped into the void and disappeared.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty ..." In the cave, the map is still running, and the demon Ji is really suffocating, and she is not idle, she has two legs and is entertaining herself.

Looking at this scene, Chen Jiu really didn't want to bother, but he knew the demon. It was endless to do this, so he also had to come out awkwardly and coughed twice, reminding "Demon Ji, we time to go!"

"Your Majesty, ah ..." Seeing Chen Jiu, not only was Yao Ji not afraid, but she was also excited and beautiful.

"Ouch, I wipe!" Chen Jiu screamed and hid, and almost sprayed herself, and by then she had to be embarrassed.

"Your Majesty!" The demon Ji was resentful without spraying Chen Jiu.

"Demon Ji, still want to live?" Chen Jiu hated the reprimand, without being confused by beauty at all.

"Think, Your Majesty, they have done so much for you. How do you plan to reward them?" The demon fox glared at Chen Jiu with great dedication.

"Your contribution is good, but you have done too much in the past, so even if you do, it is difficult to redeem your sin!" At the same time, Chen Jiu was aloof.

"Your Majesty, aren't you planning to cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

"Of course not. I have a way to make up for your mistakes, but don't know if you want to be obedient?" Chen Jiu laughed playfully.

"Your Majesty, as long as you can spare my life, you can do anything!" There is nothing to disagree with Yao Ji in order to survive.

"In that case, listen to me, and it will be so tomorrow ..." Chen Jiu smiled and explained in detail!

It ’s not that Chen Jiu did n’t hate her, but that she was credited with him after all, and it was inevitable that she would kill a bad reputation if she killed her now. Besides, even if she was killed, her previous sin would not help. It's better to take the opportunity to give her a chance to make atonement and let her do something good for the world.

"Your Majesty, is this really the case?" After hearing this, Yao Ji couldn't help embarrassing her face.

"If you want to survive, you must!" Chen Jiu had no room for relaxation.

The next day, the Manchu dynasty gathered and thought that Chen Jiu was going to cover up the scandal at home, but who knows, as soon as he came up, he was attracted by three beautiful figures.

"Your Majesty, the minister has a word, the demon Ji this woman is a disaster for all sentient beings. At first, in order to be superior, she charmed the King and framed Zhongliang. It is an outrage. You must not be blinded by its beauty!" Can't help but propose, really afraid that Chen Jiu will make a mistake.

"Your Majesty, the ministers and others seconded ..." Manchu Wenwu naturally did not approve of such a thing.

"Ai Qing, in your eyes, isn't that how you see women?" Chen Jiu was a little unwilling, glanced at the ministers, and the majestic eyes made them all dare not look directly.

"It was originally!" Cai Die muttered politely, which really made Chen Jiu's old face ashamed and red on the spot.

After an embarrassing cough, Chen Jiu went straight to the theme and preached: "She has clearly realized the crime of the demon girl, and the reason why she left her is just to better warn the world and not to make the same mistake again!"

"Your Majesty, I don't know how to warn you?" Jiang Taigong asked with interest.

"Xiu Ji, let's talk about it!" Chen Jiu said, giving the right to Yao Ji himself.

"Your Majesty, the slave family was wrong. The slave family reincarnated a demon fox, and did not learn the human etiquette and morality, but only knew to seek their own privacy. Desire, to seduce a man by any means for everything he wants, They are all things that shouldn't be done ... "Youyou pity, Yaoji kneeled on the ground, and admitted that she was wrong, and vowed to correct it.

"Everyone sees it, the demon Ji is willing to admit charm. Get the facts, and promised to show up to warn those women who have a certain attitude. They must not seduce or destroy others' families because of their wealth or desire. These behaviors are extremely immoral! "Chen Jiu added, summing up the sermon:" For women, don't be a demon Ji! "

"Your Majesty is bright!" Cai Die heard, it was inspiring, and the proud bovine nose was going to heaven.

"This ..." Yao. 娆 At this moment, I really have a bit of uncertainty, very nervous, shouldn't this be warning myself?

"His Majesty, in this case, the marriage and family in my empire will be harmonious, and there will not be so many family conflicts!" Jiang Taigong and their many ministers also agreed.

"Well, take the King of Heaven again!" Chen Jiu took a deep breath, and the next point was the focus. As for the demon Ji, it was only an extension he only thought of later!

The soldiers took the beast and sent the king of the king of heaven, and the image was brought to the temple, and when he was struggling, he saw Chen Jiu on the temple, and immediately he was angry and roared. Are you alone, do you have to rebel? "

"Bold, this is the Emperor Zhou, King of Heaven, you are no longer a king, dare to be lonely, and waste your body!" The soldiers angered, and pretended to be Chen Jiu.

"Da Zhou Tiandi? A small yellow-haired child dared to be arrogant in front of Gu, you wait for Gu, Gu will lead a million troops to settle your big week ..." Tiansong Wang was crazy and no doubt It's crazy.

"Your Majesty, it's better to be so mad than to be so crazy!" Jiang Taigong frowned, advising straight.

"What you see is a lunatic, but what You see is a miserable child. You may not know the story of the King of Heaven, but I can tell you now that all of his reasons are like this. Father, long-lived Heavenly Master! "Chen Jiu didn't hide it, and explained the two things in detail.

"Your Majesty, what you are saying is that if you are a parent, if you spoil your child too much, it will definitely hurt him, and you can't even think that you have given him everything, and you will not give him affection. The child's greatest reward! "Jiang Taigong and other ministers, after listening, naturally recognized.

"In order to make the empire less tragedy, let the King of Heaven be a crazy one, so that everyone can understand that as a man, it is not good to be King of the King!" Chen Jiu finally sighed, with high morals, but the color butterfly In a word, it made him a little blind again.

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