Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2712: The hardest in the world

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘锵…’ In the four shots of Mars, a metal symphony aroused, a powerful reaction force shattered the space, and at the same time shook the Venerable Lord and Eternal God. 》.

"What? The broken stone in your hand can really resist the attack of my **** crystal?" Amazed, at this time not only eternally unacceptable, but others were shocked.

"Hey, isn't my stone just a little older? It's your grandfather, known as the hardest in the world, and you don't even know it. Your unfilial son and granddaughter, are you so unconscienceless and not afraid of being sent out?" Chen Jiu sighed and sighed, it was really annoying.

"Grandpa, fart, eternal fission!" Eternal spirit, continued to hold Shenjing, and smashed Chen Jiu in the past.

‘Zizi…’ This time, the breath is even sharper and more devastating, a piece of space, fragmented, and completely destroyed before it even touches!

"Grandpa is here, grandson rests arrogantly!" Chen Jiugua shouted, the same ball greeted him, the light was bright, it is getting stronger and stronger.

‘Boom! ‘Sure enough, as expected, the stone ball is almost invincible with all its power. This time, eternally, it has not been cheap.

"Damn, I don't believe you are so hard, eternal crushing!" After eternal shock retreated, he did not pant a bit, intensified the assault on Chen Jiu, and vowed to take him down in one breath.

"Grandson, let you see your grandfather's sword is immature and full of anger!" Chen Jiu deliberately irritated the man, and the stone of Mando was smashed by him again and again, the magnetic fields around him also increased. Getting stronger.

This strength is strong and weak, Chen Jiu is relying on the power of thousands of ways. Although the eternal Taoism is strong, after all, it still does not reach the level of chaos, like floating dust, and cannot play all its functions!

‘Boom ...’ An incredible blow. This time, Chen Jiu went up with a stone ball, and he suddenly smashed the crystals, coughed forever, and stunned.

"You ..." Eternal surprise, really unacceptable.

"Your grandpa is here, don't rush to kneel yet!" Chen Jiu shouted, and continued to drop the stone ball with great force. The powerful 10,000 magnetic fields made it extremely noble and honorable. It is that the king of the gods who overwhelms the ordinary lives is invincible and cannot be defeated and rebellious.

‘Boom…’ Unsurprisingly, Eternal, despite his best efforts to resist, was still smashed and flew away. He coughed up blood.

Escape, at this time in the eternal heart, there is a hint of very humiliating and shameful, but in the face of Chen Jiu, who is getting stronger and stronger, like the rebirth of the **** king, he is really powerless!

‘Boom bang ...’ Chen Jiujun came to the world, the Jedi came back, this time he repeatedly shot, floating eternally in the avenue, the figure is unstable, **** blood thousands of miles.

"Is it so powerful?" Mu Dongxi and Fang Liang glanced at the stone ball in the hands of Chen Jiu.

These people, who are temporary offensive and defensive alliances, can't really focus on one's heart. At the critical moment, they still think that the dead friends will not die!

"Do n’t, stop, stop first!" Eternally relentlessly, he finally hid in Shen Jing, and couldn't stand the powerful quake.

"Grandson, shout Grandpa, come and listen!" Chen Jiu proudly held the stone ball, threatened, and continued to drop without slowness.

"Ah, you're so restless, you're going to die!" Eternally struck and retreated, crossing the eternal river, Chen Jiu could not catch up with him for a while.

"Eternity, you waste, aren't you the main god? You still have a face to run?" Chen Jiu pursued, scolded, and constantly bombarded, which not only lost Eternity's face, but also made him almost desperate. .

"Who ran away, I'm just breathing hard?" Eternally struck back, his face swollen. Red, with bitter self-knowledge.

"Eternity, now dare to say that you are the first hard? Why not dare to come over and collide?" Chen Jiuyang was proud and very angry.

"Huh, although you're hardened, but that's it!" Eternal was obviously reluctant to approve.

"Really? Then I'll show you the real anger!" Chen Jiuyi smiled, slamming the Dadaohe under his feet, carrying the respect of Wandao.

‘Boom ...’ Thousands of pressures, entering the river as much as possible, this blow can be described as extraordinary, all of a sudden the river channel twisted. Qu surging.

"What? You can't ..." Eternal reprimand, but it's useless at all, Chen Jiu is like holding a Dinghaishenzhu, and with a slight movement, the river is overturned and almost cut off!

‘Boom Boom ...’ So many times, the Eternal Avenue could n’t stand it. It broke on the spot and could n’t restrain about two more people.

The fish returned to the sea and lost the shackles of this eternal avenue. Chen Jiu was even more like a fish, which was even more powerful and powerful.

"Eternity, take your life!" Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Jiu smashed all kinds of stones to eternity, and the strong magnetic field restrained him, even causing him to temporarily lose his ability to act.

'boom! ’A muffled sound, the **** crystal shocked, and some who could n’t bear it, shocked eternity, too hard, right? Is he really the ancestor of Shenjing? The hardest in the world? It seems that some people have been beaten silly, and some absurd ideas have appeared in the eternal heart.

"Haha, at this moment you are not dead yet?" Chen Jiuda laughed, holding the stone, forcing him to eternity with great majesty, making him trembled.

"Hold up, otherwise they will die!" But at this moment, the voice of threat reappeared, and saw Mu Dongxi and Fang Liang, staring at the turtle and stealing it with bad intentions.

"The game is over, friends!" The four-eyed **** child turned white, his face suddenly fierce. Fierce, four eyeballs flickered and shot two beams.

‘噗噗…’ The two beams, like spikes, stabbed straight at the turtle and stole them, and penetrated their chests in an instant, smashing them into serious injuries.

"Stop it!" Seeing this scene, Chen Jiu gave up eternity decisively, instead carrying a stone ball, he slammed into the four-eyed **** son severely.

'boom! ‘A powerful man like the four-eyed **** son, a person who was still smashed open by the respect of the Man of Thousands and could not defeat the enemy, Chen Jiu timely rescued the two from danger.

"Brother, you shouldn't care about us!" With guilt all over her, the turtle stole that they knew Chen Jiu had lost a great opportunity.

"People can stay and kill again. If you are dead, where can I find such a good brother?" Chen Jiu smiled indifferently and didn't care.

"Big brother ..." tears filled their eyes, and both were extremely moved.

‘Boom…’ At this time, Shi Zhongyu was also forced by Li Ming to retreat. The two sides were breathing for a short while, and it was clear that the enemy and me were clear again.

This battle is obviously not over, because their eternity is still greedy. Extremely greedy!

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