Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2720: See the leader

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"But Fairy, someone on our side urgently needs help ..." Immediately asked, but the fairies didn't understand it at all. They pushed the car directly and went to the place to clean up the bones. <

"This ... these fairies, they are quite good in shape, they shouldn't be too bad, but they are just too impersonal!" Turtle peeking at their backs and couldn't help complaining.

"Turtle steals, it seems you still think about them, no wonder the fairies will hate us, it's all because of you!" Shi Zhongyu accused immediately.

"Huh, that's better than someone. No one else takes you straight to see you strong!" Turtle thief also said unwillingly.

"You ... if you have the ability, can you let us see their leader soon?" Shi Zhongyu no longer arguing with Turtle about that kind of thing, but provoked others.

"Leader? All the fairies below are so clear and clear. The flying goddess is naturally a dazzling dazzling eye, like a pearl in the sky. Is that what we want to see? Can we wait to be honest!" I can't, complimented him for a while.

"Hey, we can't afford to wait, just don't know if the boss can't afford to wait!" I immediately stunned Chen Jiu, very worried.

"As soon as we come, let's go elsewhere. By the way, let the boss listen to these gospels. It shouldn't continue to worsen!" Shi Zhongyu shook his head helplessly, and the three of them couldn't help but walk through the Fei Xianjiao. Walked inward.

Feixianjiao, it doesn't look much outside, but it really enters into it, and it's also outer nine, inner nine, and layers. Each layer has different specifications and grades!

The so-called believers, according to the strength of their beliefs, naturally need to be distributed at all levels. This is similar to the rule of power and is a pyramid structure.

Surprisingly, the Fei Xian religion is very big, and the incense is full of flourishes, but inside, except for the constantly walking female Christian, it seems that there are no other pilgrims!

Among the full religion, only some beautiful and disgusting female Christians are doing everything to clean up the bones. At first glance, the combination of beauty and ugliness, coldness and ruthless entanglement. The end is somewhat heart-wrenching. Those who are cold, are afraid of again and again.

"His, you said we wouldn't come to Yin Cao Difu, right?" The turtle stole the breath and was very worried.

"What local government, don't talk nonsense, I see these things, 80% are also phantoms, they stick to the rules, but only carry out the obsession of the year, we don't disturb them, just leave the good fortune!" Shi Zhongyu shouted, also Give your reasons.

"Maybe so, let's go over there and see. The bell just seemed to come from there!" I immediately acknowledged this statement and walked to the side carrying Chen Jiu.

‘Dang Dang…’ There really was a bell again, but it ’s not as bright as it was just now, it seems to be just a kind of spiritual induction, extremely magical.

Walking across a courtyard, a big white clock was parked in front of the crowd. It didn't ring, but standing in front of it, the bell in my heart was constantly ringing, bringing greatness to people. Tranquility and comfort!

This kind of bells breaks the heart demon and eliminates evil and evil, giving people a sense of detachment from standing on the ground. At such a station, a few people got drunk on the spot.

"Hey, a few of you are awake, we will teach you to meet you!" Until the unpleasant drinking and resounding sounded, the turtle stole them and woke up for a look. It was the fairies who had encountered them before.

"Oh, thank you Fairy, I don't know what the name of this bell is. Why is our mind so easily lost in front of it?" The turtle secretly asked with gratitude.

"Don't think about the idea of ​​this precious clock, but this clock is used by Feixianjiao to convey all kinds of news!" The fairy glanced warily, very seriously.

"I ... I just asked casually, God, am I really like a bad guy?" The turtle yelled unjustly, and was really aggrieved.

"Fairy, rest assured, there is me here, this kid dare not ask more!" Shi Zhongyu took a brave call, but the fairy did not appreciate it at all.

"Leave it!" The fairy led the way, and without hesitation to a few people, didn't listen to any of their explanations, she just walked to the central hall.

"Feixian Temple", this is the most advanced power hub of Feixianism. Here, several proud fairies can't help but look respectful and dare not let it go.

The sacred atmosphere is more intense. Although it is just looking outside, this hall is constantly bathing. Bathing in the river of faith for nine days, it makes it look extremely glorious and divine.

Such a place, Mo said to go in, it is a great honor to look outside.

"When you get inside, the leader asks you what you say. If you dare to be rude to the leader and make the leader angry, you won't be able to get out of the flying fairy religion!" Solemnly explained, several fairies didn't go in, but guided Then let the turtles steal them in.

"Otherwise ... let's go?" Turtle stole at this moment, looking at the sacred palace, but some played a retreat and was repeatedly treated as a bad guy, which made him lose his confidence and some dare not face him. correct.

"If you don't do bad things, don't be afraid of a ghost knocking on the door. Now that you're here, how can you not go in?" Shi Zhongyu, however, was holding his head up and striding forward.

"For the boss, the sword, the mountain and the sea must also make a breakthrough!" Immediately and firmly, he stepped towards the sacred hall.

"Hey, wait for me ..." Turtle stole a glance back at those lonely fairies, without a trace of emotion, and even made his heart cold, and quickly followed him.

Brilliant, vast and vast. In this temple, the void image is manifested, and hundreds of millions of people are praying in Labai.

These figures, one by one, are like angels, with golden circles behind their heads, which are quite sacred. They seem to have been enlightened by God. They have really lived forever, like immortals.

The whole atmosphere in the hall was based on faith and prayer, and was placed under such a group of people. The unconscious turtle stole them, and it became solemn. There was a urge to believe in the flying fairy religion.

In this way, with great awe and expectation, the three came to the stage one after the other, looking at the **** who is sitting on the Feixian religion and enjoying billions of souls worshiping eternity.

‘Zi ...’ Her body is shining with a strong light, which makes it impossible to see clearly, but the figure of Nao.Na definitely shows her identity, she is the same woman!

How many people can a woman have with such great achievements?

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