Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2734: Strongest gene

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What? According to what you said, wouldn't it be natural for your men to tune in and play with our women?" Fei Xianer even straightened his mouth and disagreed. ~~~~

"It still depends on the purpose. If it's for the purpose of getting married, it's not a joke or a rogue!" Chen Jiuzhen explained, and even came out and said, "For example, fairy you, At first it wasn't for the fact that you weren't wearing clothes. Lead me, can I get along with you? "

"You ... you don't want to talk nonsense, okay? Obviously you are bullying. You lied to me, and I got on your thief's boat, OK?" Fei Xianer preached anxiously.

"You see, we didn't start with playing tricks. The most important thing is that we are happy, that's it!" Chen Jiu smiled slightly, which was extremely convincing.

"Okay, okay, it doesn't matter if you're reasonable, it's not enough for someone to perform with you!" Fei Xianer said that Chen Jiu's, but he agreed to his request, and felt faint.

In this way, the two separated again, transfiguring the sun, the moon, the rivers, and the lakes, creating a paradise-like scene.

The sunrise is done, and the sun is gone. Chen Jiu is holding an old cow. It is hard labor, day after day, year after year, without any early days!

This kind of life lasted, maybe it could not end until the moment of Chen Jiu's death, but he was fortunate to be facing a beautiful Tianhu Lake.

The Tianhu Lake is clean and spotless. It is a kind of mist that has been transpiration for many years.

On this day, Chen Jiu came to drink water with a cow, and faintly saw a fairy, who was bathing in the lake. Although he couldn't see clearly, he knew that it was the real fairy goddess. .

Regardless of indecent assault, Chen Jiu was supposed to leave at this time, but the old cow couldn't get away with it, and he was forced to steal the fairy's clothes.

Chen Jiuwan was reluctant, but he still had to live on the old cow, so he was forced to steal clothes and stole a love.

It can be seen that there is usually a successful instigator behind the rogue. The instigator may not have a good intention at the beginning, but the result he inadvertently makes is happy!

Starting from stealing clothes, although Chen Jiu was punished by a small child, the fairy also discovered his simplicity and kindness, and fell in love with him ever since.

Fairy Sifan, solitary. Widows live together, the love breeds, the love is diffused, the next thing, naturally, is logical.

In a simple wedding, Chen Jiu married the fairy, and he encountered his first joy in his life, Dongfang.

Amazing, beautiful, dusty, and holy, the fairy sitting on the bedside of her bed in a white seamless robe, Chen Jiuyi, really felt like she had become a cowboy, and was lucky enough to meet a real fairy.

Next, the sacred moment finally came, and Chen Jiuji moved forward, it was little by little, watching and enjoying the purity and beauty of this fairy, tenderness and tenderness, this kind of only gods have The qualifications are so wonderful that even a mortal can get them, but that's pretty beautiful!

"Fu Jun, you are so good!" Especially, watching the submission and acceptance of the fairy in front of her, Chen Jiu was a man, and that was nothing to be proud of.

She was high above her, but she surrendered in front of herself. For nine days, she was willing to stay in her arms ... Chen Jiu couldn't help but immerse herself, she just didn't want to be sober!

"Fu Jun, sorry to make up for it, then it's time to do something serious!" Although Fei Xian'er is beautiful, she undoubtedly wants something more beautiful.

"Uh, I was negligent!" Chen Jiu could not help but shift the target.

Just now, I mainly used the back of Fei Xianer to make up for her first regret, but that kind of thing is still imaginary and cannot be compared with real love.

"This ..." After being truly in love, Chen Jiu was instantly happy and shocked, and sighed that this was himself. If it was a real cowboy, then I would be drunk to death!

Fei Xianer's best is by no means idle. Chen Jiu believes that even a real fairy must not have such a wonderful sense of her. That is people sucking, poisoning, fascinating, drunk, and sinking.

‘Zi ...’ God ’s light is beginning to rise. This time, Chen Jiu and Fei Xianer have truly reached a sympathetic resonance.

The genes are complementary, and the advantages and disadvantages are interchangeable. The body of Fei Xianer is contained at this time, but that is the gene of Fei Xian's founder.

"This ... Xianer, what is the number of your genes?" Chen Jiu could not help but ask in surprise, feeling the surging gene movement.

"Uh, about 50 billion!" Fei Xianer paused and preached drunk.

"What? 50 billion, you are indeed an old antique!" Chen Jiuyi couldn't help but feel a little bit surprised at the beginning.

"Fu Jun, are you abandoning your old age?" Fei Xian'er was a little sullen. Even a woman, no matter how tender, was afraid to be said to be old.

"No, I just expressed special shock at the number of your genes!" Chen Jiu quickly explained, naturally there was no meaning of disapproval.

"You are surprised at only 50 billion yuan. You must know that people are still corpses now. The true number of genes of Feixian should be around 100 billion yuan!" Feixianer casually broke the news. .

"One hundred billion, my God, how strong is this?" Chen Jiu was so surprised that he stopped, it was a little ashamed.

"I don't know how strong others are now, but it seems vaguely reminiscent of the fact that they belonged to the strongest gene in the past, and even the King of Immortals was ashamed!" Fei Xianer said proudly.

"The strongest gene, isn't the King of Immortals better than you?" Chen Jiu's eyes widened again. He was speechless for a long time there. What kind of wife did we marry?

"Hey, can't you come? Why not move!" Chen Jiu's inaction did not make Fei Xian'er grumbled his mouth. As a woman, she was not fed at this moment. That is naturally a big opinion.

"Oh, come, why don't you come? Marrying such a strongest genetic wife, how can I not come?" Chen Jiu returned to the gods, and even felt that the happiness of the whole person almost could not find the North.

Fei Xianer, she is not only a bright fairy, but also the owner of the strongest gene. She is the most dazzling woman in the world, whether in the past, the future, or the present. Such a woman is like a fairy. Like, it is noble to the point of trembling. Any man who comes to them will be scared and scared.

But now, even if she had the opportunity to work with her, repair, and enjoy her beauty at will, how could Chen Jiu not grasp the opportunity well?

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