Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2708: One enemy two

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Everywhere the vines danced, the countless eyeballs that existed on them, but always staring in one direction, were creepy and extremely uncomfortable.

The eye of life not only keeps time and space constant, but also creates a heavy pressure on people's psychology, restrains the human soul, and the skill of Mudongxi has undoubtedly grown a lot more than last time.

"No light, no darkness, no power!" Facing this tricky scene, Chen Jiu-huh launched the demon magic ban, which is said to be a ban on all magic, which is most effective for this strange magic power.

‘Zi ...’ With the work, Chen Jiu's body was filled with a dark color. It was like a black hole, absorbing all light, but it did not conduct it.

This is a weird scene. Everyone knows that Chen Jiu is in the center, but he can't see him. It's just black and it's impossible to guess!

Although I look at the darkness, there are no dark colors, and the colors of light and darkness are lost, so the eyes of the sky are directly lost, and they are turning around, and they can no longer lock anything.

"Forbidden magic deities are truly extraordinary. Once they grow up, it is definitely a nightmare for the gods of magic. To be honest, I don't want to let this kid die!" Eternity also showed a look of appreciation.

"I also want to keep him alive, but unfortunately he doesn't hand over the **** key, this is the way to die for himself!" Bai Qi said resentfully, all four eyeballs exudes chill.

"You guys, can you really be one enemy and two? You must know that Mudongxi and Fangliang are the strongest geniuses, and they have been promoted to Chaos God!" Li Ming looked forward to the battlefield.

"A nail in the eyes, a thorn in the flesh!" Mu Dongxi reconciled, and he yelled again.

'Sudden ...' An even more frightening scene. In countless eyeballs, spiky roots have grown, and not only them, the vines in the swing, but also many burrs, intertwined, cruel Severely stabbed at Chen Jiu.

Horror, with thorns in his eyes, each of which is several feet long, faintly gleaming with cold light, just seeing it makes people goosebumps. At this time, densely thorns came to Chen Jiu, impervious. Impossible to stab him into meat sauce!

"Qian Kun overthrows, the five elements do not exist!" Chen Jiu once again made a move, he waved his hands, like the creation of the true God, overturned the entire world, that is to dissolve and change the rules of the world.

'Porphy ...' There are a lot of spikes, and the vines are very fierce, but in the central world of Chen Jiu, they seem to become moths and spit fire. When they come to this world, they disintegrate and collapse by themselves. Boom!

"Forbidden demon gods, is it really invincible? I don't believe it, the way to grow!" Mu Dongxi's complexion changed quickly, and a sacred green avenue was quickly promoted. , Blooming all over, Endless!

"The end of growth will rot, the end of life will die, the forbidden magic road!" Chen Jiu alone stepped on this green avenue, and he went forward step by step, just like death came to earth, wherever he passed All vitality is dead and cannot be saved.

'Booming ...' On the magnificent side, the sad side, the strong growth path of Mudongxi has collapsed rapidly. In the past, even in the face of a master of the same level, it was completely invisible. !!

"You ... your demon deity has been completed!" Mu Dongxi felt the kind of innate suppression. He was also sad and weak.

"I said, I don't know what is the Code of the Forbidden Devil!" Chen Jiu shook his head to deny it, and did not want to cause any trouble to the Water God.

"Impossible, if you have n’t studied the banned deities, how can you break my way of growing!" Mu Dongxi looked at Chen Jiu in front of her with horror, her face firm.

'boom! ‘The only answer to him was Chen Jiu ’s fist. Mu Dongxi received a punch in the face, his teeth flew away, and his mouth rotted.

"My strength is not good. Don't make any excuses. Two people, relying on your ability, can you dare to take my treasure?" Chen Jiulian and the two arrogant, self-confidence also swelled.

"Tianmu Shenggen, it's absolutely impossible!" Mu Dongxi touched his rotten mouth and felt humiliation infinite. He wanted revenge, to save his face at all costs.

"Boom ..." A truncated, seemingly decaying wooden post was suddenly sacrificed by Mudong West. Chen Jiu had already experienced the resistance to this wooden post!

‘Zi ...’ But at this time, this wooden post no longer blindly defended, but took a few young shoots, especially its roots, which stretched out and pulled out a few thin whiskers.

Great terror, these fibrous roots are interspersed with the void. As soon as they appeared, Chen Jiu was dizzy for a while. I felt that the divine power was diminished and the vitality was lacking!

"Luo Fu heavenly ball!" Chen Jiu had taken precautions. When she felt that something was wrong, Luo Fu heavenly ball sacrifice. Sure enough, she saw the vitality of life in the mist of light.

"What a nasty thing!" Chen Jiu gritted his teeth, and that was him. If he changed someone else, one who didn't notice would have to be sucked into it.

"The reaction is fast!" Mu Dongxi was also shocked, and then glanced at Fang Liang: "I used Tianmu Shenggen to anchor his celestial sphere, and you stormed with me, I don't believe he can take it!"

"That's what I meant!" Fang Liang held his sword approaching, and the fierce **** smashed his head in the past.

"Good time!" Chen Jiu laughed and greeted him, punched and kicked the two, and the fierce confrontation took place.

Strong, Chen Jiu's strength once again stunned everyone. On the one hand, the confrontation between martial arts and light path, and on the other hand, the entanglement of Luofu heavenly ball and Shengmu Shenggen, while he, with his bare hands, was still fighting two A **** of chaos, who doesn't fall into the wind, feels energetic, and shouts the mountains and rivers!

"Brother is so strong, it really makes me admire!" Shi Zhongyu they watched from a distance, no doubt also intending to take the initiative.

"If they are still in love, it is better not to do it!" Turtle looked at the other three cautiously, very worried.

‘Boom ...’ After another fight, Chen Jiuyi shook the two people in Tumudongxi and Fang Liang, shattered their clothes, and coughed up their blood. Looking at the appearance, they seemed unable to hold on.

"This is so strong, what else do you look at? Do you not want the **** key?" No way, Fang Liang could not help but drink to them.

"Of course not, we just give you a chance to make a contribution. Who knows that you are so useless, it's only us who shot it!" The three groaned and approached the past at the same time.


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