Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2709: Real brother

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Well, if he hadn't studied the Forbidden Demon God's Code, how could he be our opponent!" Laughed at by his peers, Fang Liang also justified his excuse. <

"We are not afraid of what is forbidden by magical deities!" Feng Liang said in a cold language, and Bai Qi approached Chen Jiu in a condescending manner, which was arrogant.

"Stop!" At this time, Shi Zhongyu and the three of them also rushed over to block eternity.

"Oh? Where did the three little grasshoppers come from, don't you want to live?" Eternal, they looked down with contempt, and didn't keep the three in their eyes.

"Eternal, you are the pride of my Yuanli Temple. I don't know how to protect the rights and interests of our hospital, but you are robbing our hospital with outsiders. Are you not afraid that you will be scolded by the spine when you go back?" , Trying to stop the trio's murder.

It's a pity that these dialogues are useless at all. I saw them smiled and said, "Isn't the grave son of gravity? The dean gave you a thin face, and you thought you were great? Did you come to teach us?" Do n’t urinate and take pictures, what are you yourself! What qualifications can you have to teach us? ”

"I ..." The tortoise gasped, and he was very sad and angry. He was weak on his own, and indeed not as strong as the family of the three!

"Why are you so unreasonable? Obviously it is the **** key that Chen Jiuxian got first, and he deserves to get the creation of Feixianism!" Impatiently, he shouted.

"Pony, you have a lot of fathers and sons. It is not sad to die if you die, but you don't have to marry a daughter-in-law for you. You have to cherish your life!" Li Ming looked at the horse meaningfully.

"This ..." immediately startled and startled, and couldn't help saying it again.

"Li Ming, I'm very interested in teaching you about your disaster!" Shi Zhongyu is full of warfare, knowing that this is a situation that can't be good.

"Well, just this broken stone, it's better not to drain this muddy water, otherwise no one can save you!" Li Ming rebuked again and again, but obviously hesitated about Shi Zhongyu.

"Come back, I will fight alone!" Chen Jiu was moved, but he still ordered coldly.

"Brother, good brothers should die together. We have received your favor repeatedly. If you leave today when you are in danger, then what are we going to talk about in the future?" Shi Zhongyu's blood and passion were impassioned.

"Brother, please give us a chance, even if it is a war death, we are willing!" Contaminated by the blood of Shi Zhongyu, stealing with the turtle for a moment, it is also fearless to die.

"Good brother, I did not read you wrong, haha ​​..." Chen Jiu looked at the three men's firm appearance, and couldn't help but laughed to the sky.

In the Feixian religion, if the two women you met are not good enough, there are at least three good brothers!

A good wife knows that she has a real brother and a difficult brother. One of these three can make a person feel bad. Chen Jiu looked at the performance of the three, and naturally it was all in the haze.

"You can still laugh when you die? Yeah, there can be people on Huangquan Road, but they are all men. Unfortunately, this is not in line with your appetite for Chen Jiu?" Cold and ironic, eternal, they don't think the three people can join, they can Change the battle.

"Five, aren't you tired of fighting with each other? Don't you think that in addition to cultivating in this life, you are simply one of the biggest losers?" Chen Jiu turned against each other and said mercilessly: "You seem to be harmonious, but you are different Those who have a ghost ca n’t really intersect, you can play. Playing with women, but you ca n’t get their true heart. If you lose power, I ’m afraid no one will have pity on you, even your master, I ’m afraid you will abandon you, you What's the point of such a life? "

"You ..." The five of them could not help refuting the words, and their faces were blue and red for a while, it was not bad.

"Well, don't listen to him talking nonsense. If we get God's key, what can we not get?" Eternity is after all the Lord God's self-cut, and his mind is extraordinary firm.

"Yes, with the treasures of Feixiangjiao, we can fly Huang Tengda just around the corner!" Greed made people feel bad, and the four of them became spicy again.

"That being the case, let's fight, Li Ming, your opponent is me!" Shi Zhongyu started off first, and threw himself at Li Ming first.

"The Seven Disasters and Eight Difficult Avenues!" Li Ming is extraordinary, and according to legend, he was born to be able to dominate the avenues, which is simply a miracle.

‘Boom! ’In fact, Li Ming waved his hands casually, a boulevard full of disasters, directly blocking Shi Zhongyu, making him unable to take another step!

"Destroy me!" Shi Zhongyu was naturally reconciled. He turned into a giant stone man, went straight through the disasters, ignored the thunderstorm, step by step, and still killed Li Ming.

"Hey, I ’m asking for trouble. You ’re just born with congenital stones. Even if you have spiritual knowledge, it ’s not bad. You dare to challenge me. You have to know that once I am born, I can condense the avenue and slaughter the gods of myth. "How do you compare with me?" Looked at Shi Zhongyu scornfully, Li Ming was proud, simply looked down on him.

‘Booming ...’ Shi Zhongyu did n’t have a word. He used his own power to explain what it means to be powerful. He was smashed by the power of the disaster and the disaster!

The light and shadow shone, and the whole body was shining with the luster of metal. The appearance of the jade man in the stone was simply not bad as King Kong, and he was invincible.

"Shi Zhongyu, good job!" Chen Jiu couldn't help but give a thumbs up and praised him again and again.

"Boss, your elixir and elixir, we didn't drink it in vain!" Quite proudly, Shi Zhongyu's spirit was strong, and his warfare was stronger.

"Well, then come and try my nine hundred and eighty-one difficulties!" Li Ming seemed a little angry, waved his hands, the eighty-one road patterns were intertwined, and they even strangled Shi Zhongyu together.

‘Booming…’ Each of these lines is actually a avenue. Although they are not particularly powerful, they win in a large number. This pressure is enough to destroy the world and exterminate all souls.

"Yes, I like this kind of attack!" Shi Zhongyu pursed her lips, and howled to meet him. He was a stone fetus, and he had long been accustomed to disasters in the world.

"These two grasshoppers, let's kill them first!" The four-eyed **** son fiercely. The glaring stare at the turtle stealing and immediately, it was fierce and radiated two beams of **** light.

"Be careful!" Chen Jiu has some understanding of the four-eyed godson. His gaze is arrogant. Once touched, it is likely to encounter misfortune!

"Your opponent is me!" Eternity also shot. I saw his palm wind, like the shooting star, was directly blasted to Chen Jiu, it was difficult to prevent.

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