Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2719: Fly Immortal

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Sacred and clear, empty and holy, a galaxy hangs for nine days, and the stream flows endlessly into a palace full of magic. ~~~~

Looking at all this, everyone who comes here will feel the washing of mind and body by divine power, and the evil in that heart will follow, with great ease and emptiness.

"Where is this?" Several figures, looking at each other in shock, were extremely surprised.

"Is it Feixianjiao?" Several people thought of a possibility, and they were all surprised, but then they were extremely worried. "Boss, where is he?"

"Yeah, the boss is here!" Turtle stole the sharp eyes, and immediately found a withered figure, which was Chen Jiu's, and fell beside them.

"Boss ..." Seeing Chen Jiu's appearance, his voice choked, all three were extremely sad. "For our boss to become like this, in the future, we must avenge him!"

The three, not others, were Shi Zhongyu, Turtle Stealing, and Immediately saved by Jiu Jiu. After being admitted to Jiu Jiu Jiuzhong, they appeared inexplicably here. Naturally, they were extremely confused.

‘Dang Dang…’ Suddenly, there were melodious bells in the palace, and the misty incense was rising to the sky, symbolizing its prosperity and prosperity.

"What's going on? Could all this be a thing of the past, is the Fei Xian religion still prosperous?" The three guessed in surprise, no doubt they could not understand.

"I've heard that anyone who enters the Feixiang Church can get great fortune. Since we have a chance to come here, why not go in and ask for it. If we can treat the boss, we can have no regrets!" Immediately looking around, I looked forward to it.

"Yes, we can abandon our good fortune and just ask the boss to be safe!" Shi Zhongyu, naturally, they have no meaning to this.

"Let's go, be careful, it should be fine!" In fact, when this step was reached, the turtles had no choice but to go deep into Chen Jiu.

The green tiles are clean. Although the Fei Xianjiao does not look luxurious, but there are some civilians, once you set foot and take a closer look, you will find that these ordinary green tiles are all gems, transparent and beautiful, even Ordinary floor tiles are paved by pieces of **** crystals!

"Is this too extravagant? Fei Xianjiao is so rich that it is impossible?" Shi Zhongyu touched his head, only enviously. "How do I feel that I am not as good as a tile here?"

"Don't be discouraged, look carefully. There are countless faiths nourishing here. This has made everything evolve and become a treasure of God, and you will always have a day to fade!" Turtle stole explained it kindly.

"Ah, head!" Carrying Chen Jiu immediately, he screamed suddenly, and really stepped back a few steps.

It was scattered and scattered, in front of several people, not only had heads, but also a lot of skeletons. Looking at that, the glittering ones were all extraordinary!

"Is this ... the deceased then?" Shi Zhongyu couldn't help but feel sad and sad when they watched. Feixian taught back to the king of the gods. What a heyday it was, but in the end, it was nothing more than a smoke.

'Wowa ...' A few people haven't come back to God yet, but when they saw him, there were several fairies. They stood up and down and quickly put these people on a caravan. That looks like trash, it seems to be thrown away.

"I'm sorry, the founder has only recently returned. I haven't had time to clean up the courtyard. I have disturbed several VIPs. Please don't mind!" The fairy wore a holy flying fairy white coat, her eyebrows flowing, with a veil, muscles and skin. It can be broken, and at a glance, you know that it is a peerless beauty. They whispered softly, and it was impossible to get the slightest anger.

"What? Organize the courtyard, so your leader is really alive?" Although it was a bit rude, they didn't think much about Shi Zhongyu.

"Naturally, we teach the Lord to love the world and be respected and admired by all people. That is immortality and immortality. How could they die?" The fairies were slightly angry, but also showed their worship of the leader.

"I'm sorry, we're out of nowhere!" He immediately apologized, and then asked: "We are fortunate to have come to Fei Xianjiao. I don't know what those inscriptions recorded in those years still count?"

"You are talking about good things?" Fairy nodded in understanding, and then said, "The core of our Feixiang religion, those who come here organically, can naturally get corresponding good things, but I also advise you Do n’t be too greedy. If you ask us, we will be filled with Fei Xian. If you ca n’t, you can only come here for nothing! "

"I don't know what to ask you to be full. Can't you?" The Turtle Steal was just a cautious inquiry, who knows that his eyes have been misunderstood by others.

"Well, a disciple like you wouldn't have that door if you wanted to marry his wife here!" The fairy Ling Ran reprimanded and was very dissatisfied with stealing the turtle.

"I ..." Turtle stole blushing, very embarrassed. She quickly explained, "Fairy is not strange, I didn't mean that!"

"I repeat, all of us are immortals. If this precept is broken, then we are not qualified to continue serving the Lord. I urge you to die that heart!" The fairy is proud and blame it again. .

"I ..." The Turtle Steal was very aggrieved at this time. That's fine. Why misunderstand us?

"Tortoise brothers, the fairies are right. You want to find a wife with a lot of women outside. You can't see the fairies of other people, you are not good. If you do this again, I won't be your brother!" Shi Zhongyu smiled, but could not help but persuade.

"You guys ..." The turtle was dumbfounded and just ate the dumb loss. "For the boss, I won't care about you!"

"Holy Fairy Master, we don't have the flying fairy **** key, can we really get the good fortune?" Shi Zhongyu was careful and couldn't help asking again.

"God's key is for our followers. You outsiders don't believe in Feixian. You don't need the god's key!" The fairy glanced at Shi Zhongyu and didn't look at him squarely. It looks like there is no beauty at all.

"That's the case, thank you Fairy, I don't know when we will be able to obtain good fortune?" Shi Zhongyu also asked a bit awkwardly.

"Wait, when the leader is free, then I will meet you!" The fairy is not so kind as it was just now, it seems to be stolen by the turtle, but also said in a regular way: "You can teach Let ’s walk first and feel the gospel we teach! "

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