Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2711: Eternal crystal

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

The rhombus-shaped crystal is purple in color, slightly transparent, and it is just a magnificent gem, except that it is so huge that it is as tall as a person!

"This is ..." The sacred, Lingli breath emanated. When Chen Jiuchu saw this crystal, he couldn't help but feel a sudden palpitation and stepped back a few steps. \\. \\

"Eternal light wave!" Between the grudge and resentment, the eternal palm hit the crystal, and it immediately refracted a light wave, like a magnified comet, the power surged tenfold!

'puff! ‘Once, the response was forthcoming. Although Chen Jiu evaded for the first time, he still broke his shoulders and placket, and some bloodstains were hit.

"Eternal God Crystal, this is the Taoist tool of my life sacrifice, Chen Jiu, if you can die under it, it is also your glory!" With a single blow, Eternity is proud again.

"Really? Many people want me to die, but in the end I still live well!" Chen Jiu smiled, disapproving.

"Dare you dare to speak hard when you're here!" Eternal annoyed, holding Shenjing with both hands, firing it like a cannon, launching a comet beam at Chen Jiu.

‘咻咻…’ The beams of Lingli are extremely sharp, eternal, and everything is broken, which is Chen Jiu ’s avenue cloud, which ca n’t help but be violently rolled up.

‘Hisse…’ Chen Jiu tried to dodge, but did not completely avoid it. His body, scratched and wounded, became increasingly miserable.

"Haha, stinky boy, isn't dead!" On the contrary, eternal spirited, holding Shen Jing, approaching Chen Jiu vigorously, chasing him in the eternal way.

"Oh, do n’t fight, my Daoyun is going to disperse, this is my Daoji ..." Raised in hands.

‘咻咻…’ At this time, the light of the eternal **** crystal became more and more intense, but it hit the avenue cloud and was finally introduced into this stone.

Strange to say, this ordinary stone can absorb the light of the **** crystal that even Jiu Jiu can't bear. It is safe and sound, and it is getting more and more brilliant!

"Little thief, quickly hand over the **** key, I can let you breathe and die again!" Arrogant, eternally thinks that he is ready for Chen Jiu.

"You are a little thief, eternal, we are alumni anyway, how anxious you are!" Chen Jiu angrily reprimanded.

"Well, who is your alumnus with you? Are you worthy?" Eternity spurred, and continued to stimulate the light of Shen Jing, bombarding Chen Jiu.

'咻咻 ......' Screaming again and again, under the bombardment of Shenjing, the cloud of Chen Jiu's avenue became more and more violent, and the injuries on his body gradually increased, but after such a long time, he remained And did not fall!

"Why isn't your kid still dead!" Frowning again and again, Eternal finally found a big mistake.

"Your father is dead, your mother is dead, even if you are dead, I will not die your grandfather!" Chen Jiu was covered in fog, and his head was screamed and scolded.

"You seek death, eternal extinction!" Eternal anger, straightened up the **** crystal, sent out an endless light of God, and banged Chen Jiu in the head.

‘Boom ...’ This light, like the light of extinction in the last days, is catastrophic, accelerates the movement of time, and makes everything decay and wither.

"Ah ... I'm dead!" Chen Jiu said in a tragic voice, and the whole figure fell straight into the rough and eternal river with the cloud of the road, but no trace was found.

"Well, this is what you asked for!" Eternity was determined to get it, and the **** Jing beam was urged for a while, then stopped and laughed: "The dark river is surging, the corpse will float up!"

"Guru", the eternal river surging, the disappearing Chen Jiu reappeared, but with him came out, there was still a avenue cloud, it was not only dissipated, but more solid!

When Yushu was in the wind, Chen Jiu was not turned into any corpse. He is well-dressed now, without any trace of injury, and his face is red, as if he has encountered something happy and handsome.

"This ..." Eternal was incredible, rubbing his eyes, he couldn't understand and was dumbfounded.

"Sorry, go down to take a bath, change your clothes, eternal, you haven't waited for it, right?" Chen Jiu laughed and laughed, as if it wasn't him who just fell down, it was dizzy.

"You ... how could you be all right, what is the stone in your hand?" Eternally staring, after all, he found a singularity. Chen Jiu held a stone in his hand, with its dazzling glory and charm. It's scary.

"Eternity, I am the ancestor of the stone, your crystal is in front of my stone, then you have to call Grandpa!" Chen Jiuqi was dead and was showing off.

"What? The ancestor of the stone, my aunt, how can your broken stone be compared with my **** crystal!" Forever, naturally, it is unbelieving.

"So you don't believe it? Then you can try again? See if your grandson is hard or your grandpa's bones are hard!" Chen Jiu held the stone and continued provocatively.

It ’s really hard to motivate this stone. Just now, when hurt, Chen Jiu took advantage of the eternal divine power and the support of the two avenues of power. This succeeded in urging it to reach a kind of In the state of balance, you can grasp!

Of course, although you can grasp it, the Stone Ball of Wandao also has disadvantages. At least Chen Jiu can't use it for long-range attacks now. He simply provoked again and wanted to directly collide with eternity!

"Haha, I haven't used the body of the **** crystal, but you are so anxious to find your way to death, then no wonder I sent you to Huangquan!" Eternal laughed again, and the confidence was extremely sufficient. "My **** crystal After going through 1981, it is the hardest in the world. It is so funny that you dare to collide with me! "

"You're the hardest? Don't be funny, okay? Look, your ancestor is the hardest!" Chen Jiu glanced at the past with contempt, making Eternity helpless.

"Then look at who we are the hardest in the world!" Eternally angry, he decided to give Chen Jiu a little bit of profound experience, and without hesitation, he urged Shen Jing to hit him all over.

‘咻…’ This is the real comet coming. It ’s lightning fast, sparks sparkle, and the crystals of Shenjing have pierced the void for thousands of miles, reaching Chen Jiu ’s front.

‘Ding Ding ...’ Chen Jiutuo held a stone and had not yet formally fought, but the spark between the two had flashed and turned into a sea of ​​fire!

‘Boom ...’ Collision is inevitable, and the powerful **** crystal is stabbed straight to the deity of Manta. Who can be better? Even the other people in the battle couldn't help but look at each other, wanting to see what was happening!

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